private void buttonReLoan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LibraryReader.LibraryEntities context = new LibraryReader.LibraryEntities(); List<int> books = new List<int>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewLoaned.SelectedRows) { if (row.Cells[0].Value != null) { books.Add(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[0].Value)); } } if (books.Count > 0) { var client = (from c in context.Clients where c.ClientID == id select c).SingleOrDefault(); foreach (LibraryReader.ClientsBook cBook in client.ClientsBooks) { if (books.Contains(cBook.BookID)) { cBook.DateLoaned = DateTime.Now; cBook.DateReturned = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1); MessageBox.Show("Презаписването е успешно!"); } } context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void buttonReserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LibraryReader.LibraryEntities context = new LibraryReader.LibraryEntities(); List<int> books = new List<int>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewBooks.SelectedRows) { if (row.Cells[0].Value != null) { books.Add(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[0].Value)); } } if (books.Count > 0) { var client = (from c in context.Clients where c.ClientID == id select c).SingleOrDefault(); foreach (LibraryReader.ClientsBook cBook in client.ClientsBooks) { if (books.Contains(cBook.BookID)) { cBook.Reservation = true; MessageBox.Show("Резервирането е успешно!"); } } context.SaveChanges(); } }
private bool AddUri(string uri) { lock (_thisLock) { lock (_amoebaManager.ThisLock) { var baseNode = _amoebaManager.BaseNode; var uris = new List<string>(baseNode.Uris); if (uris.Contains(uri) || uris.Count >= Node.MaxUriCount) return false; uris.Add(uri); _amoebaManager.SetBaseNode(new Node(baseNode.Id, uris)); } } return true; }
private static void CheckLocation(Location location, Location seed, HashSet<Location> alreadyChecked, List<Location> todoList) { if (location != null && !location.Marked) { if (!alreadyChecked.Contains(location) && !todoList.Contains(location)) { if (seed.Color.Equals(location.Color)) { todoList.Insert(0, location); } else { todoList.Add(location); } } } }
private bool AddUri(string uri) { lock (this.ThisLock) { lock (_outoposManager.ThisLock) { var baseNode = _outoposManager.BaseNode; var uris = new List<string>(baseNode.Uris); if (uris.Contains(uri)) return false; uris.Add(uri); _outoposManager.SetBaseNode(new Node(baseNode.Id, uris)); } } return true; }
private void _路线属性_VisibilityChange(bool isvisible) { ListBoxEx innerControl = this._路线属性.InnerControl as ListBoxEx; if (!isvisible) { string str = ""; new List<string>(); ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection selectedItems = innerControl.SelectedItems; int count = innerControl.Items.Count; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(count); int val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (selectedItems.Contains(innerControl.Items[i])) { ListBoxItem item = innerControl.Items[i] as ListBoxItem; val |= Convert.ToInt32(item.Tag.ToString()); str = str + item.Name.ToString() + ","; } } this.setTimeSpeedReadOnly(this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentRow, val); list.Add(Convert.ToString(val, 2).PadLeft(6, '0').ToCharArray()); if (this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell != null) { try { this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Value = str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()); this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag = list; } catch (Exception) { } } } else { innerControl.ClearSelected(); if (this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag == null) { List<string> list2 = new List<string>(); list2.AddRange(this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray())); int num4 = innerControl.Items.Count; for (int j = 0; j < num4; j++) { ListBoxItem item2 = innerControl.Items[j] as ListBoxItem; if (list2.Contains(item2.Name)) { innerControl.SetSelected(j, true); } } } else if (this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag != null) { ArrayList tag = this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag as ArrayList; if ((tag[0] as char[])[0].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(4, true); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(4, false); } if ((tag[0] as char[])[1].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(3, true); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(3, false); } if ((tag[0] as char[])[2].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(2, true); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(2, false); } if ((tag[0] as char[])[3].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(1, true); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(1, false); } if ((tag[0] as char[])[5].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(0, true); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(0, false); } } } }
private void InitGridView() { try { string strCarId = (base.sCarId.Split(",".ToCharArray()).Length > 1) ? base.sCarId.Split(",".ToCharArray())[0] : base.sCarId; DataTable table = RemotingClient.Car_GetPathAlarm(strCarId); this._路段属性DT = RemotingClient.Car_GetPathSegmentAlarm(strCarId); if (this._路段属性DT != null) { DataTable table2 = this._路段属性DT.Clone(); Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); foreach (DataRow row in this._路段属性DT.Rows) { if (!hashtable.ContainsKey(row["PathSegmentID"])) { table2.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); hashtable[row["PathSegmentID"]] = ""; } } this._路段属性DT = table2; this._路段source.DataSource = this._路段属性DT; DataColumn column = new DataColumn("SegmentFlagValue") { DefaultValue = 0 }; this._路段属性DT.Columns.Add(column); try { this._路段属性DT.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { this._路段属性DT.Columns["PathSegmentID"] }; } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("初始化路段数据时存在脏数据,请检查!"); Record.execFileRecord("分段路线报警设置-->获取数据时路段数据存在脏数据", exception.Message); } } if (table != null) { if (!table.Columns.Contains("PathFlag")) { table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PathFlag")); } table.Columns["PathFlag"].ReadOnly = false; DataColumn column2 = new DataColumn("PathSegment") { DefaultValue = "设置" }; table.Columns.Add(column2); List<string> list = new List<string>(); if ((this._路段属性DT != null) && (this._路段属性DT.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow row2 in this._路段属性DT.Select("Flag is not null")) { if (!list.Contains(row2["PathID"].ToString())) { list.Add(row2["PathID"].ToString()); } if (row2["Flag"] != null) { row2["SegmentFlagValue"] = row2["Flag"]; int result = 0; string str2 = ""; if (int.TryParse(row2["Flag"].ToString(), out result)) { if ((result & 1) != 0) { str2 = str2 + "行驶时间,"; } if ((result & 2) != 0) { str2 = str2 + "限速,"; } if ((result & 4) != 0) { str2 = str2 + "南纬,"; } if ((result & 8) != 0) { str2 = str2 + "西经,"; } row2["Flag"] = str2.Trim(new char[] { ',' }); } } } } foreach (DataRow row3 in table.Rows) { if (this._路段属性DT.Select("PathId = '" + row3["PathID"].ToString() + "'").Length > 0) { DataRow row4 = this.m_dtSegPathData.NewRow(); row4["PathName"] = row3["PathName"]; row4["PathID"] = row3["PathID"]; row4["carID"] = row3["carID"]; row4["Choose"] = row3["Choose"]; row4["IsChoose"] = row3["IsChoose"]; row4["HoldTime"] = row3["HoldTime"]; row4["TopSpeed"] = row3["TopSpeed"]; row4["BeginTime"] = row3["BeginTime"]; row4["EndTime"] = row3["EndTime"]; row4["PathGroupID"] = row3["PathGroupID"]; row4["PathFlag"] = row3["PathFlag"]; int val = 0; bool flag2 = (row3["choose"] != null) && row3["choose"].ToString().Equals("1"); if (list.Contains(row3["PathID"].ToString()) && flag2) { row4["PathSegment"] = "已设置"; } if ((row3["PathFlag"] != null) && (row3["PathFlag"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)) { string showtext = ""; try { val = Convert.ToInt32(row3["PathFlag"].ToString()); if (val > 0) { this.GeneralDomainValue(val, out showtext); if (showtext.Length > 0) { row4["PathFlag"] = showtext; } } else { row4["PathFlag"] = DBNull.Value; } } catch { } showtext = string.Empty; } row4["newPathID"] = row3["newPathID"]; this.m_dtSegPathData.Rows.Add(row4); } } this.execDistinctData(""); } this.dgvSubSpeedParam.Columns["Choose"].Tag = "Chk"; } catch (Exception exception2) { Record.execFileRecord("分段路线报警设置-->获取数据时", exception2.Message); } }
private void InitGridView() { try { string str = ((int)this.sCarId.Split(",".ToCharArray()).Length > 1 ? this.sCarId.Split(",".ToCharArray())[0] : this.sCarId); this.m_dtSegPathData = RemotingClient.Car_GetPathAlarm(str); this._路段属性DT = RemotingClient.Car_GetPathSegmentAlarm(str); if (this._路段属性DT != null) { DataTable dataTable = this._路段属性DT.Clone(); Hashtable hashtables = new Hashtable(); foreach (DataRow row in this._路段属性DT.Rows) { if (hashtables.ContainsKey(row["PathSegmentID"])) { continue; } dataTable.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); hashtables[row["PathSegmentID"]] = ""; } this._路段属性DT = dataTable; this._路段source.DataSource = this._路段属性DT; DataColumnCollection columns = this._路段属性DT.Columns; DataColumn dataColumn = new DataColumn("SegmentFlagValue") { DefaultValue = 0 }; columns.Add(dataColumn); try { DataTable dataTable1 = this._路段属性DT; DataColumn[] item = new DataColumn[] { this._路段属性DT.Columns["PathSegmentID"] }; dataTable1.PrimaryKey = item; } catch (Exception exception1) { Exception exception = exception1; MessageBox.Show("初始化路段数据时存在脏数据,请检查!"); Record.execFileRecord("分段路线报警设置-->获取数据时路段数据存在脏数据", exception.Message); } } if (this.m_dtSegPathData != null) { if (!this.m_dtSegPathData.Columns.Contains("PathFlag")) { this.m_dtSegPathData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PathFlag")); } this.m_dtSegPathData.Columns["PathFlag"].ReadOnly = false; this.m_dtSegPathData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PathSegment") { DefaultValue = "设置" }); List<string> strs = new List<string>(); if (this._路段属性DT != null && this._路段属性DT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dataRowArray = this._路段属性DT.Select("Flag is not null"); for (int i = 0; i < (int)dataRowArray.Length; i++) { DataRow dataRow = dataRowArray[i]; if (!strs.Contains(dataRow["PathID"].ToString())) { strs.Add(dataRow["PathID"].ToString()); } if (dataRow["Flag"] != null) { dataRow["SegmentFlagValue"] = dataRow["Flag"]; int num = 0; string str1 = ""; if (int.TryParse(dataRow["Flag"].ToString(), out num)) { if ((num & 1) != 0) { str1 = string.Concat(str1, "行驶时间,"); } if ((num & 2) != 0) { str1 = string.Concat(str1, "限速,"); } if ((num & 4) != 0) { str1 = string.Concat(str1, "南纬,"); } if ((num & 8) != 0) { str1 = string.Concat(str1, "西经,"); } char[] chrArray = new char[] { ',' }; dataRow["Flag"] = str1.Trim(chrArray); } } } } foreach (DataRow value in this.m_dtSegPathData.Rows) { int num1 = 0; bool flag = (value["choose"] == null || !value["choose"].ToString().Equals("1") ? false : true); if (strs.Contains(value["PathID"].ToString()) && flag) { value["PathSegment"] = "已设置"; } if (value["PathFlag"] == null || value["PathFlag"].ToString().Trim().Length <= 0) { continue; } string empty = ""; try { num1 = Convert.ToInt32(value["PathFlag"].ToString()); if (num1 <= 0) { value["PathFlag"] = DBNull.Value; } else { this.GeneralDomainValue(num1, out empty); if (empty.Length > 0) { value["PathFlag"] = empty; } } } catch { } empty = string.Empty; } this.execDistinctData(""); } this.dgvSubSpeedParam.Columns["Choose"].Tag = "Chk"; } catch (Exception exception2) { Record.execFileRecord("分段路线报警设置-->获取数据时", exception2.Message); } }
private void _区域属性_VisibilityChange(bool isvisible) { ListBoxEx innerControl = this._区域属性.InnerControl as ListBoxEx; if (!isvisible) { string str = ""; new List<string>(); ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection selectedItems = innerControl.SelectedItems; int count = innerControl.Items.Count; ArrayList val = new ArrayList(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string str2 = ""; if (selectedItems.Contains(innerControl.Items[i])) { str2 = "1"; ListBoxItem item = innerControl.Items[i] as ListBoxItem; str = str + item.Name.ToString() + ","; } else { str2 = "0"; } val.Add(str2); } this.setTimeSpeedReadOnly(this.dgvArea.CurrentRow, val); if (this.dgvArea.CurrentCell != null) { this.dgvArea.CurrentCell.Value = str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()); this.dgvArea.CurrentCell.Tag = val; } } else { innerControl.ClearSelected(); if (this.dgvArea.CurrentCell.Tag == null) { List<string> list2 = new List<string>(); list2.AddRange(this.dgvArea.CurrentCell.Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray())); int num3 = innerControl.Items.Count; for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { ListBoxItem item2 = innerControl.Items[j] as ListBoxItem; if (list2.Contains(item2.Name)) { innerControl.SetSelected(j, true); } } } else if (this.dgvArea.CurrentCell.Tag != null) { ArrayList tag = this.dgvArea.CurrentCell.Tag as ArrayList; for (int k = 0; k < innerControl.Items.Count; k++) { innerControl.SetSelected(k, tag[k].ToString().Equals("1")); } } } }
private void _路线属性_VisibilityChange(bool isvisible) { ListBoxEx innerControl = this._路线属性.InnerControl as ListBoxEx; if (isvisible) { innerControl.ClearSelected(); if (this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag == null) { List<string> strs = new List<string>(); strs.AddRange(this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray())); int count = innerControl.Items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (strs.Contains((innerControl.Items[i] as ListBoxItem).Name)) { innerControl.SetSelected(i, true); } } return; } if (this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag != null) { ArrayList tag = this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag as ArrayList; if (!(tag[0] as char[])[0].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(4, false); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(4, true); } if (!(tag[0] as char[])[1].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(3, false); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(3, true); } if (!(tag[0] as char[])[2].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(2, false); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(2, true); } if (!(tag[0] as char[])[3].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(1, false); } else { innerControl.SetSelected(1, true); } if ((tag[0] as char[])[5].ToString().Equals("1")) { innerControl.SetSelected(0, true); return; } innerControl.SetSelected(0, false); } } else { string str = ""; List<string> strs1 = new List<string>(); ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection selectedItems = innerControl.SelectedItems; int num = innerControl.Items.Count; ArrayList arrayLists = new ArrayList(num); int num1 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { if (selectedItems.Contains(innerControl.Items[j])) { ListBoxItem item = innerControl.Items[j] as ListBoxItem; num1 = num1 | Convert.ToInt32(item.Tag.ToString()); str = string.Concat(str, item.Name.ToString(), ","); } } this.setTimeSpeedReadOnly(this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentRow, num1); arrayLists.Add(Convert.ToString(num1, 2).PadLeft(6, '0').ToCharArray()); if (this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell != null) { try { this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Value = str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()); this.dgvSubSpeedParam.CurrentCell.Tag = arrayLists; } catch (Exception exception) { } } } }
private void draw() { this.Text = "LAN-CDS: D:" + Utilities.FormatFileSize(tEngine.engine.TotalDownloadSpeed) + " U:" + Utilities.FormatFileSize(tEngine.engine.TotalUploadSpeed); //this.toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = tEngine.engine.DhtEngine.; List<string> covered = new List<string>(); foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items) { string hash = (string)item.Tag; if (localTorrents.Contains(hash))// local always has priority { if (remoteTorrents.Contains(hash)) remoteTorrents.Remove(hash); // updates on progress, status, availability TorrentManager manager = tEngine.getTorrentByHash(hash); string newText = manager.State.ToString() + ": " + Math.Round( manager.Progress,2).ToString() + "%"; if(newText != item.SubItems["progress"].Text) item.SubItems["progress"].Text = newText; if (item.Group == listView1.Groups["remote"]) item.Group = listView1.Groups["local"]; item.ToolTipText = manager.Peers.Seeds.ToString() + " friends have it. " + manager.Peers.Leechs.ToString() + " are getting it."; } else if (remoteTorrents.Contains(hash)) { // these won't have much to update as they are remote torrents, not loaded locally at all // might have to check for new torrents available on the server } else { // where the hell did it come from?! item.Remove(); } covered.Add(hash); } foreach (string hash in localTorrents) { if (!covered.Contains(hash)) { if (remoteTorrents.Contains(hash)) remoteTorrents.Remove(hash); TorrentManager manager = tEngine.getTorrentByHash(hash); if (manager.HasMetadata) { MonoTorrent.Common.Torrent torrent = manager.Torrent; listView1.Items.Add(defaultItem(torrent.Name, manager.State.ToString(), hash, "Local")); } else { listView1.Items.Add(defaultItem(manager.SavePath, manager.State.ToString(), hash, "Local")); } } } foreach (string hash in remoteTorrents) { if (!covered.Contains(hash)) { Cleverscape.UTorrentClient.WebClient.Torrent torrent = getTorrentByHash(hash); listView1.Items.Add(defaultItem(torrent.Name, "", hash, "Remote")); } } }
private void tCheckSeparateSticky_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { this.tCheckSeparateSticky.Enabled = false; try { try { DataTable busRouteConfig = this.getBusRouteConfig(); this.clearHashT(); if (busRouteConfig != null && busRouteConfig.Rows.Count > 0) { DateTime svrTime = ReadDataFromDB.GetSvrTime(); this.initInputXML(); string str = ""; string str1 = ""; string str2 = ""; string[] strArrays = new string[2]; bool flag = false; List<string> strs = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow row in busRouteConfig.Rows) { str = row["RouteId"].ToString(); if (strs.Contains(str)) { continue; } strs.Add(str); this.htRouteList[str] = row["RouteName"].ToString(); str1 = row["Separate"].ToString(); str2 = row["Sticky"].ToString(); strArrays[0] = row["PathDotUp"].ToString(); strArrays[1] = row["PathDotDown"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArrays[0]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArrays[1])) { continue; } DataTable busPosInfo = this.getBusPosInfo(str, svrTime); if (busPosInfo == null || busPosInfo.Rows.Count <= 0) { continue; } XmlElement busesInfo = this.getBusesInfo(busPosInfo); this.setRouteLine(str, str1, str2, strArrays[0], strArrays[1], busesInfo); flag = true; } this.dtNow = svrTime; if (flag) { LogMsg logMsg = new LogMsg("PlatformAlarmPathAlarm", "tCheckSeparateSticky_Elapsed", "") { Msg = string.Concat("脱车粘车传 入 的xml:\r\n", this.xDoc.OuterXml) }; this.logHelper.WriteLog(logMsg); string separateAndStickyCars = ReadDataFromGis.GetSeparateAndStickyCars(this.xDoc.OuterXml); logMsg.Msg = string.Concat("脱车粘车传 回 的xml:\r\n", separateAndStickyCars); this.logHelper.WriteLog(logMsg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(separateAndStickyCars)) { this.ltAlarmBus = new List<AlarmBus>(); this.AnalysisOutputXML(separateAndStickyCars); } this.InsertAlarmInfo(this.ltAlarmBus); } } } catch (Exception exception1) { Exception exception = exception1; ErrorMsg errorMsg = new ErrorMsg("SeparateAndSticky", "tCheckSeparateSticky_Elapsed", string.Concat("定时检测脱车粘车报警错误,", exception.Message)); this.logHelper.WriteError(errorMsg); } } finally { if (this.ltAlarmBus != null) { this.ltAlarmBus.Clear(); this.ltAlarmBus = null; } if (this.dtBusesPosInfo != null) { this.dtBusesPosInfo.Rows.Clear(); this.dtBusesPosInfo = null; } this.tCheckSeparateSticky.Enabled = true; } }
private void Olll001l11(DataTable dataTable) { this.clbItems.Items.Clear(); if ((dataTable != null) && (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { string text = row[this.pathName].ToString(); string str2 = row[this.pathId].ToString(); ListItem item = new ListItem(text, str2); if (this.clbItems.Items.IndexOf(item) < 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sLines)) { this.clbItems.Items.Add(item, false); } else { List<string> list = new List<string>(this.sLines.Split(new char[] { ',' })); string str3 = row[this.pathId].ToString(); if (list.Contains(str3)) { item.Selected = true; this.clbItems.Items.Add(item, true); } else { item.Selected = false; this.clbItems.Items.Add(item, false); } } } } this.O0O000llOl(); } else { System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox box = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox { Text = "(无)" }; this.clbItems.Items.Add(box, false); } }
private void _路线属性_VisibilityChange(bool isvisible) { ListBoxEx innerControl = this._路线属性.InnerControl as ListBoxEx; if (!isvisible) { string str = ""; new List<string>(); ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection selectedItems = innerControl.SelectedItems; int count = innerControl.Items.Count; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string str2 = ""; if (selectedItems.Contains(innerControl.Items[i])) { str2 = "1"; Client.ListBoxItem item = innerControl.Items[i] as Client.ListBoxItem; str = str + item.Name.ToString() + ","; } else { str2 = "0"; } list.Add(str2); } if (this.dgvPath.CurrentCell != null) { try { this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Value = str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()); this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Tag = list; } catch (Exception) { } } } else { innerControl.ClearSelected(); if (this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Tag == null) { if (this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Value != null) { List<string> list2 = new List<string>(); list2.AddRange(this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray())); int num3 = innerControl.Items.Count; for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { Client.ListBoxItem item2 = innerControl.Items[j] as Client.ListBoxItem; if (list2.Contains(item2.Name)) { innerControl.SetSelected(j, true); } } } } else if (this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Tag != null) { ArrayList tag = this.dgvPath.CurrentCell.Tag as ArrayList; for (int k = 0; k < innerControl.Items.Count; k++) { innerControl.SetSelected(k, tag[k].ToString().Equals("1")); } } } }