public async void TestGetCategoryInfoList() { var leClient = new LEClient(); var states = await leClient.GetStatesList(); var tn = states.First(si => si.Name == "Tennessee"); var cities = await leClient.GetCityList(tn); Assert.IsNotNull(cities); Assert.That(cities.Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); var nashville = cities.FirstOrDefault(city => city.Name == "Nashville"); Assert.That(nashville, Is.Not.Null); var filterOptions = new FilterOptions(FilterOptions.TOP_10); var categories = await leClient.GetCategoryInfoListFor(nashville, filterOptions); Assert.IsNotNull(categories); Assert.That(categories.Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); var first = categories.First(); Assert.NotNull(first.Id); Assert.NotNull(first.Name); Assert.NotNull(first.RestaurantCount); }
public async Task<List<RestaurantInfo>> GetRestaurantListNearBy(FilterOptions filterOptions, double? lat = null, double? lon = null, string orCityId = null, int givenSize = 25, int skipping = 0) { var parameters = new Object[]{givenSize, skipping, lat, lon, orCityId, filterOptions }; var cacheKey = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters); if (this._inMemoryCache.Contains(cacheKey)) { return await Task.FromResult<List<RestaurantInfo>> ((List<RestaurantInfo>)this._inMemoryCache[cacheKey]); } else { var result = await this._dataAccess.GetRestaurantListNearBy (filterOptions, lat, lon, orCityId, givenSize, skipping); this._inMemoryCache[cacheKey] = result; return result; } }
public async Task<IEnumerable<RestaurantCategoryInfo>> GetCategoryInfoListFor(CityInfo city, FilterOptions filterOptions) { var cacheKey = (city.ToString() + "GetCategoryInfoListFor"); if (this._inMemoryCache.Contains(cacheKey)) { return await Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<RestaurantCategoryInfo>>( (IEnumerable<RestaurantCategoryInfo>)this._inMemoryCache[cacheKey] ); } else { var result = await this._dataAccess.GetCategoryInfoListFor(city, filterOptions); this._inMemoryCache[cacheKey] = result; return result; } }
public static FilterOptions NewWith(params FilterOption[] otherFilterOptions) { var options = new FilterOptions(); return options.Add(otherFilterOptions); }
public async Task<IEnumerable<RestaurantAmenityInfo>> GetAmenityInfoListFor(CityInfo city, FilterOptions filterOptions) { var command = new LECommand("GetAmmendityListCount"); command.AddParam("format", "json"); command.AddParam("cityid", city.Id); if (filterOptions != null) { foreach (var filterOption in filterOptions.AllOptions) { command.AddParam(filterOption.Name, filterOption.Value); } } JObject json = await this.DoGet(command); JArray amenityInfos = (JArray)json["AmendityFilterCount"]; return amenityInfos.Select<JToken, RestaurantAmenityInfo>(jsonToken => { return new RestaurantAmenityInfo() { Id = (string)jsonToken["AmendityID"], Name = (string)jsonToken["AmendityName"], RestaurantCount = (int)jsonToken["AmendityCount"] }; }); }
/// <summary> /// Return a list of restaurants "near by" in a city or geo location with the given /// size and skipping the given number of restaurants before returning any restaurants. /// Note: If lat/lon is given then city is ignored and vice versa. /// </summary> /// <param name="givenSize">The size of the restaurant list expected</param> /// <param name="skipping">The restaurants to skip before adding restaurant to list</param> /// <param name="lat">Near by latitude</param> /// <param name="lon">Near by longitude</param> /// <param name="orCity">Near by city</param> /// <returns>Restaurant list</returns> public async Task<List<RestaurantInfo>> GetRestaurantListNearBy( FilterOptions filterOptions, double? lat = null, double? lon = null, string orCityId = null, int givenSize = 25, int skipping = 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((lat.HasValue && lon.HasValue) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(orCityId)); var command = new LECommand("GetRestaurantListNearBy"); command.AddParam("format", "json"); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(orCityId) == false) command.AddParam("cityid", orCityId); // this returns the command.AddParam("ginfo", "acdhprstm"); if (lat.HasValue) command.AddParam("lat", Convert.ToString(lat.Value)); if (lon.HasValue) command.AddParam("lon", Convert.ToString(lon.Value)); command.AddParam("top",Convert.ToString(givenSize)); command.AddParam("skip",Convert.ToString(skipping)); if (filterOptions != null) { foreach (var filterOption in filterOptions.AllOptions) { command.AddParam(filterOption.Name, filterOption.Value); } } JObject json = await this.DoGet(command); if(json == null) return new List<RestaurantInfo>(); var cnt = (int)json["Count"]; if (cnt > 0) { JArray restaurantArray = (JArray)json["Restaurants"]; return restaurantArray.Select<JToken, RestaurantInfo>(jObj => { RestaurantInfo restaurant = new RestaurantInfo(); restaurant.LocId = Convert.ToString((int)jObj["AddyID"]); restaurant.Id = Convert.ToString((int)jObj["RestID"]); restaurant.Name = (string)jObj["RestName"]; restaurant.StreetAddress = (string)jObj["Address1"]; if ((string)jObj["Address2"] != null) { restaurant.StreetAddress += (Environment.NewLine + (string)jObj["Address2"]); } restaurant.CityStateZip = String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", (string)jObj["City"], (string)jObj["State"], (string)jObj["Zip"] ); restaurant.PhoneNumber = (string)jObj["Phone"]; restaurant.PriceRange = string.Empty; int avgCost = (int)jObj["AvgCost"]; for (int i = 0; i <= avgCost; i++) { restaurant.PriceRange += '$';//star - '\u2605'; } //CatInfoList var catList = (JArray)jObj["CatInfoList"]; restaurant.CategoryList = catList.Select<JToken, RestaurantInfo.CategoryInfo>(jCat => { return new RestaurantInfo.CategoryInfo() { Id = (string)jCat["CatID"], Name = (string)jCat["CatName"], IsBestOf = jCat["IsBestOf"] == null ? false : ((bool)jCat["IsBestOf"]) }; }); // Features/Amenities var featuresList = (JArray)jObj["AmendInfoList"]; restaurant.AmenityList = featuresList.Select<JToken, RestaurantInfo.AmenityInfo>(jAmen => { return new RestaurantInfo.AmenityInfo() { Id = (string)jAmen["AmendityID"], Name = (string)jAmen["AmendityName"], LocId = (string)jAmen["AddyID"] }; }); //MediaInfoList var mediaInfoList = (JArray)jObj["MediaInfoList"]; var mediaInfo = mediaInfoList.FirstOrDefault<JToken>(); if (mediaInfo != null) { // restaurant.ImageUri = String.Format(@"{0}?dummy=dummy40", (string)mediaInfo["MediaFileName"]); } if (jObj["DistanceAway"] != null) restaurant.SpatialOffset = (decimal)jObj["DistanceAway"]; // Awards if (jObj["AwardInfoList"] != null) { var jAwardList = (JArray)jObj["AwardInfoList"]; var awardList = new List<RestaurantInfo.AwardInfo>(); foreach (var awardObj in jAwardList) { var awardName = (string)awardObj["AwardName"]; // as switch later .. maybe if (((int)awardObj["AwardID"]) == ((int)Award.EditorsPick)) { restaurant.IsEditorsPick = true; // LE now refers to Top 100 as editors pick awardName = "Editors Pick"; } awardList.Add(new RestaurantInfo.AwardInfo() { Id = (string)awardObj["AwardID"], Name = awardName }); } restaurant.AwardList = awardList; } // Neighborhoods if (jObj["HoodInfoList"] != null) { var jHoodList = (JArray)jObj["HoodInfoList"]; restaurant.NeighborhoodList = jHoodList.Select<JToken, RestaurantInfo.NeighborhoodInfo>(jHood => { return new RestaurantInfo.NeighborhoodInfo() { Id = (string)jHood["HoodID"], Name = (string)jHood["HoodName"] }; }); } // Deals if (jObj["DealInfoList"] != null) { var jDealList = (JArray)jObj["DealInfoList"]; restaurant.DealList = jDealList.Select<JToken, RestaurantInfo.DealInfo>(jDeal => { return new RestaurantInfo.DealInfo() { Id = (string)jDeal["Id"], Description = (string)jDeal["Description"], StartDate = (DateTime)jDeal["StartDate"], Title = (string)jDeal["Title"] }; }); } return restaurant; }).ToList<RestaurantInfo>(); } else { return new List<RestaurantInfo>(); } }
/// <summary> /// Return the list of amenities in a city along with the count of restaurants in those amenities. /// Use the filter options to filter restaurants that are in those amenities. /// </summary> /// <param name="city">The city to get categories for.</param> /// <param name="filterOptions">Restaurant filter options</param> /// <returns>Amenity list</returns> public async Task<IEnumerable<RestaurantAmenityInfo>> GetAmenityInfoListFor(CityInfo city, FilterOptions filterOptions) { return await this._leRepository.GetAmenityInfoListFor(city, filterOptions).ConfigureAwait(_configAwait); }
/// <summary> /// Return the list of neighborhoods in a city along with the count of restaurants in those neighborhoods. /// Use the filter options to filter restaurants that are in those neighborhoods. /// </summary> /// <param name="city">The city to get categories for.</param> /// <param name="filterOptions">Restaurant filter options</param> /// <returns>Neighborhood list</returns> public async Task<IEnumerable<NeighborhoodInfo>> GetNeighborhoodInfoListFor(CityInfo city, FilterOptions filterOptions) { return await this._leRepository.GetNeighborhoodInfoListFor(city, filterOptions).ConfigureAwait(_configAwait); }
/// <summary> /// Return a list of restaurants "near by" in a city or geo location with the given /// size and skipping the given number of restaurants before returning any restaurants. /// Note: If lat/lon is given then city is ignored and vice versa. /// </summary> /// <param name="givenSize">The size of the restaurant list expected</param> /// <param name="skipping">The restaurants to skip before adding restaurant to list</param> /// <param name="lat">Near by latitude</param> /// <param name="lon">Near by longitude</param> /// <param name="orCity">Near by city</param> /// <returns>Restaurant list</returns> public async Task<List<RestaurantInfo>> GetRestaurantListNearBy(FilterOptions filterOptions, double? lat = null, double? lon = null, CityInfo orCity = null, int givenSize = 25, int skipping = 0) { var orCityId = orCity == null ? null : orCity.Id; return await this._leRepository.GetRestaurantListNearBy(filterOptions, lat, lon, orCityId, givenSize, skipping); }