/// <summary> /// Gets all class attributes from the Schema template and add them to the treeview /// </summary> /// <param name="objectAddDlg"></param> public ObjectAddWelcomePage(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode, IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : this() { this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; this.dirnode = dirnode; this._container = container; this._parentPage = parentPage; if (_objectAddDlg.objectClasses != null) { if (treeView1.Nodes != null) { treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); } foreach (string node in _objectAddDlg.objectClasses) { if (node != null) { SchemaType schemaType = _objectAddDlg.schemaCache.GetSchemaTypeByObjectClass(node); LdapClassType ldapClassType = schemaType as LdapClassType; String[] mandatoryAttributes = ldapClassType.MandatoryAttributes; TreeNode schemeNode = new TreeNode(); schemeNode.Text = schemaType.AttributeDisplayName; schemeNode.Tag = mandatoryAttributes; treeView1.Nodes.Add(schemeNode); treeView1.Sort(); } } } treeView1.HideSelection = true; }
public ObjectAddMoreAttributesDlg(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg, IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : this(container, parentPage) { this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; InitializeComponent(); InitializePages(); }
public ObjectAddFinalPage(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg, IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : this() { this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; this._container = container; this._parentPage = parentPage; //this.pageName = "finalnewObjectPage"; }
/// <summary> /// Overriden constructor will get and initializes attribute list from the selected object class from the treeview /// </summary> /// <param name="objectAddDlg"></param> /// <param name="attrName"></param> public ObjectAddSinglePage(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg, string attrName) : this() { this.Name = attrName; this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; this.attrNameLabel.Text = attrName; SchemaType syntax = _objectAddDlg.schemaCache.GetSchemaTypeByDisplayName(attrName); if (syntax != null) { this.cnSyntaxlabel.Text = ObjectAddAttributesTab.GetADSTypeString(syntax); } pageName = attrName; this.cntextBox.Text = ""; }
public ObjectAddAttributesTab(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg) : this() { this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; _newAttributesList = _objectAddDlg.objectInfo._AttributesList; }
/// <summary> /// Helper function that is used to add new object when we click of 'New - Object' menu item /// </summary> /// <param name="dirnode"></param> private void AddNewObject(ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode) { if (dirnode != null) { DirectoryContext dirContext = dirnode.LdapContext; string sText = "Create Object"; LDAPSchemaCache schemaCache = dirContext.SchemaCache; ADObjectAddDlg f = new ADObjectAddDlg(base.container, this, sText, schemaCache, dirnode); f.ShowDialog(this); if (f.objectInfo.commit) { //create an new object if (f.choosenClass.Equals("computer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { AddNewObj_Computer(dirnode, f.objectInfo.htMandatoryAttrList, true, false, false); } else if (f.choosenClass.Equals("user", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { AddNewObj_User(dirnode, f.objectInfo.htMandatoryAttrList, true, null, true, false, false, false); } else if (f.choosenClass.Equals("group", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { AddNewObj_Group(dirnode, f.objectInfo.htMandatoryAttrList, true); } else if (f.choosenClass.Equals("organizationalUnit", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { AddNewObj_OU(dirnode, null, f.objectInfo.htMandatoryAttrList, true); } else { AddNewObj(dirnode, f.choosenClass, null, f.objectInfo.htMandatoryAttrList); } } } }