        /// <summary>
        /// Write an array of bytes. The array data is provided as a
        /// <see cref="ReadOnlySpan{T}">ReadOnlySpan</see>&lt;<see cref="byte"/>&gt;, and deserialized to a byte array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="span">The array data.</param>
        public void WriteValue(ReadOnlySpan <byte> span)
            int length = span.Length;

            switch (length)
            case 0:

            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:


            var elementType = typeof(byte);

            LorettaDebug.Assert(s_typeMap[elementType] == EncodingKind.UInt8);

            WritePrimitiveType(elementType, EncodingKind.UInt8);

            // BinaryWriter in .NET Framework does not support ReadOnlySpan<byte>, so we use a temporary buffer to write
            // arrays of data. The buffer is chosen to be no larger than 8K, which avoids allocations in the large
            // object heap.
            var buffer = new byte[Math.Min(length, 8192)];
            for (int offset = 0; offset < length; offset += buffer.Length)
                var segmentLength = Math.Min(buffer.Length, length - offset);
                span.Slice(offset, segmentLength).CopyTo(buffer.AsSpan());
                _writer.Write(buffer, 0, segmentLength);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get maximum char count needed to decode the entire stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">Stream is so big that max char count can't fit in <see cref="int"/>.</exception>
        internal static int GetMaxCharCountOrThrowIfHuge(this Encoding encoding, Stream stream)
            long length = stream.Length;

            if (encoding.TryGetMaxCharCount(length, out int maxCharCount))

            throw new IOException(CodeStyleResources.Stream_is_too_long);
            throw new IOException(WorkspacesResources.Stream_is_too_long);
            throw new IOException(CodeAnalysisResources.StreamIsTooLong);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a <see cref="ObjectWriter"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="leaveOpen">True to leave the <paramref name="stream"/> open after the <see cref="ObjectWriter"/> is disposed.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token.</param>
        public ObjectWriter(
            Stream stream,
            bool leaveOpen = false,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            // String serialization assumes both reader and writer to be of the same endianness.
            // It can be adjusted for BigEndian if needed.

            _writer             = new BinaryWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8, leaveOpen);
            _objectReferenceMap = new WriterReferenceMap(valueEquality: false);
            _stringReferenceMap = new WriterReferenceMap(valueEquality: true);
            _cancellationToken  = cancellationToken;

            // Capture a copy of the current static binder state.  That way we don't have to
            // access any locks while we're doing our processing.
            _binderSnapshot = ObjectBinder.GetSnapshot();

        private ObjectReader(
            Stream stream,
            bool leaveOpen,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // String serialization assumes both reader and writer to be of the same endianness.
            // It can be adjusted for BigEndian if needed.

            _reader             = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8, leaveOpen);
            _objectReferenceMap = ReaderReferenceMap <object> .Create();

            _stringReferenceMap = ReaderReferenceMap <string> .Create();

            // Capture a copy of the current static binder state.  That way we don't have to
            // access any locks while we're doing our processing.
            _binderSnapshot = ObjectBinder.GetSnapshot();

            _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
        public object ReadValue()
            var oldDepth = _recursionDepth;


            object value;

            if (_recursionDepth % ObjectWriter.MaxRecursionDepth == 0)
                // If we're recursing too deep, move the work to another thread to do so we
                // don't blow the stack.
                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(

                // We must not proceed until the additional task completes. After returning from a read, the underlying
                // stream providing access to raw memory will be closed; if this occurs before the separate thread
                // completes its read then an access violation can occur attempting to read from unmapped memory.
                // CANCELLATION: If cancellation is required, DO NOT attempt to cancel the operation by cancelling this
                // wait. Cancellation must only be implemented by modifying 'task' to cancel itself in a timely manner
                // so the wait can complete.
                value = task.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                value = ReadValueWorker();

            LorettaDebug.Assert(oldDepth == _recursionDepth);

        internal static bool TextEqualsASCII(string text, ReadOnlySpan <byte> ascii)
            for (var i = 0; i < ascii.Length; i++)
                LorettaDebug.Assert((ascii[i] & 0x80) == 0, $"The {nameof(ascii)} input to this method must be valid ASCII.");

            if (ascii.Length != text.Length)

            for (var i = 0; i < ascii.Length; i++)
                if (ascii[i] != text[i])

        public void WriteValue(object?value)
            LorettaDebug.Assert(value == null || !value.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsEnum, "Enum should not be written with WriteValue.  Write them as ints instead.");

            if (value == null)

            var type     = value.GetType();
            var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();

            LorettaDebug.Assert(!typeInfo.IsEnum, "Enums should not be written with WriteObject.  Write them out as integers instead.");

            // Perf: Note that JIT optimizes each expression value.GetType() == typeof(T) to a single register comparison.
            // Also the checks are sorted by commonality of the checked types.

            // The primitive types are
            // Boolean, Byte, SByte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32,
            // Int64, UInt64, IntPtr, UIntPtr, Char, Double, and Single.
            if (typeInfo.IsPrimitive)
                // Note: int, double, bool, char, have been chosen to go first as they're they
                // common values of literals in code, and so would be the likely hits if we do
                // have a primitive type we're serializing out.
                if (value.GetType() == typeof(int))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(double))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(bool))
                    _writer.Write((byte)((bool)value ? EncodingKind.Boolean_True : EncodingKind.Boolean_False));
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(char))
                    _writer.Write((ushort)(char)value);    // written as ushort because BinaryWriter fails on chars that are unicode surrogates
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(byte))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(short))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(long))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(sbyte))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(float))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ushort))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(uint))
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ulong))
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(value.GetType());
            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(decimal))
            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(string))
            else if (type.IsArray)
                var instance = (Array)value;

                if (instance.Rank > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Arrays_with_more_than_one_dimension_cannot_be_serialized);

            else if (value is Encoding encoding)
                WriteObject(instance: value, instanceAsWritable: null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the new change ranges into the old change ranges, adjusting the new ranges to be with respect to the original text
        /// (with neither old or new changes applied) instead of with respect to the original text after "old changes" are applied.
        /// This may require splitting, concatenation, etc. of individual change ranges.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Both `oldChanges` and `newChanges` must contain non-overlapping spans in ascending order.
        /// </remarks>
        public static ImmutableArray <TextChangeRange> Merge(ImmutableArray <TextChangeRange> oldChanges, ImmutableArray <TextChangeRange> newChanges)
            // Earlier steps are expected to prevent us from ever reaching this point with empty change sets.
            if (oldChanges.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException($"'{nameof(oldChanges)}' must not be empty.", nameof(oldChanges));

            if (newChanges.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException($"'{nameof(newChanges)}' must not be empty.", nameof(newChanges));

            var builder = ArrayBuilder <TextChangeRange> .GetInstance();

            var oldChange = oldChanges[0];
            var newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(newChanges[0]);

            var oldIndex = 0;
            var newIndex = 0;

            // The sum of characters inserted by old changes minus characters deleted by old changes.
            // This value must be adjusted whenever characters from an old change are added to `builder`.
            var oldDelta = 0;

            // In this loop we "zip" together potentially overlapping old and new changes.
            // It's important that when overlapping changes are found, we don't consume past the end of the overlapping section until the next iteration.
            // so that we don't miss scenarios where the section after the overlap we found itself overlaps with another change
            // e.g.:
            // [-------oldChange1------]
            // [--newChange1--]   [--newChange2--]
            while (true)
                if (oldChange.Span.Length == 0 && oldChange.NewLength == 0)
                    // old change does not insert or delete any characters, so it can be dropped to no effect.
                    if (tryGetNextOldChange())
                else if (newChange.SpanLength == 0 && newChange.NewLength == 0)
                    // new change does not insert or delete any characters, so it can be dropped to no effect.
                    if (tryGetNextNewChange())
                else if (newChange.SpanEnd <= oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta)
                    // new change is entirely before old change, so just take the new change
                    //                old[--------]
                    // new[--------]
                    adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, newChange);
                    if (tryGetNextNewChange())
                else if (newChange.SpanStart >= oldChange.NewEnd() + oldDelta)
                    // new change is entirely after old change, so just take the old change
                    // old[--------]
                    //                new[--------]
                    addAndAdjustOldDelta(builder, ref oldDelta, oldChange);
                    if (tryGetNextOldChange())
                else if (newChange.SpanStart < oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta)
                    // new change starts before old change, but the new change deletion overlaps with the old change insertion
                    // note: 'd' represents a deleted character, 'a' represents a character inserted by an old change, and 'b' represents a character inserted by a new change.
                    //    old|dddddd|
                    //       |aaaaaa|
                    // ---------------
                    // new|dddddd|
                    //    |bbbbbb|

                    // align the new change and old change start by consuming the part of the new deletion before the old change
                    // (this only deletes characters of the original text)
                    // old|dddddd|
                    //    |aaaaaa|
                    // ---------------
                    // new|ddd|
                    //    |bbbbbb|
                    var newChangeLeadingDeletion = oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta - newChange.SpanStart;
                    adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, new UnadjustedNewChange(newChange.SpanStart, newChangeLeadingDeletion, newLength: 0));
                    newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta, newChange.SpanLength - newChangeLeadingDeletion, newChange.NewLength);
                else if (newChange.SpanStart > oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta)
                    // new change starts after old change, but overlaps
                    // old|dddddd|
                    //    |aaaaaa|
                    // ---------------
                    //    new|dddddd|
                    //       |bbbbbb|

                    // align the old change to the new change by consuming the part of the old change which is before the new change.
                    //    old|ddd|
                    //       |aaa|
                    // ---------------
                    //    new|dddddd|
                    //       |bbbbbb|

                    var oldChangeLeadingInsertion = newChange.SpanStart - (oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta);
                    // we must make sure to delete at most as many characters as the entire oldChange deletes
                    var oldChangeLeadingDeletion = Math.Min(oldChange.Span.Length, oldChangeLeadingInsertion);
                    addAndAdjustOldDelta(builder, ref oldDelta, new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(oldChange.Span.Start, oldChangeLeadingDeletion), oldChangeLeadingInsertion));
                    oldChange = new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(newChange.SpanStart - oldDelta, oldChange.Span.Length - oldChangeLeadingDeletion), oldChange.NewLength - oldChangeLeadingInsertion);
                    // old and new change start at same adjusted position
                    LorettaDebug.Assert(newChange.SpanStart == oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta);

                    if (newChange.SpanLength <= oldChange.NewLength)
                        // new change deletes fewer characters than old change inserted
                        // old|dddddd|
                        //    |aaaaaa|
                        // ---------------
                        // new|ddd|
                        //    |bbbbbb|

                        // - apply the new change deletion to the old change insertion
                        //    old|dddddd|
                        //       |aaa|
                        // ---------------
                        // new||
                        //    |bbbbbb|
                        // - move the new change insertion forward by the same amount as its consumed deletion to remain aligned with the old change.
                        // (because the old change and new change have the same adjusted start position, the new change insertion appears directly before the old change insertion in the final text)
                        //    old|dddddd|
                        //       |aaa|
                        // ---------------
                        //    new||
                        //       |bbbbbb|

                        oldChange = new TextChangeRange(oldChange.Span, oldChange.NewLength - newChange.SpanLength);

                        // the new change deletion is equal to the subset of the old change insertion that we are consuming this iteration
                        oldDelta += newChange.SpanLength;

                        // since the new change insertion occurs before the old change, consume it now
                        newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(newChange.SpanEnd, spanLength: 0, newChange.NewLength);
                        adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, newChange);
                        if (tryGetNextNewChange())
                        // new change deletes more characters than old change inserted
                        // old|d|
                        //    |aa|
                        // ---------------
                        // new|ddd|
                        //    |bbb|

                        // merge the old change into the new change:
                        // - new change deletion deletes all of the old change insertion. reduce the new change deletion accordingly
                        //   old|d|
                        //      ||
                        // ---------------
                        // new|d|
                        //    |bbb|
                        // - old change deletion is simply added to the new change deletion.
                        //  old||
                        //     ||
                        // ---------------
                        // new|dd|
                        //    |bbb|
                        // - new change is moved to put its adjusted position equal to the old change we just merged in
                        //  old||
                        //     ||
                        // ---------------
                        //  new|dd|
                        //     |bbb|

                        // adjust the oldDelta to reflect that the old change has been consumed
                        oldDelta = oldDelta - oldChange.Span.Length + oldChange.NewLength;

                        var newDeletion = newChange.SpanLength + oldChange.Span.Length - oldChange.NewLength;
                        newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta, newDeletion, newChange.NewLength);
                        if (tryGetNextOldChange())

            // there may be remaining old changes or remaining new changes (not both, and not neither)
            switch (oldIndex == oldChanges.Length, newIndex == newChanges.Length)