/// <summary> /// Finds a device given its PID and VID /// </summary> /// <param name="nVid">Vendor id for device (VID)</param> /// <param name="nPid">Product id for device (PID)</param> /// <param name="oType">Type of device class to create</param> /// <returns>A new device class of the given type or null</returns> public static HIDDevice FindDevice(int nVid, int nPid, Type oType) { //GetDeviceName(); string strPath = string.Empty; string strSearch = string.Format("vid_{0:x4}&pid_{1:x4}", nVid, nPid); // first, build the path search string Guid gHid; HidD_GetHidGuid(out gHid); // next, get the GUID from Windows that it uses to represent the HID USB interface IntPtr hInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref gHid, null, IntPtr.Zero, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | DIGCF_PRESENT); // this gets a list of all HID devices currently connected to the computer (InfoSet) try { DeviceInterfaceData oInterface = new DeviceInterfaceData(); // build up a device interface data block oInterface.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(oInterface); // Now iterate through the InfoSet memory block assigned within Windows in the call to SetupDiGetClassDevs // to get device details for each device connected int nIndex = 0; while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hInfoSet, IntPtr.Zero, ref gHid, (uint)nIndex, ref oInterface)) // this gets the device interface information for a device at index 'nIndex' in the memory block { string strDevicePath = GetDevicePath(hInfoSet, ref oInterface); // get the device path (see helper method 'GetDevicePath') if (strDevicePath.IndexOf(strSearch) >= 0) // do a string search, if we find the VID/PID string then we found our device! { HIDDevice oNewDevice = (HIDDevice)Activator.CreateInstance(oType); // create an instance of the class for this device oNewDevice.Initialise(strDevicePath); // initialise it with the device path return(oNewDevice); // and return it } nIndex++; // if we get here, we didn't find our device. So move on to the next one. } } finally { // Before we go, we have to free up the InfoSet memory reserved by SetupDiGetClassDevs SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hInfoSet); } return(null); // oops, didn't find our device }
/// <summary> /// Construction. Do nothing /// </summary> /// <param name="oDev">Creating device</param> public InputReport(HIDDevice oDev) : base(oDev) { }
/// <summary> /// Construction. Setup the buffer with the correct output report length dictated by the device /// </summary> /// <param name="oDev">Creating device</param> public OutputReport(HIDDevice oDev) : base(oDev) { SetBuffer(new byte[oDev.OutputReportLength]); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="oDev">Constructing device</param> public Report(HIDDevice oDev) { // Do nothing }