public void Render(TableRowBlockTag tableRowBlockTag, ITemplateContext templateContext, Action<String> appender) { var offset = NumericValue.Create(0); var limit = NumericValue.Create(50); var cols = NumericValue.Create(5); // TODO: What is the default? if (tableRowBlockTag.Offset != null) { var result = LiquidExpressionEvaluator.Eval(tableRowBlockTag.Offset, templateContext); if (result.IsSuccess) { offset = result.SuccessValue<NumericValue>(); } } if (tableRowBlockTag.Limit != null) { var result = LiquidExpressionEvaluator.Eval(tableRowBlockTag.Limit, templateContext); if (result.IsSuccess) { limit = result.SuccessValue<NumericValue>(); } } if (tableRowBlockTag.Cols != null) { var result = LiquidExpressionEvaluator.Eval(tableRowBlockTag.Cols, templateContext); if (result.IsSuccess) { cols = result.SuccessValue<NumericValue>(); } } var localBlockScope = new SymbolTable(); templateContext.SymbolTableStack.Push(localBlockScope); try { var iterableFactory = tableRowBlockTag.IterableCreator; // TODO: the Eval may result in an ArrayValue with no Array // (i.e. it's undefined). THe ToList therefore fails.... // this should use Bind var iterable = iterableFactory.Eval(templateContext).ToList(); int length = iterable.Skip(offset.IntValue).Take(limit.IntValue).Count(); if (length == 0) { appender(" <tr class=\"row1\">\r\n</tr>"); // this is what ruby liquid does. return; } int currentrow = 0; int currentcol = 0; bool needsEndOfRow = false; int iter = 0; foreach (var item in iterable.Skip(offset.IntValue).Take(limit.IntValue)) { templateContext.DefineLocalVariable(tableRowBlockTag.LocalVariable, item); String typename = item == null ? "null" : item.LiquidTypeName; templateContext.DefineLocalVariable("tablerowloop", CreateForLoopDescriptor( tableRowBlockTag.LocalVariable + "-" + typename, // ReSharper disable RedundantArgumentName iter: iter, length: length, col: currentcol, maxcol: cols.IntValue, row: currentrow, stack: templateContext.SymbolTableStack)); // ReSharper restore RedundantArgumentName int rowFromOne = currentrow + 1; int colFromOne = currentcol + 1; if (currentcol == 0) { needsEndOfRow = true; appender(@"<tr class=""row" + rowFromOne + "\">"); if (currentrow == 0) // ruby liquid prints end-of-line on first row. { appender("\r\n"); } } appender("<td class=\"col" + colFromOne + @""">"); _renderingVisitor.StartWalking(tableRowBlockTag.LiquidBlock); appender(@"</td>"); currentcol++; if (currentcol >= cols.IntValue) { needsEndOfRow = false; appender("</tr>\r\n"); currentcol = 0; currentrow++; } iter++; } if (needsEndOfRow) { appender("</tr>\r\n"); } //IterateBlock(forBlockTag, symbolTableStack, iterable); } finally { templateContext.SymbolTableStack.Pop(); } }
public void Visit(TableRowBlockTag tableRowBlockTag) { _result += tableRowBlockTag.ToString(); }
public void Visit(TableRowBlockTag tableRowBlockTag) { new TableRowRenderer(this) .Render(tableRowBlockTag, _templateContext, AppendTextToCurrentAccumulator); }