} //End Search private void grdBookList_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { //Extract BookID from column 0 of selected row Books aBook = new Books(); //Retrieve details from this member item from DB aBook.getBook(Convert.ToInt32(grdBookList.Rows[grdBookList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value)); //Load instance variable values onto form txtBookID.Text = aBook.getBookID().ToString("0000"); txtISBN.Text = aBook.getISBN(); txtClassNo.Text = aBook.getClassNo(); //Subject //Declare Variable to hold Subject Name strSubjectName = Books.getSubjectName(aBook.getSubjectCode()); cmbSubject.SelectedItem = strSubjectName; txtTitle.Text = aBook.getTitle(); txtAuthor.Text = aBook.getAuthor(); nudEdition.Value = aBook.getEdition(); txtPrice.Text = aBook.getPrice().ToString(); txtPages.Text = aBook.getPage().ToString(); txtPName.Text = aBook.getPubName(); //Country //Declare Variable to hold Country Name strCountryName = Books.getCountryName(aBook.getCountry()); cmbCountry.SelectedItem = strCountryName; txtYearPub.Text = aBook.getYearPub(); //Display Member details grpBookInfo.Visible = true; } //End Cell Click Event