public void SendSeatOutdateMessage(int roomNum, string roomName, int time, DateTime now) { string[] sql = { "select,t1.seat_no,t1.time_end,t2.wechat from tb_seat_student as t1,tb_student as t2 where and t1.time_end<@nw and t1.isoutdate=0 and t1.issend_" + time + "_message=0 and", "update tb_seat_student set issend_" + time + "_message=1 where room=@room and time_end<@nw and isoutdate=0 and issend_" + time + "_message=0" }; SqlParameter[] sp1 = { new SqlParameter("@room", roomNum), new SqlParameter("@nw", now.AddMinutes(time)) }; DataTable dt = SqlServerHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql[0], sp1); SendMessage sd = new SendMessage(); //发送消息 foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { sd.SendSeatOutDateMessage(item[0].ToString(), MyConvert.toString(item[3]), roomName, seat_no2tableseat(MyConvert.toInt(item[1])), time.ToString(), MyConvert.toString(item[2])); } //发送消息结束。 SqlParameter[] sp2 = { new SqlParameter("@room", roomNum), new SqlParameter("@nw", now.AddMinutes(time)) }; SqlServerHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql[1], sp2); }
//获取操作微信公众平台需要的access_token信息。测试阶段,不必考虑安全性问题,直接在本地卡机上获取token即可。 //等正式运行时在服务端获取token,然后存在数据库中。避免出现过多调用access_token而引起的次数超过微信限制或者其他安全问题。 public string GetAccessToken() { if (token == null || DateTime.Now - gettime > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(110)) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string str = client.DownloadString(new Uri("")); JObject res = JObject.Parse(str); token = MyConvert.toString(res["access_token"]); gettime = DateTime.Now; } return(token); }
//获取操作微信公众平台需要的access_token信息。测试阶段,不必考虑安全性问题,直接在本地卡机上获取token即可。 //等正式运行时在服务端获取token,然后存在数据库中。避免出现过多调用access_token而引起的次数超过微信限制或者其他安全问题。 /// <summary> ///在Redis服务器中,AccessToken的有效期设置为6000秒,而微信服务器获取到的AccessToken有效期为7200秒, ///这样可以有效避免正在发送消息呢,AccessToken过期导致的发送消息失败,尝试从redis数据库中获取微信AccessToken, ///如果获取到的值为null,那么本地请求微信服务器获取一个AccessToken,然后更新Redis中的AccessToken. /// </summary> public SendMessage() { RedisHelper redis = new RedisHelper(); token = redis.GetString("accessToken"); if (token == null) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string str = client.DownloadString(new Uri("")); JObject res = JObject.Parse(str); token = MyConvert.toString(res["access_token"]); redis.SetString("accessToken", token, 6000); } }
public string FindOpenId(string str) { string sql = "select wechat from tb_student where no='" + str + "'"; return(MyConvert.toString(SqlServerHelper.ExecuteSclar(sql))); }
public string FindNo(string str) { string sql = "select no from tb_student where card='" + str + "'"; return(MyConvert.toString(SqlServerHelper.ExecuteSclar(sql))); }
public string FindRoomName(int roomNum) { string sql = "select name from tb_room where no=" + roomNum; return(MyConvert.toString(SqlServerHelper.ExecuteSclar(sql))); }