        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate positions of cylinders with triangle pattern method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Rondelica> GetPositionsOfCylindersTriangularPattern(Rondelica r)
            // TODO: fix
            int diameter        = r.Radius * 2;
            int spaceToEdge     = r.MinDistC2Edge;
            int spaceToCylinder = r.MinDistC2C;
            List <Rondelica> listOfCylinders = new List <Rondelica>();
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            if (Length > 0 && Width > 0 && diameter > 0)
                if ((diameter + spaceToEdge) <= Length && (diameter + spaceToEdge) <= Width)
                    x = diameter / 2 + spaceToEdge;
                    y = diameter / 2 + spaceToEdge;
                    int triangle = 0;
                            Rondelica circle = new Rondelica(diameter / 2, r.MinDistC2C, r.MinDistC2Edge, new Point(x, y));
                            // increase x for diameter and space between cylinders
                            x += diameter + spaceToCylinder;
                        } while (x + diameter / 2 + spaceToEdge <= Length);
                        if (triangle == 0)
                            x        = (int)Math.Round((diameter + 1.5 * spaceToEdge));
                            triangle = 1;
                            x        = diameter / 2 + spaceToEdge;
                            triangle = 0;
                        y += (int)Math.Round(Math.Pow(Math.Pow(diameter + spaceToEdge, 2) * 0.75, 0.5));
                    } while (y + diameter / 2 + spaceToEdge <= Width);

            ListOfCylinders = listOfCylinders;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate positions of cylinders with rectangle pattern method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Rondelica> GetPositionsOfCylindersRecPattern(Rondelica r)
            int diameter        = r.Radius * 2;
            int spaceToEdge     = r.MinDistC2Edge;
            int spaceToCylinder = r.MinDistC2C;
            List <Rondelica> listOfCylinders = new List <Rondelica>();
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            if (Length > 0 && Width > 0 && diameter > 0)
                if ((diameter + spaceToEdge) <= Length && (diameter + spaceToEdge) <= Width)
                    x = (diameter / 2) + spaceToEdge;
                    y = (diameter / 2) + spaceToEdge;
                            Rondelica rondelica = new Rondelica(diameter / 2, r.MinDistC2C, r.MinDistC2Edge, new Point(x, y));
                            // check space on the right of the cylinder
                            if ((rondelica.Position.X + rondelica.Radius + spaceToEdge <= Length) &&
                                rondelica.Position.Y + rondelica.Radius + spaceToEdge <= Width)
                            // increase x for diameter and space between cylinders
                            x += diameter + spaceToCylinder;
                        } while (x + (diameter / 2) + spaceToEdge <= Length);
                        x = (diameter / 2) + spaceToEdge;

                        // increase y for diameter and space between cylinders
                        y += diameter + spaceToCylinder;
                    } while (y + (diameter / 2) + spaceToEdge <= Width);
                Console.WriteLine("Wrong values");
            ListOfCylinders = listOfCylinders;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate max number of cylinders that can be cut from rectangle with rectangle pattern method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rondelica"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int MaxNumberOfCylindersRecPattern(Rondelica rondelica)
            // need to add 1 more spacing to length and width since the last spacing is already counted with space to edge
            int cylindersPerLine   = (Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2 + rondelica.MinDistC2C) / (rondelica.Radius * 2 + rondelica.MinDistC2C);
            int cylindersPerColumn = (Width - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2 + rondelica.MinDistC2C) / (rondelica.Radius * 2 + rondelica.MinDistC2C);
            int result             = cylindersPerLine * cylindersPerColumn;

            if (rondelica.Radius == 0 || Length == 0 || Width == 0)
                result = 0;

            // in some cases where spacing is bigger than length or width
            if (result < 0)
                result = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate max number of cylinders that can be cut from rectangle with triangle pattern method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rondelica"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int MaxNumberOfCylindersTriangularPattern(Rondelica rondelica)
            // TODO: fix
            // https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2548513/maximum-number-of-circle-packing-into-a-rectangle
            // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CirclePacking.html
            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_packing_in_a_square
            // https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/circles-within-rectangle-d_1905.html

            /* int nrOfLines = (Width - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius);
             * int nrOfColumns = (int)Math.Round((Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius * Math.Sqrt(3)));
             * //int nrOfColumns = (Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / rondelica.Radius;
             * nrOfColumns = (Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius * 2);
             * int cylindersPerLine = nrOfLines / 2;
             * if (nrOfLines % 2 != 0)
             * {
             *   cylindersPerLine--;
             * }
             * int cylindersPerColumn = nrOfColumns;
             * int result = cylindersPerLine * cylindersPerColumn;
             * int m = (Width / rondelica.Radius - 1) / 2;
             * int n = (int)((Length / rondelica.Radius - 2) / Math.Sqrt(3) + 1);
             * //result = n * m;*/

            /* int tempWidth = (Width - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius);
             * int tempLength = (Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius);
             * int nrOfLines = (int)Math.Round(((tempWidth - 2) / Math.Sqrt(3)) + 1);
             * int cylindersPerLine = (Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius * 2);
             * int cylindersPerColumn = Width / (rondelica.Radius * 2);
             * int result = cylindersPerLine * nrOfLines;
             * if (rondelica.Radius == 0 || Length == 0 || Width == 0)
             * {
             *   result = 0;
             * }
             * // in some cases where spacing is bigger than length or width
             * if (result < 0)
             * {
             *   result = 0;
             * }*/

            int  result    = 0;
            bool oddNumber = false;

            int nrPerLine = (Length - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (rondelica.Radius * 2 + rondelica.MinDistC2C);

            if (Length % (rondelica.Radius * 2) != 0)
                oddNumber = true;

            int nrOfLines = (int)Math.Floor((Width - rondelica.MinDistC2Edge * 2) / (Math.Sqrt(3) + rondelica.MinDistC2C));

            if (oddNumber)
                result = nrPerLine * nrOfLines;
                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfLines; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        result += nrPerLine;
                        result += nrPerLine - 1;
