public void fartMeter() { //fart Mete#test change#r blockBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(200 - fartTimer / 4, 50, 128, 40); blockBrush2.Color = Color.FromArgb(200 - fartTimer / 3, 0, 100, 0); blockBrush3.Color = Color.FromArgb(fartTimer / 2, 165, 42, 42); if (fart && fartTimer > 0) { fartTimer -= 2; fartLevel += 2; } else if (fartTimer < 260) { fartTimer++; } else if (fartTimer >= 260) { //lose // Create an instance of the SecondScreen Form1.mainGameMusic.Stop(); Form1.titleMusic.Play(); loseScreen cs = new loseScreen(); cs.Location = new Point(this.Left, this.Top); // Add the User Control to the Form Form form = this.FindForm(); form.Controls.Remove(this); form.Controls.Add(cs); cs.Focus(); timer1.Enabled = false; return; } }
public void GameOver(string type) {//game over method scoreLabel.Visible = false; timeLabel.Visible = false; gameOver = true; Refresh(); Label l = new Label(); Graphics graph = this.CreateGraphics(); timer1.Enabled = false; if (type == "poop") { graph.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.dylonPoopy, playerRect); } else if (type == "embarassed") { graph.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.dylonEmbarassed, playerRect); } for (int i = -30; i < 80; i++) { try { graph.FillRectangle(gameOverBrush, screenRect); gameOverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(i, 139, 69, 19); } catch { } } if (type == "poop") { graph.DrawString("you pooped your pants...", new Font("Outline Pixel7", 45, FontStyle.Regular), testBrush, new Rectangle(30, this.Height / 2 - 40, this.Width, 100)); } else if (type == "embarassed") { graph.DrawString("someone caught you...", new Font("Outline Pixel7", 50, FontStyle.Regular), testBrush, new Rectangle(40, this.Height / 2 - 40, this.Width, 100)); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); Form1.mainGameMusic.Stop(); Form1.titleMusic.Play(); loseScreen cs = new loseScreen(); cs.Location = new Point(this.Left, this.Top); // Add the User Control to the Form Form form = this.FindForm(); form.Controls.Remove(this); form.Controls.Add(cs); cs.Focus(); return; }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { counter++; timeLabel.Text = "Time:" + (counter / 28).ToString("000"); scoreLabel.Text = "Score:" + (Form1.score).ToString("0000"); dayChange(); fartMeter(); #region fartlLevel if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Space)) { if (fartLevel > 3) { try { // farts[farts.Count - 1].size.Width+= 2; // farts[farts.Count - 1].size.Height+= 2; // farts[farts.Count - 1].x--; // farts[farts.Count - 1].y--; farts[farts.Count - 1].cap = fartLevel; } catch { GasCloud g = new GasCloud(position + 75, this.Height - 160, fartLevel); farts.Add(g); } //farts.RemoveAt(farts.IndexOf(g) - 1); } else { GasCloud g = new GasCloud(position + 75, this.Height - 160, fartLevel); farts.Add(g); } fartLevel++; } else { fartLevel = 0; } #endregion #region Farts GrowFarts(); #endregion #region Pedestrians double scoreFactor = Form1.score / 20; pedSpawnFactor = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Round(scoreFactor)); SpawnNPC(); DespawnNPC(); foreach (Pedestrian p in peds) { p.Move(); foreach (GasCloud f in farts) { if (p.Collide(f.rect)) { Form1.score++; } if (p.FartCheck(f.rect, playerHitbox)) { //lose // Create an instance of the SecondScreen Form1.mainGameMusic.Stop(); Form1.titleMusic.PlayLooping(); loseScreen cs = new loseScreen(); cs.Location = new Point(this.Left, this.Top); // Add the User Control to the Form Form form = this.FindForm(); form.Controls.Remove(this); form.Controls.Add(cs); cs.Focus(); timer1.Enabled = false; return; } } } #endregion playerRect.X = position; playerHitbox.X = position + 36; if (speedBoostTimer > 0) { speed = 10; speedBoostTimer--; } else { speed = 5; } if (right && position < this.Width - 119) { left = false; position += speed; still = false; imageChange(); } else if (left && position > -40) { right = false; still = false; position -= speed; imageChange(); } else { still = true; imgStill++; if (imgStill == 60) { imgStill = 0; } } Refresh(); }
private void mainGame_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e) { imgStill = 0; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { pause = true; if (brightness > 100) { backBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(140, 0, 0, 0); backBrush2.Color = Color.FromArgb(120, 0, 0, 0); } timer1.Enabled = false; Refresh(); } if (!pause) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right && !fart) { right = true; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left && !fart) { left = true; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space) { right = false; left = false; fart = true; Form1.fartSound.Play(); } } else { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space) { pause = false; timer1.Enabled = true; Refresh(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.M) { // Create an instance of the SecondScreen Form1.mainGameMusic.Stop(); Form1.titleMusic.PlayLooping(); MainScreen cs = new MainScreen(); cs.Location = new Point(this.Left, this.Top); // Add the User Control to the Form Form f = this.FindForm(); f.Controls.Remove(this); f.Controls.Add(cs); cs.Focus(); } } if (brightness < 245) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.B) { brightness += 10; } } if (brightness > 12) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.M) { brightness -= 10; } } //gameOver if (e.KeyCode == Keys.G) { // Create an instance of the SecondScreen loseScreen cs = new loseScreen(); cs.Location = new Point(this.Left, this.Top); // Add the User Control to the Form Form f = this.FindForm(); f.Controls.Remove(this); f.Controls.Add(cs); cs.Focus(); } }