FillColumn() public method

public FillColumn ( int InputKey, float InputVal, int IdxCol ) : void
InputKey int
InputVal float
IdxCol int
return void
         * Load the label data (single column) and return it in a sparse matrix
		public static SparseMatrix LabelDataLoader(string LabelDataFile, int nOutput, string OutputType)
			Console.WriteLine("Scanning the file: {0}", LabelDataFile);
			StreamReader LabelDataStream = new StreamReader(LabelDataFile);
			string StrLine;
			int nLine = 0;
			int nSamples = 0;
			List<string> AllRawLabel = new List<string>();

			// Load all the data
			nLine = 0;
			while ((StrLine = LabelDataStream.ReadLine())!=null)

				if (nLine % 10000 == 0)
					Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\r", nLine);
			Console.WriteLine("Number of lines (samples): {0}", nLine);
			Console.WriteLine("Finished scanning the input data file");

			// Parse the raw text into actual labels to be used in the learning algorithm
			Console.WriteLine("Loading input data...");
			nSamples = nLine;
			SparseMatrix LabelData = new SparseMatrix(nOutput, nSamples);
			nLine = 0;
			switch (OutputType)
			case "linearCE":
				Parallel.For(0, LabelData.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MatrixOperation.MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
						int[] Key = new int[1];
						float[] Val = new float[1];
						if (!int.TryParse(AllRawLabel[IdxCol], out Key[0]))
							Key[0] = (int)float.Parse(AllRawLabel[IdxCol]);
						Val[0] = 1.0f;
						LabelData.FillColumn(Key, Val, IdxCol);
						Interlocked.Increment(ref nLine);
						if (nLine % 10000 == 0)
							Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\r", nLine);
			case "softmaxCE":
				Parallel.For(0, LabelData.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MatrixOperation.MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
						int[] Key = new int[1];
						float[] Val = new float[1];
						if (!int.TryParse(AllRawLabel[IdxCol], out Key[0]))
							Key[0] = (int)float.Parse(AllRawLabel[IdxCol]);
						Val[0] = 1.0f;
						LabelData.FillColumn(Key, Val, IdxCol);
						Interlocked.Increment(ref nLine);
						if (nLine % 10000 == 0)
							Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\r", nLine);
			case "linearQuad":
				Parallel.For(0, LabelData.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MatrixOperation.MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
						string[] StrLineSplit = AllRawLabel[IdxCol].Split('\t');
						int[] Key = new int[StrLineSplit.Length];
						float[] Val = new float[StrLineSplit.Length];
						for (int IdxOutput = 0; IdxOutput < StrLineSplit.Length; IdxOutput++)
							Key[IdxOutput] = IdxOutput;
							Val[IdxOutput] = float.Parse(StrLineSplit[IdxOutput]);
						LabelData.FillColumn(Key, Val, IdxCol);
						Interlocked.Increment(ref nLine);
						if (nLine % 10000 == 0)
							Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\r", nLine);
				throw new Exception("Unknown OutputType are supported.");
			Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\n", nLine);

			return LabelData;
         * Load input data (tsv format) and return it in a sparse matrix
		public static SparseMatrix InputDataLoader(string InputDataFile, int nInput)

			// Scan through the entire file to get the number of lines (number of samples)
			Console.WriteLine("Scanning the file: {0}", InputDataFile);
			StreamReader InputDataStream = new StreamReader(InputDataFile);
			string StrLine;
			int nLine = 0;
			int nSamples = 0;
			List<string> AllRawInput = new List<string>();
			while ((StrLine = InputDataStream.ReadLine()) != null)
				if (nLine % 10000 == 0)
					Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\r", nLine);
			nSamples = nLine;
			Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}\n", nLine);
			Console.WriteLine("Finished scanning the input data file");

			// Parse each line and store it into each column of the sparse matrix
			Console.WriteLine("Loading input data...");
			SparseMatrix InputDataMatrix = new SparseMatrix(nInput, nLine);            
			nLine = 0;            
			int nTotNonzero = 0;
			int nEmptyLine = 0;
			Parallel.For(0, InputDataMatrix.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MatrixOperation.MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					string[] StrLineSplit = AllRawInput[IdxCol].Split('\t');
					int nNonzero = StrLineSplit.Length;
					Interlocked.Add(ref nTotNonzero, nNonzero);
					int[] Key = null;
					float[] Val = null;
					Key = new int[nNonzero];
					Val = new float[nNonzero];
					string[] StrKeyValPair = null;
					if (StrLineSplit.Length == 1 && StrLineSplit[0] == "")
						Key[0] = 0;
						Val[0] = 0.0f;
						Interlocked.Increment(ref nEmptyLine);
						for (int Idx = 0; Idx < nNonzero; Idx++)
							StrKeyValPair = StrLineSplit[Idx].Split(':');
							Key[Idx] = int.Parse(StrKeyValPair[0]);
							Val[Idx] = float.Parse(StrKeyValPair[1]);
					InputDataMatrix.FillColumn(Key, Val, IdxCol);

					Interlocked.Increment(ref nLine);
					if (nLine % 10000 == 0)
						Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}, with {1} empty lines.\r", nLine, nEmptyLine);

			Console.Write("Number of lines (samples): {0}, with {1} empty lines.\n", nLine, nEmptyLine);
			Console.WriteLine("Finished loading the input data file");
			Console.WriteLine("# Samples = {0}, # Inputs = {1}", InputDataMatrix.nCols, InputDataMatrix.nRows);
			Console.WriteLine("# Nonzeros = {0}/{1} ({2}%)", nTotNonzero, (long)InputDataMatrix.nRows * (long)InputDataMatrix.nCols, (((float)nTotNonzero) / ((float)InputDataMatrix.nRows * InputDataMatrix.nCols)) * 100);

			return InputDataMatrix;