public static DataTable ConsultaRecibo(ReciboLogica rec) { DataTable datos = new DataTable(); try { string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM t_recibo_mov WHERE recibo = '" + rec.Recibo + "' "; datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar(sQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(datos); }
public static DataTable ListarPendientesRec(ReciboLogica rec) { DataTable datos = new DataTable(); try { string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM t_recibo_mov WHERE cast(f_carga as date) = cast('" + DateTime.Today + "' as date) and ind_print='0' and recibio = '" + rec.Usuario + "'"; datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar(sQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(datos); }
public static DataTable ConsultaOrdenArt(ReciboLogica rec) { DataTable datos = new DataTable(); try { string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM t_recibo_mov WHERE orden = '" + rec.Orden + "' and no_art = '" + rec.Articulo + "' "; datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar(sQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(datos); }
public static bool LocacionPrint(ReciboLogica rec) { try { string sQuery = "UPDATE t_recibo_mov SET ind_print2 = '1',f_print2 = '" + DateTime.Now + "' WHERE recibo = '" + rec.Recibo + "' and consec = " + rec.Consec + " "; if (AccesoDatos.Borrar(sQuery) != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } }
public static bool ConsultaPendientesRec(ReciboLogica rec) { try { string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM t_recibo_mov WHERE cast(f_carga as date) = cast('" + DateTime.Today + "' as date) and ind_print='0' and recibio = '" + rec.Usuario + "'"; DataTable datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar(sQuery); if (datos.Rows.Count != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } }