public int TransferProgressHandler(TransferProgress progress) { if (TransferProgressUpdate != null) { if (TransferProgressUpdatePolicy.UpdateNeeded(((double)progress.ReceivedObjects) / ((double)progress.TotalObjects))) { var ret = TransferProgressUpdate(progress); if (ret < 0) { TransferCanceled = true; } return ret; } } return 0; }
public static void OnTransferProgress( TransferProgress progress ) { Debug.LogWarning( "FetchHelper - OnTransferProgress => " + progress ); }
static bool OnTransferProgress (TransferProgress tp, ProgressMonitor monitor, ref int progress) { if (progress == 0 && tp.ReceivedObjects == 0) { monitor.BeginTask ("Receiving and indexing objects", 2 * tp.TotalObjects); throttleWatch.Restart (); } int currentProgress = tp.ReceivedObjects + tp.IndexedObjects; int steps = currentProgress - progress; if (throttleWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > progressThrottle) { monitor.Step (steps); throttleWatch.Restart (); } progress = currentProgress; if (tp.IndexedObjects >= tp.TotalObjects) { monitor.EndTask (); throttleWatch.Stop (); } return !monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested; }
static bool OnTransferProgress (TransferProgress tp, IProgressMonitor monitor, ref int progress) { if (progress == 0 && tp.ReceivedObjects == 0) monitor.BeginTask ("Receiving and indexing objects", 2 * tp.TotalObjects); int currentProgress = tp.ReceivedObjects + tp.IndexedObjects; int steps = currentProgress - progress; monitor.Step (steps); progress = currentProgress; if (tp.IndexedObjects >= tp.TotalObjects) monitor.EndTask (); return !monitor.IsCancelRequested; }
private void onTransferProgress( TransferProgress progress ) { progressInfo.Add( "Received bytes: " + progress.ReceivedBytes ); scroll.y = int.MaxValue; }
private int LogTransferProgressUpdate(TransferProgress progress) { LogEvent.TransferProgressInformation(progress.ReceivedBytes, progress.ReceivedObjects, progress.TotalObjects); return 0; }