public static CUjit_result cuModuleLoadDataEx(IntPtr image, CUjit_options options) { return Wrap(() => { try { // todo. an attempt to pass the Target value directly leads to CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE // as of now, this feature is not really important, so I'm marking it as TBI options.TargetFromContext.AssertTrue(); using (var native_options = new nativeModuleLoadDataExOptions(options)) { CUmodule module; var error = nativeModuleLoadDataEx(out module, image, native_options.Count, native_options.Keys, native_options.Values); var result = new CUjit_result(); result.ErrorCode = error; result.Module = module; result.WallTime = native_options.WallTime; result.InfoLog = native_options.InfoLog; result.ErrorLog = native_options.ErrorLog; return result; } } catch (CudaException) { throw; } catch (DllNotFoundException dnfe) { throw new CudaException(CudaError.NoDriver, dnfe); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CudaException(CudaError.Unknown, e); } }); }
public nativeModuleLoadDataExOptions(CUjit_options options) { MaxRegistersPerThread = options.MaxRegistersPerThread; PlannedThreadsPerBlock = options.PlannedThreadsPerBlock; OptimizationLevel = options.OptimizationLevel; TargetFromContext = options.TargetFromContext; Target = options.Target; FallbackStrategy = options.FallbackStrategy; }
public static CUjit_result cuModuleLoadDataEx(String ptx, CUjit_options options) { var image = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(ptx); try { return cuModuleLoadDataEx(image, options); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(image); } }
public JitResult Compile(String ptx) { ptx.AssertNotNull(); CudaDriver.Ensure(); var log = Traces.Jit.Info; log.EnsureBlankLine(); log.WriteLine("Peforming JIT compilation..."); log.WriteLine(" PTX source text : {0}", "(see below)"); log.WriteLine(" Target hardware ISA : {0}", TargetFromContext ? "(determined from context)" : Target.ToString()); log.WriteLine(" Actual hardware ISA : {0}", CudaVersions.HardwareIsa); log.WriteLine(" Optimization level (0 - 4, higher is better) : {0}", OptimizationLevel); // here we attempt to rewrite PTX by injecting performance tuning directives directly into source codes if (Tuning.IsNotTrivial) { Tuning.Validate(); log.EnsureBlankLine(); log.WriteLine("Detected non-trivial performance tuning parameters..."); Tuning.DumpAsText(log.Writer.Medium); log.EnsureBlankLine(); log.WriteLine("To apply them it is necessary to perform PTX rewriting and inject corresponding directives directly into source codes."); log.WriteLine("Analyzing entries in PTX module..."); var rx_entry = @"(?<header>\.entry\s+(?<name>([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)|([_$%][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*))\s*(?<params>\(.*?\))?)\s*(?<directives>\..*?)?\s*\{"; ptx = ptx.Replace(rx_entry, RegexOptions.Singleline, m => { var name = m["name"]; var s_directives = m["directives"].Split(".".MkArray(), StringSplitOptions.None).Trim().Where(s => s.IsNotEmpty()).ToReadOnly(); var directives = s_directives.Select(s => s.Parse(@"^(?<name>\w+)\s+(?<value>.*?)$")).ToDictionary(m1 => m1["name"].Trim(), m1 => m1["value"].Trim()).ToReadOnly(); if (directives.IsNotEmpty()) { Func<String, dim3> parse_dim3 = s => { var m1 = s.AssertParse(@"^(?<x>\d+)?(\s*,\s*(?<y>\d+))?(\s*,\s*(?<z>\d+))?$").ToDictionary(); m1 = m1.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : kvp.Value); return new dim3(int.Parse(m1["x"]), int.Parse(m1["y"] ?? "1"), int.Parse(m1["z"] ?? "1")); }; log.WriteLine("Found entry \"{0}\" tuned as follows: {1}.", name, directives.Select(kvp => String.Format("{0} = {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)).StringJoin(", ")); var maxnreg = int.Parse(directives.GetOrDefault("maxnreg", "0")); if (Maxnreg != 0) { if (maxnreg != 0 && !(Maxnreg <= maxnreg)) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! New max registers per thread ({0}) is incompatible with original value ({1}).", Maxnreg, maxnreg); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } else { maxnreg = Maxnreg; } } var maxntid = parse_dim3(directives.GetOrDefault("maxntid", "0, 0, 0")); if (Maxntid != new dim3()) { if (maxntid != new dim3() && !(Maxntid <= maxntid)) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! New max threads in thread block ({0}, {1}, {2}) is incompatible with original value ({3}, {4}, {5}).", Maxntid.X, Maxntid.Y, Maxntid.Z, maxntid.X, maxntid.Y, maxntid.Z); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } else { maxntid = Maxntid; } } var reqntid = parse_dim3(directives.GetOrDefault("reqntid", "0, 0, 0")); if (Reqntid != new dim3()) { if (reqntid != new dim3() && Reqntid != reqntid) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! New required threads in thread block ({0}, {1}, {2}) is incompatible with original value ({3}, {4}, {5}).", Reqntid.X, Reqntid.Y, Reqntid.Z, reqntid.X, reqntid.Y, reqntid.Z); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } else { reqntid = Reqntid; } } if (maxntid != new dim3() && reqntid != new dim3()) { if (!(reqntid <= maxntid)) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! Required threads in thread block ({0}, {1}, {2}) is incompatible with max threads in thread block ({3}, {4}, {5}).", reqntid.X, reqntid.Y, reqntid.Z, maxntid.X, maxntid.Y, maxntid.Z); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } else { maxntid = new dim3(0, 0, 0); } } var minnctapersm = int.Parse(directives.GetOrDefault("minnctapersm", "0")); if (Minnctapersm != 0) { if (Minnctapersm < minnctapersm) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! New min thread blocks per SM ({0}) is incompatible with original value ({1}).", Minnctapersm, minnctapersm); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } else { minnctapersm = Minnctapersm; } } var maxnctapersm = int.Parse(directives.GetOrDefault("maxnctapersm", "0")); if (Maxnctapersm != 0) { if (Maxnctapersm > maxnctapersm) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! New max thread blocks per SM ({0}) is incompatible with original value ({1}).", Maxnctapersm, maxnctapersm); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } else { maxnctapersm = Maxnctapersm; } } if (minnctapersm != 0 && maxnctapersm != 0) { if (minnctapersm > maxnctapersm) { log.WriteLine("Conflict! Min thread blocks per SM ({0}) and max thread blocks per SM ({1}) are incompatible.", minnctapersm, maxnctapersm); throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } } log.Write("Applying compilation parameters... "); var tuning = new JitTuning{Maxnreg = maxnreg, Maxntid = maxntid, Reqntid = reqntid, Minnctapersm = minnctapersm, Maxnctapersm = maxnctapersm}; tuning.Validate(); var replacement = m["header"] + Environment.NewLine + tuning.RenderPtx() + Environment.NewLine + "{"; log.WriteLine("Success."); return replacement; } else { log.WriteLine("Found entry \"{0}\" without performance tuning directives.", name); log.Write("Applying compilation parameters... "); var replacement = m["header"] + Environment.NewLine + Tuning.RenderPtx() + Environment.NewLine + "{"; log.WriteLine("Success."); return replacement; } }); } log.EnsureBlankLine(); log.WriteLine("*".Repeat(120)); log.WriteLine(ptx.TrimEnd()); log.WriteLine(120.Times("*")); var options = new CUjit_options(); options.OptimizationLevel = OptimizationLevel; options.PlannedThreadsPerBlock = Reqntid.Product(); // todo. an attempt to pass the Target value directly leads to CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE // as of now, this feature is not really important, so I'm marking it as TBI options.TargetFromContext = TargetFromContext.AssertTrue(); options.Target = Target.ToCUjit_target(); options.FallbackStrategy = CUjit_fallbackstrategy.PreferPtx; var native_result = nvcuda.cuModuleLoadDataEx(ptx, options); return new JitResult(this, ptx, native_result); }