public static void DrawTree(ExpressionTree tree) { var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); System.Drawing.Image im = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"d:\1.png"); var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(im); DrawNode(graphics, im.Width / 2 - 100, 30, im.Width / 2 + 300, tree.Root); graphics.Save(); im.Save(@"d:\2.png"); }
public static Object DoFunction(String text) { try { UserSession us = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserSession"] as UserSession; if (us == null || us.Machine == null || us.MagMachine == null || us.Helper == null) { throw new Exception("No lexic found"); } List<Object> ret = new List<object>(); String il = ""; int i = 0; us.Machine.Reset(text.Replace("\n", " ")); while (us.Machine.HasNext()) { Token token = us.Machine.GetNextToken();, token); i += token.Value.Length; } foreach (Token t in ret.Add(new { type = t.Type, value = t.Value }); ExpressionTree tree = new ExpressionTree(); us.MagMachine.AnalyzeString(us.Grammar, us.Machine, tree, text.Replace("\n", " "), us.Helper); //CodeGenerator.TryGetIlCode(); //CodeGenerator.Count(0, 2, 1); string ilcode = ""; CodeGenerator cg = new CodeGenerator(); var func = cg.GetFunctionCount(tree.Root, out ilcode); DrawTree(tree); return new { dict = ret, il = il }; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
public void AnalyzeString(Grammar g, ComplexMachine m, ExpressionTree e, String s, Helper h) { List<Int32> rules = new List<int>(); List<Token> usedTokens = new List<Token>(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Analyzing [" + s + "]"); Stack<Token> st = new Stack<Token>(); st.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenType.Q, Value = "0" }); m.Reset(s); Token linetok = null; if (m.HasNext()) linetok = m.GetNextToken(); while (linetok.Type == TokenType.DELIMITER) linetok = m.GetNextToken(); while (st.Count > 0) { //Q Token stacktok = st.Peek(); if (stacktok.Type != TokenType.Q) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unexpected token in stack"); return; } int q = Int32.Parse(stacktok.Value); String x = h.TableF.ContainsKey(linetok.Value) ? linetok.Value : linetok.Type.ToString(); if (!h.TableF.ContainsKey(x)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unknown token " + x); return; } String command = h.TableF[x][q]; if (command.StartsWith("shift")) { st.Push(linetok); linetok = m.GetNextToken(); while (linetok.Type == TokenType.DELIMITER) linetok = m.GetNextToken(); if (linetok.Value == String.Empty) linetok.Value = "lambda"; } else if (command.StartsWith("reduce")) { int rulenum = Int32.Parse(command.Substring(6)); Rule rule = g.Rules[rulenum]; for (int r = rule.Right.Count - 1; r >= 0; r--) { st.Pop(); Token right = st.Pop(); if (!right.Value.Equals(rule.Right[r]) && !right.Type.ToString().Equals(rule.Right[r])) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error while reducing according to rule " + rulenum + ": expected " + rule.Right[r] + ", got " + right); } st.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenType.NONTERM, Value = rule.Left }); //Console.WriteLine("Reduced according to rule " + rulenum); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--------- " + rule.Action); rules.Add(rulenum); } else if (command.StartsWith("accept")) { st.Pop(); Token start = st.Pop(); Token q0 = st.Pop(); if ((st.Count == 0) && start.Value.Equals(g.Start.Right[0]) && q0.Value.Equals("0") && (q0.Type == TokenType.Q)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ACCEPTED"); e.BuildByRules(g,rules, usedTokens); } else System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unexpected end of file"); return; } else { String allowed = String.Empty; foreach (var key in h.TableF.Keys) { if (h.TableF[key][q] != String.Empty) { allowed = key; break; } } throw new Exception("Error: got " + linetok.Value + " while expecting " + allowed); } //not q stacktok = st.Pop(); Token stacktok2 = st.Pop(); q = Int32.Parse(stacktok2.Value); st.Push(stacktok2); st.Push(stacktok); x = h.TableG.ContainsKey(stacktok.Value) ? stacktok.Value : stacktok.Type.ToString(); if (!h.TableG.ContainsKey(x)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unknown token " + x); return; } if (stacktok.Type != TokenType.NONTERM) { usedTokens.Add(stacktok); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("---PUSH " + stacktok.Value); } int gt = h.TableG[x][q]; st.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenType.Q, Value = gt.ToString() }); } }