        /// <summary>
        /// Handle all input to the debug system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input to consider.</param>
        public void HandleInput(InputState input)
            if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.F1)) { Debug(); }

            if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Q)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, 0); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.W)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(1, 0); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.E)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(10, 0); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.R)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(100, 0); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.T)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(1000, 0); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Q)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, -10); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.W)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, -1); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.E)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, 1); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.R)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, 10); }
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.T)) { _World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, 100); }

            /*if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { System.UpdateSpeed = 0.1f; }
            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(Keys.X)) { System.UpdateSpeed = 0.01f; }
            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(Keys.C)) { System.UpdateSpeed = 0.001f; }
            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(Keys.V)) { System.UpdateSpeed = 0.0001f; }
            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(Keys.B)) { System.UpdateSpeed = 0.0f; }*/
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle user input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The helper for reading input from the user.</param>
        public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
            //The inherited method.

            //If the component is not active nor visible, stop here.
            if (!IsActive || !IsVisible) { return; }

            //If the component has focus.
            if (HasFocus)
                //Delete text.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Delete) && !_UsedKeys.ContainsKey(Keys.Delete)) { DeleteText(true); }
                else if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !_UsedKeys.ContainsKey(Keys.Back)) { DeleteText(false); }
                //Unfocus the textbox.
                else if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && !_UsedKeys.ContainsKey(Keys.Enter)) { FocusChangeInvoke(false); }

                //If the marker should be moved.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && !_UsedKeys.ContainsKey(Keys.Left)) { MoveMarkerLeft(); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) && !_UsedKeys.ContainsKey(Keys.Right)) { MoveMarkerRight(); }

                //If a key has been pressed, write to the textbox.
                if (input.IsAnyKeyPress()) { InsertText(input, 0, _MarkerIndex); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a string containing the writable keyboard input from last update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input state.</param>
        /// <param name="i">The player index.</param>
        /// <returns>A string of writable keys.</returns>
        private string GetTextInput(InputState input, int i)
            //The list of keys to return.
            string text = "";
            //Make the pressed keys more accessible.
            Keys[] keys = input.CurrentKeyboardStates[i].GetPressedKeys();

            //Loop through the list of recently pressed keys and see if they are eligible for writing.
            for (int a = 0; a < keys.Length; a++)
                //If the key has not been pressed for a while, continue.
                if (!_UsedKeys.ContainsKey(keys[a]))
                    //Add the key to the list of recently pressed keys.
                    _UsedKeys.Add(keys[a], _TotalElapsedTime);

                    //If an alphabetical key has been pressed.
                    if ((keys[a] >= Keys.A) && (keys[a] <= Keys.Z))
                        //If uppercase.
                        //TODO: No support for Caps Lock.
                        if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { text += keys[a].ToString().ToUpper(); }
                        else { text += keys[a].ToString().ToLower(); }
                    //If a numerical key has been pressed.
                    else if ((keys[a] >= Keys.D0 && keys[a] <= Keys.D9))
                        //If left shift is currently down.
                        if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                            //Shifted numerical keys.
                            switch (keys[a])
                                case Keys.D1: { text += "!"; break; }
                                case Keys.D2: { text += "\""; break; }
                                case Keys.D3: { text += "#"; break; }
                                case Keys.D4: { text += "¤"; break; }
                                case Keys.D5: { text += "%"; break; }
                                case Keys.D6: { text += "&"; break; }
                                case Keys.D7: { text += "/"; break; }
                                case Keys.D8: { text += "("; break; }
                                case Keys.D9: { text += ")"; break; }
                                case Keys.D0: { text += "="; break; }
                                default: { break; }
                        //If right alt is currently down.
                        else if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightAlt))
                            //Non-shifted numerical symbol keys.
                            switch (keys[a])
                                case Keys.D1: { text += ""; break; }
                                case Keys.D2: { text += "@"; break; }
                                case Keys.D3: { text += "£"; break; }
                                case Keys.D4: { text += "$"; break; }
                                case Keys.D5: { text += "€"; break; }
                                case Keys.D6: { text += ""; break; }
                                case Keys.D7: { text += "{"; break; }
                                case Keys.D8: { text += "["; break; }
                                case Keys.D9: { text += "]"; break; }
                                case Keys.D0: { text += "}"; break; }
                                default: { break; }
                        //Use the regular numerical keys.
                        else { text += keys[a].ToString().Replace("D", string.Empty); }
                    //If another symbol key has been pressed.
                        //Non-shifted symbol keys.
                        switch (keys[a])
                            case (Keys.OemComma): { text += ","; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemPeriod): { text += "."; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemBackslash): { text += @"\"; break; }
                            case (Keys.Multiply): { text += "*"; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemMinus): { text += "-"; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemPlus): { text += "+"; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemSemicolon): { text += ";"; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemQuotes): { text += "'"; break; }
                            case (Keys.Space): { text += " "; break; }
                            case (Keys.OemQuestion): { text += "?"; break; }
                            default: { break; }

            //Return the input in string format.
            return text;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle user input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The helper for reading input from the user.</param>
        public void HandleInput(InputState input)
            //Let the GUI handle user input.
            //Enable the DebugSystem to handle input.

            #region Camera
            //If the CTRL button is not held down.
            if (!input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
                //Manage the camera movement.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(0, -1)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(0, 1)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(-1, 0)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(1, 0)); }

                //Let the user zoom in and out.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { _Camera.Zoom(-.05f); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.X)) { _Camera.Zoom(.05f); }

            #region Editing
            //If the CTRL button is down.
            if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
                //Manage the item movement.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { MoveItem(new Vector2(0, -5)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { MoveItem(new Vector2(0, 5)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { MoveItem(new Vector2(-5, 0)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { MoveItem(new Vector2(5, 0)); }

                //Let the user rotate the item.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) { RotateItem(-.01f); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.E)) { RotateItem(.01f); }

                //Let the user scale the item.
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { ScaleItem(new Vector2(-.05f, -.05f)); }
                if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.X)) { ScaleItem(new Vector2(.05f, .05f)); }

                //Let the user copy the item.
                if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.V)) { CopyItem(Helper.GetMousePosition()); }

            //If the GUI hasn't been clicked.
            if (!_IsGUIClicked)
                //Select an item.
                if (input.IsNewLeftMouseClick()) { SelectItem(GetItemAtPosition(Helper.GetMousePosition())); }

                //If the user wants to seize and move an item with the mouse.
                if (input.IsNewLeftMousePress() && _SelectedItem != null)
                    //Handle the item grapple.

            //If the user disengages the grapple function.
            if (input.IsNewLeftMouseReleased())
                //If the grapple joint exists.
                if (_MouseGrappleJoint != null)
                    //Remove the grapple joint from the world simulation.
                    _MouseGrappleJoint = null;

                //Reset the grapple point.
                _ItemGrapplePoint = Vector2.Zero;

            if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.N)) { SetUpTreeView(); }
            if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.M)) { ToggleGUI(); }

            //Let the level handle user input.