private static GitStatusOptions CreateStatusOptions(StatusOptions options) { var coreOptions = new GitStatusOptions { Version = 1, Show = (GitStatusShow)options.Show, Flags = GitStatusOptionFlags.IncludeIgnored | GitStatusOptionFlags.IncludeUntracked | GitStatusOptionFlags.RecurseUntrackedDirs, }; if (options.DetectRenamesInIndex) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesHeadToIndex | GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesFromRewrites; } if (options.DetectRenamesInWorkDir) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesIndexToWorkDir | GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesFromRewrites; } if (options.ExcludeSubmodules) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.ExcludeSubmodules; } return(coreOptions); }
private void CommitCore(string message) { using var repo = new Git.Repository(Location); var statusOptions = new Git.StatusOptions { DetectRenamesInIndex = true, DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true, IncludeIgnored = false, IncludeUntracked = true, RecurseUntrackedDirs = true, RecurseIgnoredDirs = false }; if (!repo.RetrieveStatus(statusOptions).IsDirty) { return; } Git.Commands.Stage(repo, "*"); var author = new Git.Signature("JournalCli", "@journalCli", DateTime.Now); var committer = author; var options = new Git.CommitOptions { PrettifyMessage = true }; var commit = repo.Commit(message, author, committer, options); }
internal RepositoryStatus(Repository repo, StatusOptions options) { statusEntries = new List <StatusEntry>(); using (GitStatusOptions coreOptions = CreateStatusOptions(options ?? new StatusOptions())) using (StatusListSafeHandle list = Proxy.git_status_list_new(repo.Handle, coreOptions)) { int count = Proxy.git_status_list_entrycount(list); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { StatusEntrySafeHandle e = Proxy.git_status_byindex(list, i); GitStatusEntry entry = e.MarshalAsGitStatusEntry(); GitDiffDelta deltaHeadToIndex = null; GitDiffDelta deltaIndexToWorkDir = null; if (entry.HeadToIndexPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { deltaHeadToIndex = entry.HeadToIndexPtr.MarshalAs <GitDiffDelta>(); } if (entry.IndexToWorkDirPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { deltaIndexToWorkDir = entry.IndexToWorkDirPtr.MarshalAs <GitDiffDelta>(); } AddStatusEntryForDelta(entry.Status, deltaHeadToIndex, deltaIndexToWorkDir); } isDirty = statusEntries.Any(entry => entry.State != FileStatus.Ignored); } }
private static GitStatusOptions CreateStatusOptions(StatusOptions options) { var coreOptions = new GitStatusOptions { Version = 1, Show = (GitStatusShow)options.Show, Flags = GitStatusOptionFlags.IncludeIgnored | GitStatusOptionFlags.IncludeUntracked | GitStatusOptionFlags.RecurseUntrackedDirs, }; if (options.DetectRenamesInIndex) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesHeadToIndex | GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesFromRewrites; } if (options.DetectRenamesInWorkDir) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesIndexToWorkDir | GitStatusOptionFlags.RenamesFromRewrites; } if (options.ExcludeSubmodules) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.ExcludeSubmodules; } if (options.RecurseIgnoredDirs) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.RecurseIgnoredDirs; } if (options.PathSpec != null) { coreOptions.PathSpec = GitStrArrayManaged.BuildFrom(options.PathSpec); } if (options.DisablePathSpecMatch) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.DisablePathspecMatch; } if (options.IncludeUnaltered) { coreOptions.Flags |= GitStatusOptionFlags.IncludeUnmodified; } return(coreOptions); }
void CheckChangesInGitRepo(DirectoryInfo rootFolder) { try { var repo = new Repository(rootFolder.FullName); var options = new StatusOptions(); var repositoryStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(options); if (repositoryStatus.IsDirty) Console.WriteLine("Repo [{0} in {1}] is dirty", rootFolder.Name, rootFolder.Parent.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Repo [{0}] cannot be read: [{1}]", rootFolder.Name, ex.Message); } }
internal unsafe RepositoryStatus(Repository repo, StatusOptions options) { statusEntries = new List <StatusEntry>(); using (GitStatusOptions coreOptions = CreateStatusOptions(options ?? new StatusOptions())) using (StatusListHandle list = Proxy.git_status_list_new(repo.Handle, coreOptions)) { int count = Proxy.git_status_list_entrycount(list); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { git_status_entry *entry = Proxy.git_status_byindex(list, i); AddStatusEntryForDelta(entry->status, entry->head_to_index, entry->index_to_workdir); } isDirty = statusEntries.Any(entry => entry.State != FileStatus.Ignored && entry.State != FileStatus.Unaltered); } }
/// <summary> /// Muestra el estado del indice del control de versiones /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RepositoryStatus getStatus() { //feed.Logs.WriteText("Get status", "Se obtiene el status de " + NombreProyecto); try { if (esRepositorioIniciado()) { Repo = new Repository(Path); StatusOptions op = new StatusOptions(); return Repo.Index.RetrieveStatus(); } else return null; } catch(Exception ex) { return null; } }
private void setupOptions(string Username, SecureString SecurePassword, string RepoPath, string RepoUrl) { credentials = new SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials() { Username = Username, Password = SecurePassword }; var credentialsProvider = new CredentialsHandler((_url, _user, _cred) => new SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = Username, Password = SecurePassword }); fetchOptions = new FetchOptions() { CredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider }; pullOptions = new PullOptions() { FetchOptions = fetchOptions }; pushOptions = new PushOptions() { CredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider }; cloneOptions = new CloneOptions() { CredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider }; statusOptions = new StatusOptions() { ExcludeSubmodules = true, IncludeUnaltered = false }; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the state of all files in the working directory, comparing them against the staging area and the latest commmit. /// </summary> /// <param name="options">If set, the options that control the status investigation.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="RepositoryStatus"/> holding the state of all the files.</returns> public virtual RepositoryStatus RetrieveStatus(StatusOptions options = null) { ReloadFromDisk(); return(new RepositoryStatus(repo, options)); }
public virtual RepositoryStatus RetrieveStatus(StatusOptions options = null) { return(repo.RetrieveStatus(options)); }
public RepositoryStatus RetrieveStatus(StatusOptions options) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void ProcessDirectory(RepositoryConfigurationInfo config) { if (!Repository.IsValid(config.BaseDir)) { Repository.Init(config.BaseDir); } using (var repo = new Repository(config.BaseDir)) { // todo, if or are not set in config, set them now! if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repo.Config.Get<string>("").Value)) repo.Config.Set("", "gitpusher"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repo.Config.Get<string>("").Value)) repo.Config.Set("", "*****@*****.**"); repo.Config.Set("diff.renames", "copies"); repo.Config.Set("http.postBuffer", 524288000); var retrievalOptions = new StatusOptions {DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true, DetectRenamesInIndex = true}; RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(retrievalOptions); if (status.IsDirty) { bool toCommit = false; foreach (var renamed in status.RenamedInWorkDir) { var oldFileName = renamed.IndexToWorkDirRenameDetails.OldFilePath; repo.Stage(renamed.FilePath); repo.Stage(oldFileName); toCommit = true; } foreach (var untracked in status.Untracked) { repo.Stage(untracked.FilePath); toCommit = true; } foreach (var modified in status.Modified) { repo.Stage(modified.FilePath); toCommit = true; } foreach (var added in status.Added) { repo.Stage(added.FilePath); toCommit = true; } foreach (var missing in status.Missing) { repo.Remove(missing.FilePath); toCommit = true; } if (toCommit || status.Staged.Any()) { repo.Commit("GitPusher commit."); foreach (var rmt in config.Remotes) { if (!repo.Network.Remotes.Any(r => r.Name == rmt)) { FormatLoggerAccessor.Instance().Error($"Remote '{rmt}' not found in git repository. Please check the name with 'git remote -v' and try again."); continue; } var remote = repo.Network.Remotes[rmt]; var options = new PushOptions(); //options.CredentialsProvider = new CredentialsHandler((url, usernameFromUrl, types) => // new DefaultCredentials()); //new UsernamePasswordCredentials() //{ // Username = "******", // Password = "******" //}); var pushRefSpec = @"refs/heads/master"; repo.Network.Push(remote, pushRefSpec, options, null, "GitPusher push"); } } } } }
public ModificationViewModel(IScreen screen, ICredentialStore store, IObservable<RepositoryModel> repository) { this.disposables = new List<IDisposable>(); this.fileSystem = new FileSystemObservable(); this.refreshCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(); var samples = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)) .Select(i => new object()) .Merge(this.refreshCommand.Select(i => new object())) .Merge(repository.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Select(i => new object())); var distinctRepository = repository.DistinctUntilChanged(r => r.Path); distinctRepository.MapToMember(this, vm => vm.currentRepositoryModel); distinctRepository.Select(_ => _.Path).MapToMember(this, vm => vm.fileSystem.Path); var activeBranch = repository .SelectMany(rm => rm.WhenAny(vm => vm.CurrentBranch, change => change.GetValue())) .SampleEx(samples); activeBranch .ObserveOn(System.Reactive.Concurrency.TaskPoolScheduler.Default) .SubscribeOn(System.Reactive.Concurrency.TaskPoolScheduler.Default) .Subscribe(branch => { if (branch.IsTracking) { //Fetch repository status. var currentRemote = branch.Remote; var refSpecs = this.currentRepositoryModel.Repository.Network.Remotes.Select(r => new { FetchRefSpecs = r.FetchRefSpecs .Where(frs => frs.Direction == RefSpecDirection.Fetch) .Select(frs => frs.Specification), Remote = r } ); var credentialProvider = new CredentialProvider(screen, store); foreach (var item in refSpecs) { FetchOptions options = new FetchOptions() { CredentialsProvider = credentialProvider.CredentialHandler }; try { this.currentRepositoryModel.Repository.Network.Fetch(item.Remote, item.FetchRefSpecs, options); } catch { } } } }); activeBranch .Select(b => b.TrackingDetails).Subscribe(_ => { this.Ahead = (_.AheadBy.HasValue) ? _.AheadBy.Value : 0; this.Behind = (_.BehindBy.HasValue) ? _.BehindBy.Value : 0; }); var activeBranchFileStatus = activeBranch.AnonymousMerge(fileSystem, 0) .AnonymousMerge(this.refreshCommand.AsObservable(), 0) .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) .Select(branch => { var opts = new LibGit2Sharp.StatusOptions(); opts.DetectRenamesInIndex = true; opts.DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true; opts.Show = StatusShowOption.IndexAndWorkDir; return this.currentRepositoryModel.Repository.RetrieveStatus(opts); }); this.files = new DeltaViewModel<int> ( activeBranchFileStatus.Select(s => s.Modified.Count()), activeBranchFileStatus.Select(s => s.Added.Count() + s.Untracked.Count()), activeBranchFileStatus.Select(s => s.Removed.Count()) ); ConfigureLineChanges(activeBranch); ConfigureCommitCommands(); this.thresholds = new Thresholds( this.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.Behind, false, false).Select(change => change.GetValue()), this.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.Ahead).Select(change => change.GetValue()), this.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.LinesAdded).Select(change => change.GetValue()), this.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.LinesRemoved).Select(change => change.GetValue()), this.Files.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.Added).Select(change => change.GetValue()), this.Files.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.Removed).Select(change => change.GetValue())); }
private void ConfigureCommitCommands() { var canCommit = this.Files.WhenAny(vm => vm.Modified, vm => vm.Added, vm => vm.Removed, (mod, add, rem) => { return mod.GetValue() > 0 || add.GetValue() > 0 || rem.GetValue() > 0; }); this.commitUntrackedChanges = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask<CommitResultModel>(canCommit, async x => { throw new NotImplementedException(); }); this.commitTrackedChanges = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask<CommitResultModel>(canCommit, async x => { //Commit every modified file (tracked) StatusOptions status; StageOptions stage; IRepository repo; IList<string> committedFiles; IEnumerable<StatusEntry> modifiedFiles; committedFiles = new List<string>(); stage = new StageOptions(); status = new StatusOptions() { DetectRenamesInIndex = true, DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true }; repo = this.currentRepositoryModel.Repository; modifiedFiles = await Task.Run<IEnumerable<StatusEntry>>(() => repo.RetrieveStatus(status).Modified); //Now stage all modified files foreach (var file in modifiedFiles) { if (file.State.HasFlag(FileStatus.ModifiedInWorkdir) && file.State.HasFlag(FileStatus.ModifiedInIndex) == false) { await Task.Run(() => repo.Stage(file.FilePath, stage)); committedFiles.Add(file.FilePath); } } return new CommitResultModel() { Files = committedFiles.AsEnumerable() }; }); }
public GitBackupStatus InPlaceGitBackup(string repositoryFolder) { var isValidGitRepository = LibGit2Sharp.Repository.IsValid(repositoryFolder); var createdRepository = false; if (!isValidGitRepository) { _logger.InfoFormat("Initializing git repository in folder '{0}'...", repositoryFolder); repositoryFolder = LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Init(repositoryFolder, false); createdRepository = true; } var numberOfFilesAdded = 0; var numberOfFilesChanged = 0; var numberOfFilesRemoved = 0; using (var repository = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(repositoryFolder)) { var options = new StatusOptions(); var status = repository.RetrieveStatus(options); _logger.Debug("Repository Status: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(status)); if (status.IsDirty) { var untractedFiles = status.Untracked; foreach (var untrackedFile in untractedFiles) { _logger.Info("Added: " + untrackedFile.FilePath); var stageOptions = new StageOptions(); repository.Stage(untrackedFile.FilePath, stageOptions); numberOfFilesAdded++; } var modifiedFiles = status.Modified; foreach (var modifiedFile in modifiedFiles) { _logger.Info("Modified: " + modifiedFile.FilePath); var stageOptions = new StageOptions(); repository.Stage(modifiedFile.FilePath, stageOptions); numberOfFilesChanged++; } var removedFiles = status.Missing; foreach (var removedFile in removedFiles) { _logger.Info("Removed: " + removedFile.FilePath); var stageOptions = new StageOptions(); repository.Stage(removedFile.FilePath, stageOptions); numberOfFilesRemoved++; } var author = new Signature(Environment.UserName, "*****@*****.**", System.DateTimeOffset.Now); var committer = new Signature(Environment.UserName, "*****@*****.**", System.DateTimeOffset.Now); var commitOptions = new CommitOptions(); _logger.Info("Commiting..."); repository.Commit(DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), author, committer, commitOptions); } } var gitBackupStatus = new GitBackupStatus(createdRepository, numberOfFilesAdded, numberOfFilesChanged, numberOfFilesRemoved); return gitBackupStatus; }