private void PostPageChanges() { //--- [COMMENTED ROWS BELOW INTENDED FOR MAINTANANCE - DO NOT DELETE] //--- Post lfs master area changes int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyID"]); TDSLFSRecord.LFS_MASTER_AREARow lfsMasterAreaRow = tdsLfsRecord.LFS_MASTER_AREA.FindByIDCOMPANY_ID(newId, companyId); LFSMasterAreaGateway lfsMasterAreaGateway = new LFSMasterAreaGateway(); lfsMasterAreaRow.ID = lfsMasterAreaGateway.GetNewId(); lfsMasterAreaRow.COMPANY_ID = companyId; lfsMasterAreaRow.RecordID = tbxRecordID.Text.Trim(); if (tbxClientID.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ClientID = tbxClientID.Text.Trim(); lfsMasterAreaRow.COMPANIES_ID = Int32.Parse(ddlCOMPANIES_ID.SelectedItem.Value); if (tbxSubArea.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.SubArea = tbxSubArea.Text.Trim(); if (tbxStreet.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.Street = tbxStreet.Text.Trim(); if (tbxUSMH.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMH = tbxUSMH.Text.Trim(); if (tbxDSMH.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMH = tbxDSMH.Text.Trim(); if (tbxSize_.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.Size_ = tbxSize_.Text.Trim(); if (tbxScaledLength.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ScaledLength = tbxScaledLength.Text.Trim(); if (tbxP1Date.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.P1Date = DateTime.Parse(tbxP1Date.Text.Trim()); if (tbxActualLength.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ActualLength = tbxActualLength.Text.Trim(); if (tbxLiveLats.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.LiveLats = Double.Parse(tbxLiveLats.Text.Trim()); if (tbxCXIsRemoved.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.CXIsRemoved = tbxCXIsRemoved.Text.Trim(); if (tbxM1Date.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.M1Date = DateTime.Parse(tbxM1Date.Text.Trim()); if (tbxM2Date.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.M2Date = DateTime.Parse(tbxM2Date.Text.Trim()); if (tbxInstallDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.InstallDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxInstallDate.Text.Trim()); if (tbxFinalVideo.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.FinalVideo = DateTime.Parse(tbxFinalVideo.Text.Trim()); if (tbxComments.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.Comments = tbxComments.Text.Trim(); lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueIdentified = cbxIssueIdentified.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueResolved = cbxIssueResolved.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.FullLengthLining = cbxFullLengthLining.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.SubcontractorLining = cbxSubcontractorLining.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.OutOfScopeInArea = cbxOutOfScopeInArea.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueGivenToBayCity = cbxIssueGivenToBayCity.Checked; if (tbxConfirmedSize.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ConfirmedSize = Int32.Parse(tbxConfirmedSize.Text.Trim()); if (tbxInstallRate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.InstallRate = Decimal.Parse(tbxInstallRate.Text.Trim()); if (tbxDeadlineDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DeadlineDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxDeadlineDate.Text.Trim()); if (tbxProposedLiningDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ProposedLiningDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxProposedLiningDate.Text.Trim()); lfsMasterAreaRow.SalesIssue = cbxSalesIssue.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.LFSIssue = cbxLFSIssue.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.ClientIssue = cbxClientIssue.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.InvestigationIssue = cbxInvestigationIssue.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.PointLining = cbxPointLining.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.Grouting = cbxGrouting.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.LateralLining = cbxLateralLining.Checked; //if (tbxVacExDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.VacExDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxVacExDate.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxPusherDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.PusherDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxPusherDate.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxLinerOrdered.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.LinerOrdered = DateTime.Parse(tbxLinerOrdered.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxRestoration.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.Restoration = DateTime.Parse(tbxRestoration.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxGroutDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.GroutDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxGroutDate.Text.Trim()); lfsMasterAreaRow.JLiner = cbxJLiner.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.RehabAssessment = cbxRehabAssessment.Checked; if (tbxEstimatedJoints.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.EstimatedJoints = Int32.Parse(tbxEstimatedJoints.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxJointsTestSealed.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.JointsTestSealed = Int32.Parse(tbxJointsTestSealed.Text.Trim()); if (tbxPreFlushDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.PreFlushDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxPreFlushDate.Text.Trim()); if (tbxPreVideoDate.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.PreVideoDate = DateTime.Parse(tbxPreVideoDate.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxUSMHMN.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHMN = tbxUSMHMN.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxDSMHMN.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHMN = tbxDSMHMN.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxUSMHDepth.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHDepth = tbxUSMHDepth.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxDSMHDepth.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHDepth = tbxDSMHDepth.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxMeasurementsTakenBy.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.MeasurementsTakenBy = tbxMeasurementsTakenBy.Text.Trim(); if (tbxActualLength.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.SteelTapeThruPipe = tbxActualLength.Text.Trim(); // SYNCHRONIZED //if (tbxUSMHAtMouth1200.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth1200 = Double.Parse(tbxUSMHAtMouth1200.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxUSMHAtMouth100.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth100 = Double.Parse(tbxUSMHAtMouth100.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxUSMHAtMouth200.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth200 = Double.Parse(tbxUSMHAtMouth200.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxUSMHAtMouth300.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth300 = Double.Parse(tbxUSMHAtMouth300.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxUSMHAtMouth400.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth400 = Double.Parse(tbxUSMHAtMouth400.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxUSMHAtMouth500.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth500 = Double.Parse(tbxUSMHAtMouth500.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxDSMHAtMouth1200.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth1200 = Double.Parse(tbxDSMHAtMouth1200.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxDSMHAtMouth100.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth100 = Double.Parse(tbxDSMHAtMouth100.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxDSMHAtMouth200.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth200 = Double.Parse(tbxDSMHAtMouth200.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxDSMHAtMouth300.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth300 = Double.Parse(tbxDSMHAtMouth300.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxDSMHAtMouth400.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth400 = Double.Parse(tbxDSMHAtMouth400.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxDSMHAtMouth500.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth500 = Double.Parse(tbxDSMHAtMouth500.Text.Trim()); //if (tbxHydrantAddress.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.HydrantAddress = tbxHydrantAddress.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxDistanceToInversionMH.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DistanceToInversionMH = tbxDistanceToInversionMH.Text.Trim(); lfsMasterAreaRow.RampsRequired = false; //lfsMasterAreaRow.DegreeOfTrafficControl // LOOKUP lfsMasterAreaRow.StandarBypass = false; //if (tbxHydroWireDetails.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.HydroWireDetails = tbxHydroWireDetails.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxPipeMaterialType.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.PipeMaterialType = tbxPipeMaterialType.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxCappedLaterals.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.CappedLaterals = Int32.Parse(tbxCappedLaterals.Text.Trim()); lfsMasterAreaRow.RoboticPrepRequired = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.PipeSizeChange = false; //if (tbxM1Comments.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.M1Comments = tbxM1Comments.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxVideoDoneFrom.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.VideoDoneFrom = tbxVideoDoneFrom.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxToManhole.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ToManhole = tbxToManhole.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxCutterDescriptionDuringMeasuring.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.CutterDescriptionDuringMeasuring = tbxCutterDescriptionDuringMeasuring.Text.Trim(); lfsMasterAreaRow.FullLengthPointLiner = cbxFullLengthPointLiner.Checked; lfsMasterAreaRow.BypassRequired = false; //if (tbxRoboticDistances.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.RoboticDistances = tbxRoboticDistances.Text.Trim(); //if (tbxTrafficControlDetails.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.TrafficControlDetails = tbxTrafficControlDetails.Text.Trim(); else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetTrafficControlDetailsNull(); //if (tbxLineWithID.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.LineWithID = tbxLineWithID.Text.Trim(); else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetLineWithIDNull(); lfsMasterAreaRow.SchoolZone = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.RestaurantArea = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.CarwashLaundromat = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.HydroPulley = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.FridgeCart = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.TwoInchPump = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.SixInchBypass = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.Scaffolding = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.WinchExtension = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.ExtraGenerator = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.GreyCableExtension = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.EasementMats = false; //lfsMasterAreaRow.MeasurementType // LOOKUP lfsMasterAreaRow.DropPipe = false; //if (tbxDropPipeInvertDepth.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.DropPipeInvertDepth = tbxDropPipeInvertDepth.Trim(); else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDropPipeInvertDepthNull(); lfsMasterAreaRow.Deleted = false; //if (tbxMeasuredFromManhole.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.MeasuredFromManhole = tbxMeasuredFromManhole.Text.Trim(); else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetMeasuredFromManholeNull(); //if (ddlMainLined.SelectedValue != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.MainLined = ddlMainLined.SelectedValue; else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetMainLinedNull(); //if (ddlBenchingIssue.SelectedValue != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.BenchingIssue = ddlBenchingIssue.SelectedValue; else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetBenchingIssueNull(); lfsMasterAreaRow.Archived = false; if (tbxHistory.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.History = tbxHistory.Text.Trim(); lfsMasterAreaRow.NumLats = 0; lfsMasterAreaRow.NotLinedYet = 0; lfsMasterAreaRow.AllMeasured = false; if (tbxCity.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.City = tbxCity.Text.Trim(); if (tbxProvState.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ProvState = tbxProvState.Text.Trim(); //--- update ScaledLength1 Distance doubleDistance = new Distance(tbxScaledLength.Text.Trim()); if (tbxScaledLength.Text.Trim() != "") lfsMasterAreaRow.ScaledLength1 = doubleDistance.ToFeetDouble(); else lfsMasterAreaRow.SetScaledLength1Null(); //--- Store dataset lfs record Session["tdsLfsRecord"] = tdsLfsRecord; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// METHODS /// // // ProcessBulkUpload // private bool ProcessBulkUpload(string fName, out string bulkUploadResultMessage) { //--- Initialize bool bulkUploadProccessed = true; bulkUploadResultMessage = ""; TDSLFSRecord tdsLfsRecord = new TDSLFSRecord(); // holds the current record being uploaded TDSLFSRecord tdsLfsRecord2 = new TDSLFSRecord(); // holds all the records uploaded so far CompaniesGateway companiesGateway = new CompaniesGateway(); LFSMasterAreaGateway lfsMasterAreaGateway = new LFSMasterAreaGateway(); AppSettingsReader appSettingReader = new AppSettingsReader(); string excelConnectionString = appSettingReader.GetValue("ExcelConnectionString", typeof(System.String)).ToString() + fName + ";"; OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString); OleDbConnection connection2 = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString); OleDbCommand command = null; OleDbCommand command2 = null; OleDbDataReader dataReader = null; OleDbDataReader dataReader2 = null; try { //--- Preliminar validation of lfs_master_area data range #region Preliminar validation of lfs_master_area data range ArrayList validatedRecordIds = new ArrayList(); try { connection.Open(); command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [lfs_master_area]", connection); dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { if (!IsEmptyRow(dataReader)) { string recordId = dataReader.GetValue(dataReader.GetOrdinal("ID")).ToString().ToUpper().Trim(); if ( (recordId != "NULL") && (recordId != "") ) { //--- ... validate whether the ID is unique foreach (string tempRecordId in validatedRecordIds) { if (tempRecordId == recordId) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "The ID '" + recordId + "' is not unique within the lfs_master_area data range. Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; break; } } //--- ... validate whether the ID is not already in use in the database if (bulkUploadProccessed) { if (lfsMasterAreaGateway.IsRecordIdInUse(recordId, Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyID"]))) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "'" + recordId + "' is already in the database. Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } else { validatedRecordIds.Add(recordId); } } } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Do not enter NULL in 'ID' column (lfs_master_area data range). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } } dataReader.Close(); connection.Close(); } catch(Exception ex) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "You did not define the 'lfs_master_area' data range. Bulk upload ABORTED. Original message: " + ex.Message; bulkUploadProccessed = false; if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } } #endregion //--- Preliminar validation of lfs_point_repairs data range #region Preliminar validation of lfs_point_repairs data range if (bulkUploadProccessed && cbxUploadLfsPointRepairs.Checked) { try { connection.Open(); command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [lfs_point_repairs]", connection); dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { if (!IsEmptyRow(dataReader)) { string recordId = dataReader.GetValue(dataReader.GetOrdinal("ID")).ToString().ToUpper().Trim(); if ( (recordId != "NULL") && (recordId != "") ) { //--- ... validate whether the ID is defined in the lfs_master_area data range bool found = false; foreach (string tempRecordId in validatedRecordIds) { if (tempRecordId == recordId) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "The ID '" + recordId + "' defined in lfs_point_repairs data range does not have a corresponding ID defined in lfs_master_area data range. Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Do not enter NULL in 'ID' column (lfs_point_repairs data range). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } } dataReader.Close(); connection.Close(); } catch(Exception ex) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "You did not define the 'lfs_point_repairs' data range. Bulk upload ABORTED. Original message: " + ex.Message; bulkUploadProccessed = false; if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } } } #endregion //--- Preliminar validation of lfs_junction_liner data range #region Preliminar validation of lfs_junction_liner data range if (bulkUploadProccessed && cbxUploadLfsJunctionLiner.Checked) { try { connection.Open(); command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [lfs_junction_liner]", connection); dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { if (!IsEmptyRow(dataReader)) { string recordId = dataReader.GetValue(dataReader.GetOrdinal("ID")).ToString().ToUpper().Trim(); if ( (recordId != "NULL") && (recordId != "") ) { //--- ... validate whether the ID is defined in the lfs_master_area data range bool found = false; foreach (string tempRecordId in validatedRecordIds) { if (tempRecordId == recordId) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "The ID '" + recordId + "' defined in lfs_junction_liner data range does not have a corresponding ID defined in lfs_master_area data range. Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Do not enter NULL in 'ID' column (lfs_junction_liner data range). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } } dataReader.Close(); connection.Close(); } catch(Exception ex) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "You did not define the 'lfs_junction_liner' data range. Bulk upload ABORTED. Original message: " + ex.Message; bulkUploadProccessed = false; if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } } } #endregion //--- Process bulk upload if (bulkUploadProccessed) { connection.Open(); command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [lfs_master_area]", connection); dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { if (!IsEmptyRow(dataReader)) { //--- ... fill lfs master area row string recordId = dataReader.GetValue(dataReader.GetOrdinal("ID")).ToString().Trim(); TDSLFSRecord.LFS_MASTER_AREARow lfsMasterAreaRow = tdsLfsRecord.LFS_MASTER_AREA.NewLFS_MASTER_AREARow(); #region fill lfsMasterAreaRow lfsMasterAreaRow.ID = lfsMasterAreaGateway.GetNewId(); lfsMasterAreaRow.COMPANY_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyID"]); lfsMasterAreaRow.RecordID = recordId; lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueIdentified = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueResolved = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.FullLengthLining = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.SubcontractorLining = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.OutOfScopeInArea = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueGivenToBayCity = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.SalesIssue = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.LFSIssue = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.ClientIssue = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.InvestigationIssue = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.PointLining = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.Grouting = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.LateralLining = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.JLiner = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.RehabAssessment = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.RampsRequired = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.StandarBypass = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.RoboticPrepRequired = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.PipeSizeChange = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.FullLengthPointLiner = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.BypassRequired = false; /// lfsMasterAreaRow.SchoolZone = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.RestaurantArea = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.CarwashLaundromat = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.HydroPulley = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.FridgeCart = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.TwoInchPump = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.SixInchBypass = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.Scaffolding = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.WinchExtension = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.ExtraGenerator = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.GreyCableExtension = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.EasementMats = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.DropPipe = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.AllMeasured = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.Deleted = false; lfsMasterAreaRow.Archived = false; string dataCell = null; string dataCellToUpper = null; string actualLength = null; string steelTapeThruPipe = null; for (int i=0; i < dataReader.FieldCount; i++) { dataCell = dataReader.GetValue(i).ToString().Trim(); dataCellToUpper = dataReader.GetValue(i).ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); switch (dataReader.GetName(i).Trim()) { case "ID": break; case "ClientID": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.ClientID = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetClientIDNull(); } break; case "Client": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.COMPANIES_ID = companiesGateway.GetCOMPANIES_ID(Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyID"]), dataCell); if (lfsMasterAreaRow.COMPANIES_ID == Int32.MinValue) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Client '" + dataReader.GetValue(i).ToString() + "' was not found in the database (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Do not enter NULL in 'Client' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "SubArea": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.SubArea = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetSubAreaNull(); } break; case "Street": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.Street = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetStreetNull(); } break; case "USMH": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMH = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHNull(); } break; case "DSMH": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMH = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHNull(); } break; case "Size": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.Size_ = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetSize_Null(); } break; case "ScaledLength": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.ScaledLength = dataCell; lfsMasterAreaRow.ScaledLength1 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ScaledLength' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetScaledLengthNull(); lfsMasterAreaRow.SetScaledLength1Null(); } break; case "P1Date": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.P1Date = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'P1Date' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetP1DateNull(); } break; case "ActualLength": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Distance.IsValidDistance(dataCell)) { if (steelTapeThruPipe == null || steelTapeThruPipe == dataCell) { lfsMasterAreaRow.ActualLength = dataCell; lfsMasterAreaRow.SteelTapeThruPipe = dataCell; actualLength = dataCell; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "'ActualLength' value is not equal to 'SteelTapeThruPipe' value (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ActualLength' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { if (steelTapeThruPipe == null || steelTapeThruPipe == "") { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetActualLengthNull(); lfsMasterAreaRow.SetSteelTapeThruPipeNull(); actualLength = ""; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "'ActualLength' value is not equal to 'SteelTapeThruPipe' value (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } break; case "LiveLats": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.LiveLats = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LiveLats' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetLiveLatsNull(); } break; case "CXIsRemoved": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.CXIsRemoved = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetCXIsRemovedNull(); } break; case "M1Date": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.M1Date = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'M1Date' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetM1DateNull(); } break; case "M2Date": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.M2Date = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'M2Date' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetM2DateNull(); } break; case "InstallDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.InstallDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'InstallDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetInstallDateNull(); } break; case "FinalVideo": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.FinalVideo = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'FinalVideo' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetFinalVideoNull(); } break; case "Comments": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.Comments = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetCommentsNull(); } break; case "IssueIdentified": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueIdentified = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'IssueIdentified' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "IssueResolved": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueResolved = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'IssueResolved' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "FullLengthLining": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.FullLengthLining = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'FullLengthLining' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "SubcontractorLining": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.SubcontractorLining = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'SubcontractorLining' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "OutOfScopeInArea": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.OutOfScopeInArea = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'OutOfScopeInArea' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "IssueGivenToBayCity": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.IssueGivenToBayCity = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'IssueGivenToBayCity' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "ConfirmedSize": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.ConfirmedSize = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ConfirmedSize' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetConfirmedSizeNull(); } break; case "InstallRate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDecimal(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.InstallRate = Decimal.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'InstallRate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetInstallRateNull(); } break; case "DeadlineDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DeadlineDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DeadlineDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDeadlineDateNull(); } break; case "ProposedLiningDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.ProposedLiningDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ProposedLiningDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetProposedLiningDateNull(); } break; case "SalesIssue": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.SalesIssue = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'SalesIssue' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "LFSIssue": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.LFSIssue = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LFSIssue' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "ClientIssue": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.ClientIssue = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ClientIssue' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "InvestigationIssue": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.InvestigationIssue = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'InvestigationIssue' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "PointLining": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.PointLining = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PointLining' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "Grouting": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.Grouting = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Grouting' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "LateralLining": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.LateralLining = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LateralLining' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "VacExDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.VacExDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'VacExDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetVacExDateNull(); } break; case "PusherDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.PusherDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PusherDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetPusherDateNull(); } break; case "LinerOrdered": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.LinerOrdered = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LinerOrdered' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetLinerOrderedNull(); } break; case "Restoration": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.Restoration = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Restoration' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetRestorationNull(); } break; case "GroutDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.GroutDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'GroutDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetGroutDateNull(); } break; case "JLiner": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.JLiner = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'JLiner' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "RehabAssessment": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.RehabAssessment = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'RehabAssessment' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "EstimatedJoints": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.EstimatedJoints = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'EstimatedJoints' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetEstimatedJointsNull(); } break; case "JointsTestSealed": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.JointsTestSealed = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'JointsTestSealed' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetJointsTestSealedNull(); } break; case "PreFlushDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.PreFlushDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PreFlushDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetPreFlushDateNull(); } break; case "PreVideoDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.PreVideoDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PreVideoDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetPreVideoDateNull(); } break; case "USMHMN": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHMN = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHMNNull(); } break; case "DSMHMN": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHMN = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHMNNull(); } break; case "USMHDepth": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHDepth = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHDepthNull(); } break; case "DSMHDepth": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHDepth = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHDepthNull(); } break; case "MeasurementsTakenBy": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.MeasurementsTakenBy = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetMeasurementsTakenByNull(); } break; case "SteelTapeThruPipe": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Distance.IsValidDistance(dataCell)) { if (actualLength == null || actualLength == dataCell) { lfsMasterAreaRow.SteelTapeThruPipe = dataCell; lfsMasterAreaRow.ActualLength = dataCell; // SYNCHRONIZED steelTapeThruPipe = dataCell; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "'SteelTapeThruPipe' value is not equal to 'ActualLength' value (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'SteelTapeThruPipe' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { if (actualLength == null || actualLength == "") { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetSteelTapeThruPipeNull(); lfsMasterAreaRow.SetActualLengthNull(); // SYNCHRONIZED steelTapeThruPipe = ""; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "'SteelTapeThruPipe' value is not equal to 'ActualLength' value (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } break; case "USMHAtMouth1200": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth1200 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'USMHAtMouth1200' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHAtMouth1200Null(); } break; case "USMHAtMouth100": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth100 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'USMHAtMouth100' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHAtMouth100Null(); } break; case "USMHAtMouth200": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth200 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'USMHAtMouth200' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHAtMouth200Null(); } break; case "USMHAtMouth300": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth300 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'USMHAtMouth300' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHAtMouth300Null(); } break; case "USMHAtMouth400": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth400 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'USMHAtMouth400' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHAtMouth400Null(); } break; case "USMHAtMouth500": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.USMHAtMouth500 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'USMHAtMouth500' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetUSMHAtMouth500Null(); } break; case "DSMHAtMouth1200": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth1200 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DSMHAtMouth1200' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHAtMouth1200Null(); } break; case "DSMHAtMouth100": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth100 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DSMHAtMouth100' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHAtMouth100Null(); } break; case "DSMHAtMouth200": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth200 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DSMHAtMouth200' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHAtMouth200Null(); } break; case "DSMHAtMouth300": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth300 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DSMHAtMouth300' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHAtMouth300Null(); } break; case "DSMHAtMouth400": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth400 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DSMHAtMouth400' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHAtMouth400Null(); } break; case "DSMHAtMouth500": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DSMHAtMouth500 = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DSMHAtMouth500' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDSMHAtMouth500Null(); } break; case "HydrantAddress": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.HydrantAddress = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetHydrantAddressNull(); } break; case "DistanceToInversionMH": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.DistanceToInversionMH = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDistanceToInversionMHNull(); } break; case "RampsRequired": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.RampsRequired = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'RampsRequired' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "DegreeOfTrafficControl": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.DegreeOfTrafficControl = dataCell; if ( (dataCell != "FLAGMEN REQUIRED") && (dataCell != "MAJOR ROAD") && (dataCell != "PERMIT REQUIRED") && (dataCell != "RESIDENTIAL")) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DegreeOfTrafficControl' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDegreeOfTrafficControlNull(); } break; case "StandarBypass": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.StandarBypass = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'StandarBypass' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "HydroWireDetails": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.HydroWireDetails = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetHydroWireDetailsNull(); } break; case "PipeMaterialType": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.PipeMaterialType = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetPipeMaterialTypeNull(); } break; case "CappedLaterals": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.CappedLaterals = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'CappedLaterals' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetCappedLateralsNull(); } break; case "RoboticPrepRequired": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.RoboticPrepRequired = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'RoboticPrepRequired' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "PipeSizeChange": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.PipeSizeChange = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PipeSizeChange' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "M1Comments": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.M1Comments = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetM1CommentsNull(); } break; case "VideoDoneFrom": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.VideoDoneFrom = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetVideoDoneFromNull(); } break; case "ToManhole": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.ToManhole = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetToManholeNull(); } break; case "CutterDescriptionDuringMeasuring": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.CutterDescriptionDuringMeasuring = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetCutterDescriptionDuringMeasuringNull(); } break; case "FullLengthPointLiner": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.FullLengthPointLiner = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'FullLengthPointLiner' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "BypassRequired": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.BypassRequired = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'BypassRequired' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "RoboticDistances": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.RoboticDistances = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetRoboticDistancesNull(); } break; /// case "TrafficControlDetails": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.TrafficControlDetails = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetTrafficControlDetailsNull(); } break; case "LineWithID": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.LineWithID = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetLineWithIDNull(); } break; case "SchoolZone": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.SchoolZone = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'SchoolZone' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "RestaurantArea": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.RestaurantArea = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'RestaurantArea' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "CarwashLaundromat": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.CarwashLaundromat = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'CarwashLaundromat' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "HydroPulley": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.HydroPulley = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'HydroPulley' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "FridgeCart": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.FridgeCart = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'FridgeCart' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "TwoInchPump": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.TwoInchPump = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'TwoInchPump' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "SixInchBypass": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.SixInchBypass = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'SixInchBypass' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "Scaffolding": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.Scaffolding = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Scaffolding' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "WinchExtension": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.WinchExtension = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'WinchExtension' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "ExtraGenerator": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.ExtraGenerator = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ExtraGenerator' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "GreyCableExtension": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.GreyCableExtension = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'GreyCableExtension' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "EasementMats": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.EasementMats = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'EasementMats' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "MeasurementType": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.MeasurementType = dataCell; if ( (dataCell != "CAMERA") && (dataCell != "SIMULATOR")) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'MeasurementType' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetMeasurementTypeNull(); } break; case "DropPipe": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsMasterAreaRow.DropPipe = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DropPipe' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "DropPipeInvertDepth": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.DropPipeInvertDepth = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetDropPipeInvertDepthNull(); } break; case "MeasuredFromManhole": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.MeasuredFromManhole = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetMeasuredFromManholeNull(); } break; case "MainLined": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.MainLined = dataCell; if ( (dataCellToUpper != "YES") && (dataCellToUpper != "NO")) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'MainLined' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetMainLinedNull(); } break; case "BenchingIssue": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.BenchingIssue = dataCell; if ( (dataCellToUpper != "YES") && (dataCellToUpper != "NO")) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'BenchingIssue' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetBenchingIssueNull(); } break; case "History": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.History = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetHistoryNull(); } break; case "NumLats": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.NumLats = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'NumLats' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.NumLats = 0; } break; case "NotLinedYet": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsMasterAreaRow.NotLinedYet = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'NotLinedYet' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.NotLinedYet = 0; } break; case "AllMeasured": if ((dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO")) { lfsMasterAreaRow.AllMeasured = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'AllMeasured' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "City": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.City = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetCityNull(); } break; case "ProvState": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsMasterAreaRow.ProvState = dataCell; } else { lfsMasterAreaRow.SetProvStateNull(); } break; default: bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid column name '" + dataReader.GetName(i) + "' in lfs_master_area data range."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; break; } if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } #endregion tdsLfsRecord.LFS_MASTER_AREA.AddLFS_MASTER_AREARow(lfsMasterAreaRow); //--- ... fill lfs point repairs rows if (cbxUploadLfsPointRepairs.Checked) { connection2.Open(); command2 = new OleDbCommand("select * from [lfs_point_repairs] where ID = '" + recordId + "'", connection2); dataReader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader2.Read()) { if (!IsEmptyRow(dataReader)) { TDSLFSRecord.LFS_POINT_REPAIRSRow lfsPointRepairsRow = tdsLfsRecord.LFS_POINT_REPAIRS.NewLFS_POINT_REPAIRSRow(); #region fill lfsPointRepairsRow lfsPointRepairsRow.ID = lfsMasterAreaRow.ID; lfsPointRepairsRow.RefID = Generator.GetNewLfsPointRepairsRefId(tdsLfsRecord); lfsPointRepairsRow.COMPANY_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyID"]); lfsPointRepairsRow.DetailID = Generator.GetNewLfsPointRepairsDetailId(tdsLfsRecord); lfsPointRepairsRow.Deleted = false; lfsPointRepairsRow.ExtraRepair = false; lfsPointRepairsRow.Cancelled = false; lfsPointRepairsRow.Approved = false; lfsPointRepairsRow.NotApproved = false; lfsPointRepairsRow.Archived = false; for (int i=0; i < dataReader2.FieldCount; i++) { dataCell = dataReader2.GetValue(i).ToString().Trim(); dataCellToUpper = dataReader2.GetValue(i).ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); switch (dataReader2.GetName(i).Trim()) { case "ID": break; case "RepairSize": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.RepairSize = dataCell; } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetRepairSizeNull(); } break; case "InstallDate": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsPointRepairsRow.InstallDate = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'InstallDate' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetInstallDateNull(); } break; case "Distance": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.Distance = dataCell; } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetDistanceNull(); } break; case "Cost": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDecimal(dataCell)) { lfsPointRepairsRow.Cost = Decimal.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Cost' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetCostNull(); } break; case "Reinstates": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidInt32(dataCell)) { lfsPointRepairsRow.Reinstates = Int32.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Reinstates' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetReinstatesNull(); } break; case "LTAtMH": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.LTAtMH = dataCell; } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetLTAtMHNull(); } break; case "VTAtMH": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.VTAtMH = dataCell; } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetVTAtMHNull(); } break; case "LinerDistance": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.LinerDistance = dataCell; } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetLinerDistanceNull(); } break; case "Direction": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.Direction = dataCell; if ( (dataCell != "DS PULL IN") && (dataCell != "DS PUSH IN") && (dataCell != "US PULL IN") && (dataCell != "US PUSH IN")) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Direction' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetDirectionNull(); } break; case "MHShot": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.MHShot = dataCell; if ( (dataCell != "DS MH SHOT") && (dataCell != "US MH SHOT")) { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'MHShot' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetMHShotNull(); } break; case "Comments": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsPointRepairsRow.Comments = dataCell; } else { lfsPointRepairsRow.SetCommentsNull(); } break; case "ExtraRepair": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsPointRepairsRow.ExtraRepair = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'ExtraRepair' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "Cancelled": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsPointRepairsRow.Cancelled = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Cancelled' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "Approved": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsPointRepairsRow.Approved = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Approved' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "NotApproved": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsPointRepairsRow.NotApproved = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'NotApproved' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; default: bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid column name '" + dataReader2.GetName(i) + "' in lfs_point_repairs data range."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; break; } if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } #endregion tdsLfsRecord.LFS_POINT_REPAIRS.AddLFS_POINT_REPAIRSRow(lfsPointRepairsRow); if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } } dataReader2.Close(); connection2.Close(); } //--- ... fill lfs junction liner rows if (cbxUploadLfsJunctionLiner.Checked) { connection2.Open(); command2 = new OleDbCommand("select * from [lfs_junction_liner] where ID = '" + recordId + "'", connection2); dataReader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader2.Read()) { if (!IsEmptyRow(dataReader)) { TDSLFSRecord.LFS_JUNCTION_LINERRow lfsJunctionLinerRow = tdsLfsRecord.LFS_JUNCTION_LINER.NewLFS_JUNCTION_LINERRow(); #region fill lfsJunctionLinerRow lfsJunctionLinerRow.ID = lfsMasterAreaRow.ID; lfsJunctionLinerRow.RefID = Generator.GetNewLfsJunctionLinerRefId(tdsLfsRecord); lfsJunctionLinerRow.COMPANY_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyID"]); lfsJunctionLinerRow.DetailID = Generator.GetNewLfsJunctionLinerDetailId(tdsLfsRecord); lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutRequired = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.PitRequired = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.MHShot = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutInstalled = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.PitInstalled = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutGrouted = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutCored = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.RestorationComplete = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.LinerOrdered = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.LinerInStock = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.Deleted = false; lfsJunctionLinerRow.Archived = false; for (int i=0; i < dataReader2.FieldCount; i++) { dataCell = dataReader2.GetValue(i).ToString().Trim(); dataCellToUpper = dataReader2.GetValue(i).ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); switch (dataReader2.GetName(i).Trim()) { case "ID": break; case "MN": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsJunctionLinerRow.MN = dataCell; } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetMNNull(); } break; case "DistanceFromUSMH": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDouble(dataCell)) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.DistanceFromUSMH = Double.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'DistanceFromUSMH' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetDistanceFromUSMHNull(); } break; case "ConfirmedLatSize": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsJunctionLinerRow.ConfirmedLatSize = dataCell; } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetConfirmedLatSizeNull(); } break; case "LateralMaterial": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsJunctionLinerRow.LateralMaterial = dataCell; } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetLateralMaterialNull(); } break; case "SharedLateral": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SharedLateral = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? "Yes" : "No"; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'SharedLateral' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetSharedLateralNull(); } break; case "CleanoutRequired": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutRequired = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'CleanoutRequired' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "PitRequired": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.PitRequired = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PitRequired' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "MHShot": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.MHShot = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'MHShot' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "MainConnection": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if ( (dataCellToUpper == "TEE") || (dataCellToUpper == "WEE") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.MainConnection = (dataCellToUpper == "TEE") ? "Tee" : "Wee"; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'MainConnection' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetMainConnectionNull(); } break; case "Transition": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.Transition = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? "Yes" : "No"; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'Transition' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetTransitionNull(); } break; case "CleanoutInstalled": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutInstalled = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'CleanoutInstalled' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "PitInstalled": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.PitInstalled = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PitInstalled' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "CleanoutGrouted": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutGrouted = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'CleanoutGrouted' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "CleanoutCored": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.CleanoutCored = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'CleanoutCored' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "PrepCompleted": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.PrepCompleted = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'PrepCompleted' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetPrepCompletedNull(); } break; case "MeasuredLatLength": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsJunctionLinerRow.MeasuredLatLength = dataCell; } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetMeasuredLatLengthNull(); } break; case "MeasurementsTakenBy": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsJunctionLinerRow.MeasurementsTakenBy = dataCell; } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetMeasurementsTakenByNull(); } break; case "LinerInstalled": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.LinerInstalled = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LinerInstalled' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetLinerInstalledNull(); } break; case "FinalVideo": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDate(dataCell)) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.FinalVideo = DateTime.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'FinalVideo' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetFinalVideoNull(); } break; case "RestorationComplete": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.RestorationComplete = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'RestorationComplete' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "LinerOrdered": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.LinerOrdered = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LinerOrdered' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "LinerInStock": if ( (dataCellToUpper == "YES") || (dataCellToUpper == "NO") ) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.LinerInStock = (dataCellToUpper == "YES") ? true : false; } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LinerInStock' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } break; case "LinerPrice": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { if (Validator.IsValidDecimal(dataCell)) { lfsJunctionLinerRow.LinerPrice = Decimal.Parse(dataCell); } else { bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid value in 'LinerPrice' column (" + recordId + "). Bulk upload ABORTED."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; } } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetLinerPriceNull(); } break; case "Comments": if (dataCellToUpper != "NULL") { lfsJunctionLinerRow.Comments = dataCell; } else { lfsJunctionLinerRow.SetCommentsNull(); } break; default: bulkUploadResultMessage = "Invalid column name '" + dataReader2.GetName(i) + "' in lfs_junction_liner data range."; bulkUploadProccessed = false; break; } if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } #endregion tdsLfsRecord.LFS_JUNCTION_LINER.AddLFS_JUNCTION_LINERRow(lfsJunctionLinerRow); if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } } dataReader2.Close(); connection2.Close(); } //--- ... caculate data for record change tracking tdsLfsRecord2.Merge(tdsLfsRecord); tdsLfsRecord.Clear(); if (!bulkUploadProccessed) { break; } } } dataReader.Close(); connection.Close(); //--- Insert bulk uploaded data in database if (bulkUploadProccessed) { //--- Update database LFSRecordGateway lfsRecordGateway = new LFSRecordGateway(); lfsRecordGateway.UpdateRecord(tdsLfsRecord2); } } } catch(Exception ex) { if (!dataReader2.IsClosed) { dataReader2.Close(); } if (connection2.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connection2.Close(); } if (!dataReader.IsClosed) { dataReader.Close(); } if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } throw ex; } return (bulkUploadProccessed) ? true : false; }