public override void Stop() { if (thread != null && thread.IsAlive) { thread.Abort(); } AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{4 UP}{CTRLUP}", 0); Console.WriteLine("Auto laugh state changed off"); }
public void AutoSmiteFunc() { while (true) { foreach (Minion minion in Engine.GetAll <Minion>()) { //Console.WriteLine(; if ("SRU") && !"Mini") && !"Wall")) //temporary workaround for the new summoners rift { if (!minion.IsVisible()) //must be visible to smite { continue; } if (minion.hp > 0 && !minion.isDead) { MainChampion myHero = Champion.Me; if (myHero == null) { break; } if (minion.hp < minion.maxhp && myHero.DistanceFrom(minion) < SMITE_RANGE && Engine.CanCastSpell(smiteKey)) { Engine.FloatingText(minion, "Ready To Smite", MessageType.Red); Console.WriteLine("written ready to smite"); } int myLevel = myHero.level; if (myLevel < 1 || myLevel > 18) // happens sometimes when the game ends { break; } if (minion.hp <= smiteDmg[myLevel - 1]) { //check distance if (myHero.DistanceFrom(minion) < SMITE_RANGE && Engine.CanCastSpell(smiteKey)) { //maybe install a mouse hook to disable mouse movement while moving mouse and smiting Console.WriteLine("smiting " + + DateTime.Now); //move camera Engine.LookAtTarget(minion); AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_MouseMove(Win32.GetSystemMetrics(0) / 2, Win32.GetSystemMetrics(1) / 2, 0); AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send(smiteKey, 0); } } } } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); } }
public frmGUI() { AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Opt("SendKeyDownDelay", 100); myDelegate = hookFunction; InitializeComponent(); rdbInjectManually.Checked = false; btnInject.Enabled = false; foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses()) { if (p.ProcessName == "League of Legends") { if (Injector.AlreadyInjected(p, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + dllName)) { new Thread(delegate() { Thread.Sleep(100); AfterInject(); }).Start(); } break; } } modules = new List <Module>(); modules.Add(new AutoLaugh(Keys.F9, 5, 5)); modules.Add(new AutoSmite(Keys.F8, 5, 25, rdbSmiteF.Checked ? "F" : "D")); modules.Add(new IgniteIndicator(Keys.F7, 5, 45)); modules.Add(new WardRevealer(Keys.F6, 5, 65)); modules.Add(new CloneDetector(Keys.F5, 5, 85)); hookPtr = SetWindowsHookEx(13, myDelegate, IntPtr.Zero, 0); //WH_KEYBOARD_LL=13 if (hookPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to hook"); Close(); } Console.WriteLine("keyboard hook installed"); //im a hooker yo }
public void AutoLaughFunc() { while (true) { IntPtr hWnd = Win32.FindWindow(null, "League of Legends (TM) Client"); if (Engine.IsLolRunning) { if (Win32.GetForegroundWindow() == hWnd) { AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{CTRLDOWN}4{CTRLUP}", 0); Console.WriteLine("Laugh"); } } else { Stop(); return; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } }