        private static void explode(Main main, Voxel map, Voxel.Coord coord, Vector3 pos, int radius, float physicsRadius)
            // Kaboom
            AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_EXPLOSION, pos);

            Entity lightEntity = Factory.Get <PointLightFactory>().CreateAndBind(main);

            lightEntity.Serialize = false;
            PointLight light = lightEntity.Get <PointLight>();

            light.Color.Value       = new Vector3(1.3f, 1.1f, 0.9f);
            light.Attenuation.Value = 20.0f;
            light.Position.Value    = pos;
            lightEntity.Add(new Animation
                                new Animation.FloatMoveTo(light.Attenuation, 0.0f, 1.0f),
                                new Animation.Execute(light.Delete)

            SmokeFactory smokeFactory = Factory.Get <SmokeFactory>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Entity smoke = smokeFactory.CreateAndBind(main);
                smoke.Get <Transform>().Position.Value = pos;

            ParticleEmitter.Emit(main, "Smoke", pos, physicsRadius * 0.4f, 250);

            Entity player = PlayerFactory.Instance;

            if (player != null && player.Active)
                player.Get <CameraController>().Shake.Execute(pos, 50.0f);

            const float physicsImpulse         = 70.0f;
            const float minPlayerDamage        = 0.1f;
            const float playerDamageMultiplier = 2.0f;

            // Remove the cells
            BlockFactory blockFactory = Factory.Get <BlockFactory>();

            foreach (Voxel m in Voxel.ActiveVoxels.ToList())
                List <Voxel.Coord> removals = new List <Voxel.Coord>();

                Voxel.Coord c           = m.GetCoordinate(pos);
                Vector3     relativePos = m.GetRelativePosition(c);

                Quaternion quat = m.Entity.Get <Transform>().Quaternion;

                for (Voxel.Coord x = c.Move(Direction.NegativeX, radius - 1); x.X < c.X + radius; x.X++)
                    for (Voxel.Coord y = x.Move(Direction.NegativeY, radius - 1); y.Y < c.Y + radius; y.Y++)
                        for (Voxel.Coord z = y.Move(Direction.NegativeZ, radius - 1); z.Z < c.Z + radius; z.Z++)
                            Voxel.State s = m[z];
                            if (s.ID == 0 || s.Permanent)

                            Vector3 cellPos = m.GetRelativePosition(z);
                            if ((cellPos - relativePos).Length() < radius - 1)
                                if (random.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                                    Entity    block          = blockFactory.CreateAndBind(main);
                                    Transform blockTransform = block.Get <Transform>();
                                    blockTransform.Position.Value   = m.GetAbsolutePosition(cellPos);
                                    blockTransform.Quaternion.Value = quat;
                if (removals.Count > 0)

            // Damage the player
            if (player != null && player.Active)
                Vector3 toPlayer = player.Get <Transform>().Position - pos;
                float   d        = toPlayer.Length();
                if (d < physicsRadius)
                    float attenuation = 1.0f;
                    if (d > 0)
                        Voxel.GlobalRaycast(pos, toPlayer / d, d, delegate(int x, Voxel.t c)
                            Voxel.State s = Voxel.States.All[c];
                            if (s.Permanent)
                                attenuation = 0.0f;
                            else if (s.Hard)
                                attenuation -= 0.6f;
                                attenuation -= 0.35f;
                        attenuation = Math.Max(0, attenuation);
                    player.Get <Agent>().Damage.Execute(attenuation * (minPlayerDamage + (1.0f - (d / physicsRadius)) * playerDamageMultiplier));

            // Apply impulse to dynamic maps
            foreach (Voxel m in Voxel.ActiveVoxels)
                DynamicVoxel dm = m as DynamicVoxel;
                if (dm == null)

                Vector3 toMap         = dm.Transform.Value.Translation - pos;
                float   distanceToMap = toMap.Length();
                toMap /= distanceToMap;

                toMap *= Math.Max(0.0f, 1.0f - (distanceToMap / physicsRadius)) * Math.Min(200.0f, dm.PhysicsEntity.Mass) * physicsImpulse;

                dm.PhysicsEntity.ApplyImpulse(dm.Transform.Value.Translation + new Vector3(((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f, ((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f, ((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f), toMap);

            // Apply impulse to physics blocks
            foreach (Entity b in main.Get("Block"))
                PhysicsBlock block         = b.Get <PhysicsBlock>();
                Vector3      fromExplosion = b.Get <Transform>().Position.Value - pos;
                float        distance      = fromExplosion.Length();
                if (distance > 0.0f && distance < physicsRadius)
                    float blend = 1.0f - (distance / physicsRadius);
                    block.LinearVelocity.Value  += fromExplosion * blend * 10.0f / distance;
                    block.AngularVelocity.Value += new Vector3(((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f, ((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f, ((float)random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f) * blend;