static public Part RdfToPart(INode node, RdfRules triples) { SIProlog.checkNode(node); if (node is IVariableNode) { var vnode = (IVariableNode)node; return(new Variable(vnode.VariableName)); } if (node is IGraphLiteralNode) { var vnode = (IGraphLiteralNode)node; throw ErrorBadOp("RDFToPart: on " + vnode); } if (node is IBlankNode) { var vnode = (IBlankNode)node; var atom = Atom.MakeNodeAtom(vnode); return(atom); node = triples.def.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("_:" + vnode.InternalID)); } if (node is IUriNode) { var vnode = (IUriNode)node; var atom = Atom.MakeNodeAtom(vnode); return(atom); } // all the below are now Literal Nodes of some type (we divide into "strings", numbers and "strings with"^"meaning" and ILiteralNode litnode = node as ILiteralNode; if (litnode == null) { throw ErrorBadOp("Cant find the nodetype on " + node); } return(Atom.MakeNodeAtomFixme(litnode)); }
private void GetMiniMt(object results, string assertTemplate, string graphKBName, PNode repo, bool show, ICollection <Rule> newRules, TextWriter ruleSources, RdfRules ruleDefs) { assertTemplate = assertTemplate ?? "triple($?s$,$?p$,$?o$).\n"; bool MakeRules = newRules != null && assertTemplate.Trim().EndsWith("."); var outMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); outMap["s"] = "unknownSubject"; outMap["p"] = "unknownPredicate"; outMap["o"] = "unknownObject"; outMap["mt"] =; if (results is SparqlResultSet) { //SELECT/ASK queries give a SparqlResultSet SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("SparqlResultSet.Count = {0}", rset.Count); ConsoleWriteLine("SparqlResultSet:{0}", rset.ToString()); } foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { //Do whatever you want with each Result if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("SparqlResult.Count = {0}", r.Count); ConsoleWriteLine("SparqlResult:{0}", r.ToString()); } var assertIt = assertTemplate; //Do whatever you want with each Triple foreach (string vname in r.Variables) { INode value0 = r[vname]; SIProlog.checkNode(value0); //Graph into = FindGraph(baseURI.AbsoluteUri); INode value = value0.CopyWNode(repo.rdfGraph); string strVal = GraphWithDef.PlReadble(value, ruleDefs); assertIt = assertIt.Replace("$?" + vname + "$", strVal); if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("BIND: {0} = {1}", vname, strVal); } } if (assertIt.Contains("$?s$")) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> map in outMap) { assertIt = assertIt.Replace("$?" + map.Key + "$", map.Value); } } if (MakeRules) { Rule rule = ParseRule(new Tokeniser(assertIt), graphKBName); if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("RULE_IG: {0}", rule); } newRules.Add(rule); } else { if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("TRIPLE_IG: {0}", assertIt); } } if (ruleSources != null) { ruleSources.WriteLine(assertIt); } } } else if (results is IGraph) { //CONSTRUCT/DESCRIBE queries give a IGraph IGraph resGraph = (IGraph)results; var rset = resGraph.Triples; outMap["mt"] = "<" + resGraph.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri + ">"; if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("IGraphResultSet.Count = {0}", rset.Count); ConsoleWriteLine("IGraphResultSet:{0}", rset.ToString()); } foreach (Triple t in rset) { var assertIt = assertTemplate; //Do whatever you want with each Triple outMap["s"] = GraphWithDef.PlReadble(t.Subject, ruleDefs); outMap["p"] = GraphWithDef.PlReadble(t.Predicate, ruleDefs); outMap["o"] = GraphWithDef.PlReadble(t.Object, ruleDefs); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> map in outMap) { assertIt = assertIt.Replace("$?" + map.Key + "$", map.Value); } if (MakeRules) { Rule rule = ParseRule(new Tokeniser(assertIt), graphKBName); if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("RULE_IG: {0}", rule); } newRules.Add(rule); } else { if (show) { ConsoleWriteLine("TRIPLE_IG: {0}", assertIt); } } if (ruleSources != null) { ruleSources.WriteLine(assertIt); } } } else { //If you don't get a SparqlResutlSet or IGraph something went wrong //but didn't throw an exception so you should handle it here if (results == null) { throw ErrorBadOp("ERROR: no Results From NULL Query Object for " + graphKBName); } throw ErrorBadOp("ERROR: Cant how understand " + results.GetType() + " " + results + " to import to " + graphKBName); } }