private string modifyWhereClauseForCondition(string whereClause, int conditionId, string textForSearch)
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            string fmType = hdfFmType.Value;

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, conditionId);

            string conditionValue = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, conditionId);
            string conditionName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, conditionId);
            string tableName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetTable_(fmType, companyId, conditionId);

            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_TODOLIST") tableName = "LFTDL";
            if (tableName == "LFS_EMPLOYEE") tableName = "LRE";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_UNIT") tableName = "LFU";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_TODOLIST_ACTIVITY") tableName = "LFTDLA";

            if (conditionName == "Created By") tableName = "LEOwner";

            // FOR TEXT FIELDS. (Subject, Unit Code)
            if ((conditionValue == "Subject") || (conditionValue == "UnitCode"))
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "%")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                    if (textForSearch == "")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                        if (textForSearch.Contains("\""))
                            if (conditionValue == "LastComment")
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("\"", "");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                            whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";

            // FOR DATE FIELDS. (CreationDate, DueDate)
            if ((conditionValue == "CreationDate") || (conditionValue == "DueDate"))
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL)";
                    if (textForSearch == "%")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL) OR ";
                        whereClause = whereClause + "( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                        if ((Validator.IsValidDate(textForSearch)) && (textForSearch.Length > 7))
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";

            string state = ddlState.SelectedValue;
            if (state != "(All)")
                if (state != "New & In Progress")
                    whereClause = whereClause + "AND (LFTDL.State = '" + state + "')";
                    whereClause = whereClause + "AND (LFTDL.State = 'New' OR LFTDL.State = 'In Progress')";

            return whereClause;
        private ToDoListNavigatorTDS SubmitSearch()
            // Retrieve clauses
            string whereClause = GetWhereClause();
            string orderByClause = GetOrderByClause();
            string conditionValue = "";
            string conditionName = "";

            ToDoListNavigator toDolistNavigator = new ToDoListNavigator();
            string fmType = hdfFmType.Value.Trim();
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());

            // ... Load data
            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            conditionValue = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));
            conditionName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            toDolistNavigator.Load(whereClause, orderByClause, conditionValue, conditionName, tbxCondition1.Text.Trim(), companyId, fmType);

            return (ToDoListNavigatorTDS)toDolistNavigator.Data;
        protected void grdConditions_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
                int conditionId = 0; conditionId = int.Parse(((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedValue);
                DropDownList ddlOperator = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlOperator"));

                if (conditionId > 0)
                    DropDownList ddlConditionNumber = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlConditionNumber"));

                    FmViewTDS dataSet = new FmViewTDS();
                    dataSet.FmViewConditionNew.Merge(fmViewConditionNew, true);
                    FmViewConditionNew model = new FmViewConditionNew(dataSet);
                    int conditionNumber = model.GetNewConditionNumber();
                    ddlConditionNumber.SelectedValue = conditionNumber.ToString();

                    FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
                    fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                    string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);

                    if (ddlOperator.SelectedItem == null)
                        FmTypeViewOperatorList fmTypeViewOperatorList = new FmTypeViewOperatorList(new DataSet());
                        fmTypeViewOperatorList.LoadAndAddItem(type, Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value));
                        ddlOperator.DataSource = fmTypeViewOperatorList.Table;
                        ddlOperator.DataValueField = "Sign";
                        ddlOperator.DataTextField = "Operator";
                        ddlOperator.SelectedIndex = 0;

                    if ((type == "String") || (type == "Date") || (type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal"))
                        ddlOperator.Enabled = true;

                        TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                        tbxValue.Visible = true;

                        DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                        ddlValue.Visible = false;

                        RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                        rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                        RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                        rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                    if ((type == "FixedItems") || (type == "DynamicItems") || (type == "Boolean"))
                        ddlOperator.Enabled = false;

                        if (type == "FixedItems")
                            DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                            ddlValue.Visible = true;

                            TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                            tbxValue.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                            rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                            rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                        if (type == "DynamicItems")
                            DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                            ddlValue.Visible = true;

                            TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                            tbxValue.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                            rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                            rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                        if (type == "Boolean")
                            DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                            ddlValue.Visible = false;

                            TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                            tbxValue.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                            rbtnYes.Visible = true;

                            RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                            rbtnNo.Visible = true;

            if ((e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) && ((e.Row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Edit) || (e.Row.RowState == (DataControlRowState.Edit | DataControlRowState.Alternate))))
                FmViewTDS dataSet = new FmViewTDS();
                dataSet.FmViewConditionNew.Merge(fmViewConditionNew, true);
                FmViewConditionNewGateway gateway = new FmViewConditionNewGateway(dataSet);
                int id = int.Parse(((Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblId")).Text);

                int conditionId = gateway.GetConditionId(id);
                DropDownList ddlName = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlName"));
                DropDownList ddlOperator = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlOperator"));

                if (conditionId > 0)
                    FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
                    fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                    string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);

                    ddlName.SelectedValue = conditionId.ToString();

                    FmTypeViewOperatorList fmTypeViewOperatorList = new FmTypeViewOperatorList(new DataSet());
                    fmTypeViewOperatorList.LoadAndAddItem(type, Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value));
                    ddlOperator.DataSource = fmTypeViewOperatorList.Table;
                    ddlOperator.DataValueField = "Sign";
                    ddlOperator.DataTextField = "Operator";
                    ddlOperator.SelectedValue = gateway.GetSign(id);

                    if ((type == "String") || (type == "Date") || (type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal") || (type == "Distance"))
                        ddlOperator.Enabled = true;

                        TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                        tbxValue.Visible = true;
                        tbxValue.Text = gateway.GetValue_(id);

                        DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                        ddlValue.Visible = false;

                        RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                        rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                        RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                        rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                    if ((type == "FixedItems") || (type == "DynamicItems") || (type == "Boolean"))
                        ddlOperator.Enabled = false;

                        if (type == "FixedItems")
                            DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                            ddlValue.Visible = true;

                            // Prepare initial data
                            // ... For view type
                            FmTypeViewConditionItemList fmTypeViewConditionItemList = new FmTypeViewConditionItemList(new DataSet());
                            fmTypeViewConditionItemList.LoadAndAddItemInView(hdfFmType.Value, Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                            ddlValue.DataSource = fmTypeViewConditionItemList.Table;
                            ddlValue.DataValueField = "Name";
                            ddlValue.DataTextField = "Name";
                            ddlValue.SelectedValue = gateway.GetValue_(id);

                            TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                            tbxValue.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                            rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                            rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                        if (type == "DynamicItems")
                            DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                            ddlValue.Visible = true;

                            // Prepare initial data
                            // ... For view type
                            if (ddlName.SelectedItem.Text == "Category")
                                //Category for Units
                                Category category = new Category(categoriesTDS);

                                Session["categoriesTDSForAddView"] = categoriesTDS;

                                if (category.Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    GetNodeForCategory(0, ddlValue);//Equipments
                                    level = -1;
                                    GetNodeForCategory(-1, ddlValue);//Vehicles

                                    string categorySelected = gateway.GetValue_(id);

                                    foreach (ListItem li in ddlValue.Items)
                                        if (li.Text.Contains(categorySelected))
                                            li.Selected = true;
                                    ddlValue.Visible = false;
                                //State for Services
                                FmTypeViewStateList fmTypeViewStateList = new FmTypeViewStateList(new DataSet());

                                if (fmTypeViewStateList.Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    ddlValue.DataSource = fmTypeViewStateList.Table;
                                    ddlValue.DataValueField = "State";
                                    ddlValue.DataTextField = "State";
                                    ddlValue.SelectedValue = gateway.GetValue_(id);
                                    ddlValue.Visible = false;

                            TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                            tbxValue.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                            rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                            rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                        if (type == "Boolean")
                            DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlValue"));
                            ddlValue.Visible = false;

                            TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbxValue"));
                            tbxValue.Visible = false;

                            RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                            rbtnYes.Visible = true;

                            RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)e.Row.FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                            rbtnNo.Visible = true;

                            if (gateway.GetValue_(id) == "Yes")
                                rbtnYes.Checked = true;
                                rbtnNo.Checked = true;
        private string GetOrderByClause()
            // Get tableName
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            string fmType = hdfFmType.Value;

            FmTypeViewSortGateway fmTypeViewSortGateway = new FmTypeViewSortGateway();
            fmTypeViewSortGateway.LoadByFmTypeSortId(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));

            string tableName = fmTypeViewSortGateway.GetTable_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));
            string columnName = fmTypeViewSortGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));
            string conditionName = fmTypeViewSortGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));

            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_TODOLIST") tableName = "LFTDL";
            if (tableName == "LFS_EMPLOYEE") tableName = "LRE";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_UNIT") tableName = "LFU";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_TODOLIST_ACTIVITY") tableName = "LFTDLA";

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            string conditionValue = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            // Get order by clause
            string orderBy = "";

            // ... For Names Assigned To
            if (ddlSortBy.SelectedValue == "3")
                orderBy = " ORDER BY LastAssignedTeamMemberName ASC";
                // .... For CreatedBy
                if (ddlSortBy.SelectedValue == "2")
                    orderBy = " ORDER BY OwnerName ASC";
                    // For Fields
                    if (columnName == "CreationDate")
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFTDL.CreationDate DESC";
                        if (columnName == "DueDate")
                            orderBy = " ORDER BY LFTDL.DueDate DESC";
                            if (conditionName == "State")
                                orderBy = " ORDER BY LFTDL.State ASC";
                                orderBy = " ORDER BY " + tableName + "." + columnName;

            return orderBy;
        protected void cvValueData_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
            // Initialize
            CustomValidator cvConditions = (CustomValidator)source;
            args.IsValid = true;
            string type = "Date";
            int conditionId = 0;

            if (cvConditions.ValidationGroup == "Conditions")
                conditionId = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedValue);
                conditionId = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].Cells[3].FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedValue);

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
            type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);

            //  Date fields validate
            if (type == "Date")
                // For complete date and only year
                if (((Validator.IsValidDate(args.Value.Trim()) && (args.Value.Trim().Length > 7))) || ((Validator.IsValidInt32(args.Value.Trim())) && (args.Value.Trim().Length == 4)) || (args.Value.Trim() == "%") || (args.Value.Trim() == ""))
                    args.IsValid = true;
                    args.IsValid = false;
                    cvConditions.ErrorMessage = "Invalid date. (use mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy, %, or leave the field empty)";

                // For dates before 1900
                if (args.IsValid)
                    string[] date = (args.Value.Trim()).Split('/');
                    if (((Validator.IsValidDate(args.Value.Trim())) && (Int32.Parse(date[2]) >= 1900)) || ((args.Value.Trim().Length == 4) && (Validator.IsValidInt32(args.Value.Trim())) && (Int32.Parse(args.Value.Trim()) >= 1900)) || (args.Value.Trim() == "%") || (args.Value.Trim() == ""))
                        args.IsValid = true;
                        args.IsValid = false;
                        cvConditions.ErrorMessage = "Invalid date. (use a date over 1900)";

            if (type == "Int")
                if (Validator.IsValidInt32(args.Value.Trim()) || (args.Value.Trim() == "%") || (args.Value.Trim() == ""))
                    args.IsValid = true;
                    args.IsValid = false;
                    cvConditions.Text = "Invalid data. (use an integer number, % or leave the field empty)";

            if (type == "Decimal")
                if (Validator.IsValidDecimal(args.Value.Trim()) || (args.Value.Trim() == "%") || (args.Value.Trim() == ""))
                    args.IsValid = true;
                    args.IsValid = false;
                    cvConditions.ErrorMessage = "Invalid data. (use a decimal number, % or leave the field empty)";
        protected void ddlName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Label lblValidateValue = ((Label)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("lblValidateValue"));
            lblValidateValue.Visible = false;

            ImageButton ibtnAdd = ((ImageButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ibtnAccept"));
            ibtnAdd.Visible = true;

            DropDownList ddlName = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlName"));
            DropDownList ddlOperator = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlOperator"));

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), int.Parse(ddlName.SelectedValue));
            string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), int.Parse(ddlName.SelectedValue));
            int index = grdConditions.SelectedIndex;

            FmTypeViewOperatorList fmTypeViewOperatorList = new FmTypeViewOperatorList(new DataSet());
            fmTypeViewOperatorList.LoadAndAddItem(type, Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value));
            ddlOperator.DataSource = fmTypeViewOperatorList.Table;
            ddlOperator.DataValueField = "Sign";
            ddlOperator.DataTextField = "Operator";
            ddlOperator.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if ((type == "String") || (type == "Date") || (type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal") || (type == "Distance"))
                ddlOperator.Enabled = true;

                TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("tbxValue"));
                tbxValue.Visible = true;

                DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlValue"));
                ddlValue.Visible = false;

                RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                rbtnNo.Visible = false;

            if ((type == "FixedItems") || (type == "DynamicItems") || (type == "Boolean"))
                ddlOperator.Enabled = false;

                if (type == "FixedItems")
                    DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlValue"));
                    ddlValue.Visible = true;

                    // Prepare initial data
                    // ... For view type
                    FmTypeViewConditionItemList fmTypeViewConditionItemList = new FmTypeViewConditionItemList(new DataSet());
                    fmTypeViewConditionItemList.LoadAndAddItemInView(hdfFmType.Value, Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), int.Parse(ddlName.SelectedValue));
                    ddlValue.DataSource = fmTypeViewConditionItemList.Table;
                    ddlValue.DataValueField = "Name";
                    ddlValue.DataTextField = "Name";
                    ddlValue.SelectedIndex = 0;

                    TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("tbxValue"));
                    tbxValue.Visible = false;

                    RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                    rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                    RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                    rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                if (type == "DynamicItems")
                    DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlValue"));

                    // Prepare initial data
                    // ... For view type
                    if (ddlName.SelectedItem.Text == "Category")
                    {//Category for Units
                        Category category = new Category(categoriesTDS);

                        Session["categoriesTDSForAddView"] = categoriesTDS;

                        if (category.Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                            GetNodeForCategory(0, ddlValue);//Equipments
                            level = -1;
                            GetNodeForCategory(-1, ddlValue);//Vehicles

                            ddlValue.SelectedIndex = 0;

                            ibtnAdd.Visible = true;
                            ddlValue.Visible = false;
                            ibtnAdd.Visible = false;

                            lblValidateValue.Visible = true;
                        //State for Services
                        FmTypeViewStateList fmTypeViewStateList = new FmTypeViewStateList(new DataSet());

                        if (fmTypeViewStateList.Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                            ddlValue.DataSource = fmTypeViewStateList.Table;
                            ddlValue.DataValueField = "State";
                            ddlValue.DataTextField = "State";
                            ddlValue.SelectedIndex = 0;

                            ibtnAdd.Visible = true;
                            ddlValue.Visible = false;
                            ibtnAdd.Visible = false;

                            lblValidateValue.Visible = true;

                    TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("tbxValue"));
                    tbxValue.Visible = false;

                    RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                    rbtnYes.Visible = false;

                    RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                    rbtnNo.Visible = false;

                if (type == "Boolean")
                    DropDownList ddlValue = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlValue"));
                    ddlValue.Visible = false;

                    TextBox tbxValue = ((TextBox)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("tbxValue"));
                    tbxValue.Visible = false;

                    RadioButton rbtnYes = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnYes"));
                    rbtnYes.Visible = true;

                    RadioButton rbtnNo = ((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("rbtnNo"));
                    rbtnNo.Visible = true;
        private void GrdConditionsAdd()
            if (ValidateFooterAdd())
                if (Page.IsValid)
                    int conditionId = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedValue);
                    string name = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedItem.Text;
                    string operator_ = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlOperator")).SelectedItem.Text;
                    string sign = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlOperator")).SelectedValue;
                    int conditionNumber = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlConditionNumber")).SelectedValue);

                    FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
                    fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                    string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                    string value = "";

                    if ((type == "String") || (type == "Date") || (type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal"))
                        value = ((TextBox)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("tbxValue")).Text;

                    if ((type == "FixedItems") || (type == "DynamicItems"))
                        value = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlValue")).SelectedItem.Text.Replace("-", "");
                        value = value.Trim();

                    if (type == "Boolean")
                        if (((RadioButton)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("rbtnYes")).Checked)
                            value = "Yes";
                        if (((RadioButton)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("rbtnNo")).Checked)
                            value = "No";

                    FmViewTDS dataSet = new FmViewTDS();
                    dataSet.FmViewConditionNew.Merge(fmViewConditionNew, true);
                    FmViewConditionNew model = new FmViewConditionNew(dataSet);

                    model.Insert(conditionId, name, operator_, sign, conditionNumber, value, false, false);

                    fmViewConditionNew = dataSet.FmViewConditionNew;
                    Session["fmViewConditionNew"] = dataSet.FmViewConditionNew;

                    grdConditions.PageIndex = grdConditions.PageCount - 1;
        private bool ValidateFooterNext()
            int conditionId = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedValue);
            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
            string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
            string value = "";

            if ((type == "String") || (type == "Date") || (type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal"))
                value = ((TextBox)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("tbxValue")).Text;

            if ((type == "FixedItems") || (type == "DynamicItems"))
                value = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlValue")).SelectedItem.Text;

            if (type == "Boolean")
                if (((RadioButton)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("rbtnYes")).Checked)
                    value = "Yes";
                if (((RadioButton)grdConditions.FooterRow.FindControl("rbtnNo")).Checked)
                    value = "No";

            if (value != "") return true; else return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// ParserLogic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalLogic">originalLogic</param>
        /// <param name="fmType">fmType</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <returns>parser logic string</returns>
        public string ParserLogic(string originalLogic, string fmType, int companyId)
            string newLogic = "";

            if (fmType == "Services")
                if (originalLogic.Length > 0)
                    newLogic = "(LFS.Deleted = 0) AND (LFU.Deleted = 0) AND (LFS.COMPANY_ID = {0}) AND (LFU.COMPANY_ID = {0}) AND ";
                    newLogic = "(LFS.Deleted = 0) AND (LFU.Deleted = 0) AND (LFS.COMPANY_ID = {0}) AND (LFU.COMPANY_ID = {0})";

            if (fmType == "Units")
                if (originalLogic.Length > 0)
                    newLogic = "(FMU.Deleted = 0) AND (FMU.State <> 'Archived') AND (FMC.Deleted = 0) AND (FMU.COMPANY_ID = {0}) AND (FMC.COMPANY_ID = {0}) AND ";
                    newLogic = "(FMU.Deleted = 0) AND (FMU.State <> 'Archived') AND (FMC.Deleted = 0) AND (FMU.COMPANY_ID = {0}) AND (FMU.COMPANY_ID = {0})";

            foreach (FmViewTDS.FmViewConditionNewRow rowNew in (FmViewTDS.FmViewConditionNewDataTable)Data.Tables["FmViewConditionNew"])
                if (!rowNew.Deleted)
                    string originalCondition = "Condition" + rowNew.ConditionNumber;

                    FmTypeViewCondition fmTypeViewCondition = new FmTypeViewCondition();
                    fmTypeViewCondition.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, rowNew.ConditionID);

                    FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway(fmTypeViewCondition.Data);
                    string tableName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetTable_(fmType, companyId, rowNew.ConditionID);
                    string conditionName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, rowNew.ConditionID);
                    string column = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, rowNew.ConditionID);

                    if (fmType == "Services")
                        switch (tableName)
                            case "LFS_FM_SERVICE":
                                tableName = "LFS";

                            case "LFS_FM_SERVICE_VEHICLE":
                                tableName = "LFSV";

                            case "LFS_FM_UNIT":
                                tableName = "LFU";

                            case "LFS_FM_RULE":
                                tableName = "LFR";

                            case "LFS_FM_CHECKLIST":
                                tableName = "LFC";

                            case "LFS_FM_COMPANYLEVEL":
                                tableName = "LFCL";

                        if (conditionName == "Created By") tableName = "LEOwner";
                        if (conditionName == "Assigned To") tableName = "LEAssignedTo";

                    if (fmType == "Units")
                        switch (tableName)
                            case "LFS_FM_UNIT":
                                tableName = "FMU";

                            case "LFS_FM_COMPANYLEVEL":
                                if (column == "CompanyLevel")
                                    column = "Name";
                                    tableName = "FMC";

                            case "LFS_FM_UNIT_VEHICLE":
                                tableName = "FMUV";

                            case "LFS_COUNTRY":
                                if (column == "LicenseCountry")
                                    tableName = "LCL";
                                if (column == "OwnerCountry")

                                    tableName = "LCO";
                                column = "Name";

                            case "LFS_PROVINCE":
                                if (column == "LicenseState")
                                    tableName = "LPL";
                                if (column == "OwnerState")

                                    tableName = "LPO";
                                column = "Name";

                    string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(fmType, companyId, rowNew.ConditionID);
                    string sign = rowNew.Sign;
                    string conditionValue = rowNew.Value_;
                    string newCondition = "";

                    // Search
                    if (conditionValue == "%")
                        if (type == "Date")
                            if (sign == "=")
                                newCondition = newCondition + " ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL)";
                                newCondition = newCondition + " OR (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                                if (sign == "<>")
                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL)";
                                    newCondition = newCondition + " ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL)";
                                    newCondition = newCondition + " OR (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                            newCondition = newCondition + " ((" + tableName + "." + column + " LIKE '%')";
                            newCondition = newCondition + " OR (" + tableName + "." + column + " IS NULL))";
                        if (conditionValue == "")
                            if (sign == "<>")
                                newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + " IS NOT NULL ";
                                newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + " IS NULL ";
                            conditionValue = conditionValue.Replace("'", "''");

                            if ((type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal") || (type == "Boolean"))
                                if (type == "Boolean")
                                    if (conditionValue == "Yes") conditionValue = "1";
                                    if (conditionValue == "No") conditionValue = "0";

                                    if (fmType == "Units")
                                        if (column != "WithAlarms" && column != "WithServicesLate" && column != "WithChecklistInUnknownState")
                                            newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + sign + conditionValue;
                                            if (column == "WithAlarms")
                                                if (conditionValue == "1")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID IN " +
                                                     " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                     " FROM  LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                     " LFS_FM_CHECKLIST FMCL1 ON FMCL1.UnitID = FMU1.UnitID INNER JOIN " +
                                                     " LFS_FM_RULE FMR1 ON FMCL1.RuleID = FMR1.RuleID " +
                                                     " WHERE   (FMR1.Alarm = 1) AND (FMCL1.State = 'Warning' OR FMCL1.State = 'Expired') AND (FMCL1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMU1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMR1.Deleted = 0)" +
                                                     " ) )";

                                                if (conditionValue == "0")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID NOT IN " +
                                                     " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                     " FROM  LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                     " LFS_FM_CHECKLIST FMCL1 ON FMCL1.UnitID = FMU1.UnitID INNER JOIN " +
                                                     " LFS_FM_RULE FMR1 ON FMCL1.RuleID = FMR1.RuleID " +
                                                     " WHERE   (FMCL1.State = 'Warning' OR FMCL1.State = 'Expired') AND (FMCL1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMU1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMR1.Deleted = 0)" +
                                                     " ) )";

                                            if (column == "WithServicesLate")
                                                if (conditionValue == "1")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID IN " +
                                                     " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   FROM LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                     "         LFS_FM_SERVICE FMS1 ON FMU1.UnitID = FMS1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), FMS1.AssignDeadlineDate, 101) < CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 101) AND (FMS1.CompleteWorkDateTime IS NULL)" +
                                                     "            AND (FMS1.State <> 'Unassigned') AND (FMS1.State <> 'Completed') AND (FMS1.State <> 'Rejected') OR (FMS1.State = 'Assigned/Expired') OR (FMS1.State = 'In Progress/Expired') " +
                                                     "            OR (FMS1.CompleteWorkDateTime IS NOT NULL) AND (FMS1.CompleteWorkDateTime > FMS1.AssignDeadlineDate) " +
                                                     "  ) )";

                                                if (conditionValue == "0")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID NOT IN " +
                                                     " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   FROM LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                     "         LFS_FM_SERVICE FMS1 ON FMU1.UnitID = FMS1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), FMS1.AssignDeadlineDate, 101) < CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 101) AND (FMS1.CompleteWorkDateTime IS NULL)" +
                                                     "            AND (FMS1.State <> 'Unassigned') AND (FMS1.State <> 'Completed') AND (FMS1.State <> 'Rejected') OR (FMS1.State = 'Assigned/Expired') OR (FMS1.State = 'In Progress/Expired') " +
                                                     "            OR (FMS1.CompleteWorkDateTime IS NOT NULL) AND (FMS1.CompleteWorkDateTime > FMS1.AssignDeadlineDate) " +
                                                     "  ) )";

                                            if (column == "WithChecklistInUnknownState")
                                                if (conditionValue == "1")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID IN " +
                                                     " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   FROM LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                     "         LFS_FM_CHECKLIST FMCL1 ON FMU1.UnitID = FMCL1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   WHERE (FMU1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMCL1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMCL1.State = 'Unknown') " +
                                                     "  ) )";

                                                if (conditionValue == "0")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID NOT IN " +
                                                     " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   FROM LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                     "         LFS_FM_CHECKLIST FMCL1 ON FMU1.UnitID = FMCL1.UnitID " +
                                                     "   WHERE (FMU1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMCL1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMCL1.State = 'Unknown') " +
                                                     "  ) )";
                                        newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + sign + conditionValue;
                                    newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + sign + conditionValue;
                                if (sign == "=")
                                    if (type != "Date")
                                        if (conditionValue.Contains("\""))
                                            conditionValue = conditionValue.Replace("\"", "");
                                            newCondition = newCondition + " (" + tableName + "." + column + " = '" + conditionValue + "')";
                                            if (column == "Categories")
                                                ArrayList categoriesId = new ArrayList();

                                                categoriesId = GetConditionForCategory(conditionValue, companyId);

                                                newCondition = newCondition + " (FMU.UnitID IN " +
                                                         " (SELECT DISTINCT FMU1.UnitID " +
                                                         "   FROM LFS_FM_UNIT FMU1 INNER JOIN " +
                                                         "         LFS_FM_UNIT_CATEGORY FMUC ON FMU1.UnitID = FMUC.UnitID " +
                                                         "   WHERE (FMU1.Deleted = 0) AND (FMUC.Deleted = 0) AND ";

                                                int cantOfCategory = categoriesId.Count;
                                                int auxOfCantOfCategory = 0;

                                                foreach (int categoryId in categoriesId)

                                                    if (auxOfCantOfCategory != cantOfCategory)
                                                        newCondition = newCondition + " (FMUC.CategoryID = " + categoryId + " ) OR ";
                                                        newCondition = newCondition + " (FMUC.CategoryID = " + categoryId + " ) ";

                                                newCondition = newCondition + " )  )";
                                                newCondition = newCondition + " (" + tableName + "." + column + " LIKE '%" + conditionValue + "%')";
                                        // Date
                                        if (conditionValue.Length > 7)
                                            newCondition = newCondition + " CAST(CONVERT(varchar,"+ tableName + "." + column +", 101) AS smalldatetime) "+ sign + "'" + conditionValue + "'";
                                            newCondition = newCondition + " CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) LIKE '%" + conditionValue + "%'";
                                    if (column == "Notes")
                                        newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + " NOT LIKE '%" + conditionValue + "%'";
                                        if (type != "Date")
                                            newCondition = newCondition + tableName + "." + column + sign + "'" + conditionValue + "'";
                                            // Date
                                            if (conditionValue.Length > 7)
                                                if (sign == "<>")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) " + sign + "'" + conditionValue + "')";
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " OR (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) " + sign + "'" + conditionValue + "'";
                                                if (sign == "<>")
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) NOT LIKE '%" + conditionValue + "%')";
                                                    newCondition = newCondition + " OR (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                                                    if (sign == ">" || sign == "<=")
                                                        newCondition = newCondition + " CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime)" + sign + " '12/31/" + conditionValue + "'";
                                                        newCondition = newCondition + " CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + column + ", 101) AS smalldatetime)" + sign + " '" + conditionValue + "'";

                    originalLogic = originalLogic.Replace(originalCondition, newCondition);

            if (originalLogic.Length > 0)
                newLogic = newLogic + originalLogic;

            return newLogic;
        protected void grdConditions_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                int id = (int)e.Keys["ID"];

                int conditionId = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedValue);
                string name = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].FindControl("ddlName")).SelectedItem.Text;
                DropDownList ddlOperator = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[grdConditions.EditIndex].FindControl("ddlOperator"));
                string operator_ = ddlOperator.SelectedItem.Text;
                string sign = ddlOperator.SelectedValue;
                int conditionNumber = int.Parse(((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].FindControl("ddlConditionNumber")).SelectedValue);

                FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
                fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                string type = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetType(hdfFmType.Value, int.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value), conditionId);
                string value = "";

                if ((type == "String") || (type == "Date") || (type == "Int") || (type == "Decimal") )
                    value = ((TextBox)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].FindControl("tbxValue")).Text;

                if ((type == "FixedItems") || (type == "DynamicItems"))
                    value = ((DropDownList)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].FindControl("ddlValue")).SelectedItem.Text.Replace("-", "");
                    value = value.Trim();

                if (type == "Boolean")
                    if (((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].FindControl("rbtnYes")).Checked)
                        value = "Yes";
                    if (((RadioButton)grdConditions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].FindControl("rbtnNo")).Checked)
                        value = "No";

                FmViewTDS dataSet = new FmViewTDS();
                dataSet.FmViewConditionNew.Merge(fmViewConditionNew, true);
                FmViewConditionNew model = new FmViewConditionNew(dataSet);

                model.Update(id, conditionId, name, operator_, sign, conditionNumber, value, false, false);
                Session["fmViewConditionNew"] = dataSet.FmViewConditionNew;
                fmViewConditionNew = dataSet.FmViewConditionNew;
                e.Cancel = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetConditionsForSummary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fmType">fmType</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <returns>Conditins for Summary</returns>
        public string GetConditionsForSummary(string fmType, int companyId)
            string conditions = "";

            foreach (FmViewTDS.FmViewConditionNewRow row in (FmViewTDS.FmViewConditionNewDataTable)Data.Tables["FmViewConditionNew"])
                if (!row.Deleted)
                    FmTypeViewCondition fmTypeViewCondition = new FmTypeViewCondition();
                    fmTypeViewCondition.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, row.ConditionID);

                    FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway(fmTypeViewCondition.Data);
                    if (row.Value_ == "")
                        conditions = conditions + "Condition" + row.ConditionNumber + ": " + fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, row.ConditionID) + " " + row.Sign + " (empty), ";
                        conditions = conditions + "Condition" + row.ConditionNumber + ": " + fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, row.ConditionID) + " " + row.Sign + " " + row.Value_ + ", ";

            if (conditions.Length > 2)
                conditions = conditions.Substring(0, conditions.Length - 2);

            return conditions;
        private string modifyWhereClauseForCondition(string whereClause, int conditionId, string textForSearch)
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            string fmType = hdfFmType.Value;

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, conditionId);

            string conditionValue = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, conditionId);
            string conditionName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, conditionId);
            string tableName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetTable_(fmType, companyId, conditionId);

            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_SERVICE") tableName = "LFS";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_SERVICE_VEHICLE") tableName = "LFSV";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_UNIT") tableName = "LFU";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_RULE") tableName = "LFR";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_CHECKLIST") tableName = "LFC";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_COMPANYLEVEL") tableName = "LFCL";

            if (conditionName == "Created By") tableName = "LEOwner";
            if (conditionName == "Assigned To") tableName = "LEAssignedTo";

            // FOR TEXT FIELDS. (Service Number, Unit Code, Unit Description, Notes, Created by, Assigned to, Checklist Rules)
            if ((conditionValue == "Number") || (conditionValue == "UnitCode") || (conditionValue == "Description") || (conditionValue == "VIN") || (conditionValue == "Notes") || (conditionValue == "FullName") || (conditionValue == "Name") || (conditionValue == "VIN") || (conditionValue == "State") || (conditionValue == "Mileage") || (conditionValue == "StartWorkOutOfServiceTime") || (conditionValue == "StartWorkMileage") || (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkBackToServiceTime") || (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkMileage") || (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkDetailDescription"))
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "%")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                    if (textForSearch == "")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                        if (textForSearch.Contains("\""))
                            if (conditionValue == "Notes")
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("\"", "");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                            whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";

            // FOR DATE FIELDS. (StartWorkDateTime, CompleteWorkDateTime, AssignDeadlineDate)
            if ((conditionValue == "StartWorkDateTime") || (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkDateTime") || (conditionValue == "AssignDeadlineDate") || (conditionValue == "DateTime_") || (conditionValue == "AssignDateTime") || (conditionValue == "AcceptDateTime") || (conditionValue == "StartWorkOutOfServiceDate") || (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkBackToServiceDate"))
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL)";
                    if (textForSearch == "%")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL) OR ";
                        whereClause = whereClause + "( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                        if ((Validator.IsValidDate(textForSearch)) && (textForSearch.Length > 7))
                            //whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";

            // FOR BOOLEAN FIELDS
            if ((conditionValue == "MTO") || (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkDetailPreventable"))
                if (textForSearch != "")
                    if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "Y") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "YES"))
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1)";
                        if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "N") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "NO"))
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0)";
                            if (textForSearch == "%")
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1) OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0))";

            // FOR DECIMAL FIELDS
            if (conditionValue == "CompleteWorkDetailTMLabourHours")
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "%")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                    if (textForSearch == "")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + "=" + textForSearch + ")";

            return whereClause;
        private string GetOrderByClause()
            // Get tableName
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            string fmType = hdfFmType.Value;

            FmTypeViewSortGateway fmTypeViewSortGateway = new FmTypeViewSortGateway();
            fmTypeViewSortGateway.LoadByFmTypeSortId(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));

            string tableName = fmTypeViewSortGateway.GetTable_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));
            string columnName = fmTypeViewSortGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));
            string conditionName = fmTypeViewSortGateway.GetName(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue));

            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_SERVICE") tableName = "LFS";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_UNIT") tableName = "LFU";
            if (tableName == "LFS_FM_RULE") tableName = "LFR";
            if (conditionName == "Created By") tableName = "LEOwner";
            if (conditionName == "Assigned To") tableName = "LEAssignedTo";

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            string conditionValue = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            // Get order by clause
            string orderBy = "";

            if (columnName == "Date")
                switch (conditionValue)
                    case "StartWorkDateTime":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.StartWorkDateTime DESC";

                    case "CompleteWorkDateTime":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.CompleteWorkDateTime DESC";

                    case "AssignDeadlineDate":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.AssignDeadlineDate DESC";

                    case "DateTime_":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.DateTime_ DESC";

                    case "AssignDateTime":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.AssignDateTime DESC";

                    case "AcceptDateTime":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.AcceptDateTime DESC";

                    case "StartWorkOutOfServiceDate":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.StartWorkOutOfServiceDate DESC";

                    case "CompleteWorkBackToServiceDate":
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.CompleteWorkBackToServiceDate DESC";

                        orderBy = " ORDER BY LFS.ServiceID ASC";
                if (columnName == "Number")
                    orderBy = String.Format(" ORDER BY CASE WHEN 1 = IsNumeric({0}.{1}) THEN Cast({0}.{1} AS INT) END ", tableName, columnName);
                    if (conditionName == "Problem Description")
                        orderBy = String.Format(" ORDER BY CAST({0}.{1} AS nvarchar) ", tableName, columnName);
                        orderBy = " ORDER BY " + tableName + "." + columnName;

            return orderBy;
        private string modifyWhereClauseForCondition(string whereClause, int conditionId, string textForSearch)
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            string fmType = hdfFmType.Value;

            FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway();
            fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, conditionId);

            string conditionValue = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(fmType, companyId, conditionId);
            string tableName = fmTypeViewConditionGateway.GetTable_(fmType, companyId, conditionId);

            switch (tableName)
                case "LFS_FM_UNIT":
                    tableName = "FMU";

                case "LFS_FM_UNIT_COST_HISTORY":
                    tableName = "FMUCH";

                case "LFS_FM_UNIT_VEHICLE":
                    tableName = "FMUV";

                case "LFS_FM_COMPANYLEVEL":
                    if (conditionValue == "CompanyLevel")
                        conditionValue = "Name";
                        tableName = "FMC";

                case "LFS_COUNTRY":
                    if (conditionValue == "LicenseCountry")
                        tableName = "LCL";
                    if (conditionValue == "OwnerCountry")

                        tableName = "LCO";
                    conditionValue = "Name";

                case "LFS_PROVINCE":
                    if (conditionValue == "LicenseState")
                        tableName = "LPL";
                    if (conditionValue == "OwnerState")

                        tableName = "LPO";
                    conditionValue = "Name";

            // FOR TEXT FIELDS.
            if ((conditionValue == "UnitCode") || (conditionValue == "VIN") || (conditionValue == "Description") || (conditionValue == "State") || (conditionValue == "Manufacturer") || (conditionValue == "Model") || (conditionValue == "Year_") || (conditionValue == "Categories") || (conditionValue == "Name") || (conditionValue == "OwnerType") || (conditionValue == "Notes") || (conditionValue == "LicenseCountry") || (conditionValue == "LicenseState") || (conditionValue == "LicensePlateNumbver") || (conditionValue == "AportionedTagNumber") || (conditionValue == "ActualWeight") || (conditionValue == "RegisteredWeight") || (conditionValue == "TireSizeFront") || (conditionValue == "TireSizeBack") || (conditionValue == "NumberOfAxes") || (conditionValue == "FuelType") || (conditionValue == "BeginningOdometer") || (conditionValue == "OwnerCountry") || (conditionValue == "OwnerState") || (conditionValue == "OwnerName") || (conditionValue == "OwnerContact") || (conditionValue == "NotQualifiedExplain") || (conditionValue == "InsuranceClass") || (conditionValue == "InsuranceClassRyderSpecified"))
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "%")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                    if (textForSearch == "")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                        if (textForSearch.Contains("\""))
                            if (conditionValue == "Notes")
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("\"", "");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                            whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";

            // FOR BOOLEAN FIELDS
            if ((conditionValue == "IsTowable") || (conditionValue == "IsReeferEquipped") || (conditionValue == "IsPTOEquipped"))
                if (textForSearch != "")
                    if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "Y") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "YES"))
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1)";
                        if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "N") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "NO"))
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0)";
                            if (textForSearch == "%")
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1) OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0))";

            // FOR DATE FIELDS. (AcquisitionDate, QualifiedDate, NotQualifiedDate)
            if ((conditionValue == "AcquisitionDate") || (conditionValue == "QualifiedDate") || (conditionValue == "NotQualifiedDate"))
                // ... Search
                if (textForSearch == "")
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL)";
                    if (textForSearch == "%")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL) OR ";
                        whereClause = whereClause + "( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                        if ((Validator.IsValidDate(textForSearch)) && (textForSearch.Length > 7))
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";

            return whereClause;
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadByFmTypeConditionId
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fmType">fmType</param>
 /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
 /// <param name="conditionId">conditionId</param>
 public void LoadByFmTypeConditionId(string fmType, int companyId, int conditionId)
     FmTypeViewConditionGateway fmTypeViewConditionGateway = new FmTypeViewConditionGateway(Data);
     fmTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByFmTypeConditionId(fmType, companyId, conditionId);