public double amountOfIceCubesPurchased(int iceCubesNeededToBuy) { IceCubes iceCubes = new IceCubes(); getIceCubes = iceCubes.pullCost() * iceCubesNeededToBuy; return(getIceCubes); }
public void AddInitialInventory() { lemons = new Lemons(); sugar = new Sugar(); iceCubes = new IceCubes(); cups = new Cups(); }
public void PurchaseFromStore(Store store, Player player, Lemons lemons, IceCubes iceCubes, Sugar sugar, Cups cups) { string input = ""; string amountToPurchase = ""; int amountToPurchaseInt = 0; while (input.ToLower() != "exit") { input = userInterface.GetStringInput("Type 'lemons' to buy lemons, 'ice' to buy ice cubes, 'sugar' to purchase cups of sugar, or 'cups' to purchase cups. Type 'exit' to finish purchasing"); switch (input.ToLower()) { case "lemons": PurchaseLemons(store, player, lemons, amountToPurchase, amountToPurchaseInt); break; case "ice": PurchaseIce(store, player, iceCubes, amountToPurchase, amountToPurchaseInt); break; case "sugar": PurchaseSugar(store, player, sugar, amountToPurchase, amountToPurchaseInt); break; case "cups": PurchaseCups(store, player, cups, amountToPurchase, amountToPurchaseInt); break; default: break; } } }
//Constructor public Store(IceCubes iceCubes, Lemons lemons, Cups cups, Sugar sugar, Player playerOne) { this.iceCubes = iceCubes; this.cups = cups; this.sugar = sugar; this.lemons = lemons; this.playerOne = playerOne; }
public void AddingIceCubes(Player player) { for (int i = 0; i < player.numberOfItemsBought; i++) { IceCubes IceCubes = new IceCubes(); storingIceCubes.Add(1); } }
public Store(Player player) { this.player = player; lemons = new Lemons(); sugar = new Sugar(); ice = new IceCubes(); cups = new Cups(); }
public void submitIceCubes(int AmountOfIceCubesNeeded) { for (int i = 0; i < AmountOfIceCubesNeeded; i++) { IceCubes iceCubes = new IceCubes(); this.iceCubes.Add(iceCubes); } Console.WriteLine("Right now you have {0} of ice .", iceCubes.Count); }
public void PurchaseIce(Store store, Player player, IceCubes iceCubes, string amountToPurchase, int amountToPurchaseInt) { amountToPurchase = userInterface.DisplayStoreItem(store.iceCubes, store.iceCubesPrices, store.iceCubesAmount); if (amountToPurchase != "0") { amountToPurchaseInt = Int32.Parse(amountToPurchase); player.WithDrawMoney(store.iceCubesPrices[amountToPurchaseInt - 1]); AdjustIceCubesAmount(store, iceCubes, amountToPurchaseInt, store.iceCubesAmount[amountToPurchaseInt - 1]); } }
//Constructor public Game() { iceCubes = new IceCubes(); lemons = new Lemons(); sugar = new Sugar(); cups = new Cups(); weather = new Weather(); playerOne = new Player(); itemStore = new Store(iceCubes, lemons, cups, sugar, playerOne); userInterface = new UserInterface(playerOne, weather); day = new Day(playerOne, weather, customer); }
//constructor public Game() { store = new Store(); userInterface = new UserInterface(); // weather = new Weather(); player = new Player(); amountOfDaysInGame = 0; dayNumber = 1; lemons = new Lemons(); sugar = new Sugar(); iceCubes = new IceCubes(); cups = new Cups(); }
public void RunDay(Store store, Player player, int dayNumber, Lemons lemons, IceCubes iceCubes, Sugar sugar, Cups cups) { moneyInWalletAtStart = player.Money; weather.DetermineForecast(); userInterface.DisplayBeginningOfDayInfo(weather.forecast, weather.highTemperatureForecast, dayNumber, player.Money); userInterface.ShowRecipe(lemonsPerPitcher, cupsSugarPerPitcher, iceCubesPerGlass, pricePerCup); ChangeRecipe(); userInterface.ShowRecipe(lemonsPerPitcher, cupsSugarPerPitcher, iceCubesPerGlass, pricePerCup); PurchaseFromStore(store, player, lemons, iceCubes, sugar, cups); userInterface.DisplayInventory(cups.currentStock, lemons.currentStock, sugar.currentStock, iceCubes.currentStock); DetermineGlassesPerPitcher(); DeterminePotentialCustomers(); DetermineCupsSold(); AddProfit(player); player.FindProfit(moneyInWalletAtStart); lemons.DecreaseInventory(cupsSold, pitcherLooper, lemonsPerPitcher); sugar.DecreaseInventory(cupsSold, pitcherLooper, cupsSugarPerPitcher); cups.DecreaseInventory(cupsSold); iceCubes.DecreaseInventory(cupsSold, iceCubesPerGlass); GetPopularity(); userInterface.DisplayEndOfDayInfo(CheckForSoldOut(iceCubes.currentStock, lemons.currentStock, sugar.currentStock, cups.currentStock), weather.forecast, weather.highTemperatureForecast, dayNumber, player.Money, player.Profit, cupsSold, popularity); }
public int AdjustIceCubesAmount(Store store, IceCubes iceCubes, int amountToPurchaseInt, int itemsToAdd) { iceCubes.currentStock += itemsToAdd; return(iceCubes.currentStock); }