public static decimal ComputePaymentPerPeriod(
            decimal principalAmount,
            decimal ratePerPeriod,
            int termInPeriods)
            s_lastCalculationTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (termInPeriods <= 0 || termInPeriods > MaxTermInMonths)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("termInPeriods");

            if (principalAmount < MinPrincipalAmount ||
                principalAmount >= MaxPrincipalAmount)
                // Violates the FxCop rule a: b
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Principal {0} is not valid",
                                                        principalAmount.ToString("C", new CultureInfo("EN-us"))));


                // Violates the FxCop rule CA1804: RemoveUnusedLocals
                var unusedLocal = new IncorrectlyImplementsIDisposable();

                var exponentBase = Convert.ToDouble(decimal.One + ratePerPeriod);
                var exponent     = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(exponentBase, -1 * termInPeriods));

                var payment = (ratePerPeriod * principalAmount) / (1m - exponent);
                payment = Math.Round(payment, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                // Violates the StyleCop rule SA1507: CodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow
                //     More information in the StyleCop help file: StyleCop.chm

            catch (ArithmeticException arithmeticException)
                // Violates the FxCop rule CA2200: RethrowToPreserveStackDetails
                throw arithmeticException;
        public static decimal ComputePaymentPerPeriod(
            decimal principalAmount,
            decimal ratePerPeriod,
            int termInPeriods)
            s_lastCalculationTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (termInPeriods <= 0 || termInPeriods > MaxTermInMonths)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("termInPeriods");

            if (principalAmount < MinPrincipalAmount || 
                principalAmount >= MaxPrincipalAmount)
                // Violates the FxCop rule a: b
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                    "Principal {0} is not valid", 
                    principalAmount.ToString("C", new CultureInfo("EN-us"))));


                // Violates the FxCop rule CA1804: RemoveUnusedLocals
                var unusedLocal = new IncorrectlyImplementsIDisposable();

                var exponentBase = Convert.ToDouble(decimal.One + ratePerPeriod);
                var exponent = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(exponentBase, -1 * termInPeriods));

                var payment = (ratePerPeriod * principalAmount) / (1m - exponent);
                payment = Math.Round(payment, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                // Violates the StyleCop rule SA1507: CodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow
                //     More information in the StyleCop help file: StyleCop.chm

                return payment;
            catch (ArithmeticException arithmeticException)
                // Violates the FxCop rule CA2200: RethrowToPreserveStackDetails
                throw arithmeticException;