public static int HandleRequest(Rule Rule, int exitPath, XElement Application)
     Assembly oAssembly = Assembly.Load(Rule.AssemblyName, null);
     Handler oFactory = ((Handler)oAssembly.CreateInstance(Rule.ClassName, true));
     exitPath = oFactory.HandleRequest(ref exitPath, ref Application);
     return exitPath;
        /// <summary>
        /// The Main method performs the management of the rules engine. Although this project is a 
        /// console application it could easily be converted to a Windows service or a WCF service.
        /// Other triggers such as a filewatcher could be used in this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Not applicable</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //PopulateLists prepares all the rule lists and component lists for the application.

            //The application will loop through the list of files in lstXDocPath
            foreach (string XDocPath in lstXDocPath)
                //Using LINQ to XML The program loads the Xml document.
                XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(XDocPath);

                //From the xdoc the program will grab the Element "Applications"
                XElement xe = xdoc.Element("Applications");

                //Since the file has a single application this code block will be appropriate.

                //The program grabs the formid as the source for selecting the rules
                string FormId = ((string)xe.Element("Application").Element("FormId"));

                //Based on the FormId the list of rules will be selected from the list of rules.
                var rulesByFormId = from RulesByFormId rulesbyformid in lstRulesByFormId
                                    where ((rulesbyformid.FormId == Convert.ToInt32(FormId))
                                    && (rulesbyformid.Active))
                                    orderby rulesbyformid.RuleId
                                    select rulesbyformid;

                //Convert the enumerable object to a list
                List<RulesByFormId> lstrulesbyformid = rulesByFormId.ToList<RulesByFormId>();

                Rule rule = new Rule();
                //Here we write out the application Xml to the Console.

                //We set the next rule to the first rule in the set.
                int NextRule = lstrulesbyformid[0].RuleId;

                //Loop through the rules
                    //Get the rule based on the NextRule Variable.
                    var _rule = from Rule rules in lstRules
                                where rules.RuleID == NextRule
                                select rules;

                    if (_rule.Equals( null))
                        NextRule = 10000;
                        goto ExitRule;
                        rule = ((Rule)_rule.ToList<Rule>()[0]);

                        //Run the Rule through the RuleFactory
                        int exitPath = RuleFactory.HandleRequest(rule, NextRule, xe.Element("Application"));

                        int AppId = Convert.ToInt32(xe.Element("Application").Attribute("AppId").Value);

                        //The AppId and the exitPath determine the test output to the Console.
                            case 1:
                                Console.WriteLine("Rule " + rule.AssemblyName + " for AppId:" + AppId + " is Complete");
                            case 2:
                                Console.WriteLine("Rule " + rule.AssemblyName + " for AppId:" + AppId + " Failed");
                            case 3:
                                Console.WriteLine("Rule " + rule.AssemblyName + " for AppId:" + AppId + " had a catastrophic failure");
                        //Based on the exitPath get the NextRule
                        NextRule = RuleFactory.GetNextRule(rule.RuleID, exitPath, xe.Element("Application"), lstRulesToRun);
                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { NextRule = 0; }
                    if (NextRule == 10000 || NextRule==0) break;
                }while(NextRule != 0 && NextRule != 10000);

                if (NextRule == 10000)
                    Console.WriteLine("We are done with the tests on file " + XDocPath);
                if (NextRule == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(XDocPath + " resulted in a catastrophic error.  ");


            //After all the tests are run display all the errors.
            DataTable dt = ErrorLogging.SelectAll_ErrorLogging();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    Console.WriteLine("AppId= " + dr["AppId"].ToString() + " FormId= " +
                        dr["FormId"].ToString() + " ErrorDescription = "+ dr["ErrorDescription"].ToString());


