        // MUL -> UOP
        public void ToUOP(string inFile, string inFileIdx, string outFile, FileType type, int typeIndex)
            // Same for all UOP files
            long  firstTable = 0x200;
            int   tableSize  = 100; //0x3E8; // block size (files per block)
            short compress   = 0;   // art, gumpart, map, etc are expected to be uncompressed, if we compress them they won't be loaded by the client...

            // Sanity, in case firstTable is customized by you!
            if (firstTable < 0x28)
                throw new Exception("At least 0x28 bytes are needed for the header.");

            using (BinaryReader reader = OpenInput(inFile))
                using (BinaryReader readerIdx = OpenInput(inFileIdx))
                    using (BinaryWriter writer = OpenOutput(outFile))
                        List <IdxEntry> idxEntries;

                        if (type == FileType.MapLegacyMUL)
                            // No IDX file, just group the data into 0xC4000 long chunks
                            int length = (int)reader.BaseStream.Length;
                            idxEntries = new List <IdxEntry>((int)Math.Ceiling((double)length / 0xC4000));

                            int position = 0;
                            int id       = 0;

                            while (position < length)
                                IdxEntry e = new IdxEntry();
                                e.m_Id     = id++;
                                e.m_Offset = position;
                                e.m_Size   = 0xC4000;
                                e.m_Extra  = 0;


                                position += 0xC4000;
                            int idxEntryCount = (int)(readerIdx.BaseStream.Length / 12);
                            idxEntries = new List <IdxEntry>(idxEntryCount);

                            for (int i = 0; i < idxEntryCount; ++i)
                                int offset = readerIdx.ReadInt32();

                                if (offset < 0)
                                    readerIdx.BaseStream.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current);                       // skip

                                IdxEntry e = new IdxEntry();
                                e.m_Id     = i;
                                e.m_Offset = offset;
                                e.m_Size   = readerIdx.ReadInt32();
                                e.m_Extra  = readerIdx.ReadInt32();


                        int fileCount = idxEntries.Count;
                        if (type == FileType.MultiMUL)
                            ++fileCount; // for "housing.bin"
                            idxEntries.Add(new IdxEntry());

                        // File header
                        writer.Write(0x50594D);    // MYP
                        writer.Write(5);           // version
                        writer.Write(0xFD23EC43);  // format timestamp?
                        writer.Write(firstTable);  // first table
                        writer.Write(tableSize);   // table (block) size (= files per block)
                        writer.Write(fileCount);   // file count
                        writer.Write(1);           // modified count?
                        writer.Write(1);           // ?
                        writer.Write(0);           // ?

                        // Padding
                        for (int i = 0x28; i < firstTable; ++i)

                        int          tableCount   = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)fileCount / tableSize);
                        TableEntry[] tableEntries = new TableEntry[tableSize];

                        int      maxId;
                        string[] hashFormat = GetHashFormat(type, typeIndex, out maxId);

                        for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i)
                            long thisTable = writer.BaseStream.Position;

                            int idxStart = i * tableSize;
                            int idxEnd   = Math.Min((i + 1) * tableSize, fileCount);

                            // Table header
                            writer.Write(idxEnd - idxStart);                 // files in this block
                            writer.Write((long)0);                           // next table, filled in later
                            writer.Seek(34 * tableSize, SeekOrigin.Current); // table entries, filled in later

                            // Data
                            int tableIdx = 0;

                            for (int j = idxStart; j < idxEnd; ++j, ++tableIdx)
                                // Special case: MultiCollection.uop
                                if ((type == FileType.MultiMUL) && (i == tableCount - 1) && (j == idxEnd - 1))
                                    if (File.Exists("housing.bin"))
                                        FileInfo binInfo = new FileInfo("housing.bin");
                                        // MultiCollection.uop has the file "build/multicollection/housing.bin", which has to be treated separately
                                        using (BinaryReader readerBin = OpenInput("housing.bin"))
                                            byte[] binData = new byte[binInfo.Length];
                                            int    readLen = readerBin.Read(binData, 0, (int)binInfo.Length);

                                            tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Offset     = writer.BaseStream.Position;
                                            tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Size       = readLen;
                                            tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Identifier = HashLittle2("build/multicollection/housing.bin");
                                            tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Hash       = HashAdler32(binData);

                                            writer.Write(binData, 0, readLen);

                                reader.BaseStream.Seek(idxEntries[j].m_Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                byte[] data             = reader.ReadBytes(idxEntries[j].m_Size);
                                int    sizeDecompressed = data.Length;

                                if (type == FileType.GumpartLegacyMUL)
                                    // Prepend width/height from IDX's extra
                                    sizeDecompressed += 8;
                                    int width  = (idxEntries[j].m_Extra >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
                                    int height = idxEntries[j].m_Extra & 0xFFFF;

                                    byte[] dataCopy = data;
                                    data    = new byte[sizeDecompressed];
                                    data[0] = (byte)(width & 0xFF);
                                    data[1] = (byte)((width >> 8) & 0xFF);
                                    data[2] = (byte)((width >> 16) & 0xFF);
                                    data[3] = (byte)((width >> 24) & 0xFF);
                                    data[4] = (byte)(height & 0xFF);
                                    data[5] = (byte)((height >> 8) & 0xFF);
                                    data[6] = (byte)((height >> 16) & 0xFF);
                                    data[7] = (byte)((height >> 24) & 0xFF);
                                    Array.Copy(dataCopy, 0, data, 8, sizeDecompressed - 8);

                                int    sizeOut;
                                byte[] dataOut;
                                if (compress != 0)
                                    sizeOut = Zlib.CompressBound((ulong)sizeDecompressed); // estimated maximum size
                                    dataOut = new byte[sizeOut];
                                    Zlib.Compress(dataOut, ref sizeOut, data, sizeDecompressed);
                                    sizeOut = sizeDecompressed;
                                    dataOut = data;

                                tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Offset           = writer.BaseStream.Position;
                                tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Compression      = compress;
                                tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Size             = sizeOut;
                                tableEntries[tableIdx].m_SizeDecompressed = sizeDecompressed;

                                // hash 906142efe9fdb38a, which is file 0009834.tga (and no others, as use a different name format (7 digits instead of 8);
                                //  if in newer versions more of these files will have adopted that format, someone should update this list of exceptions
                                //  (even if this seems so much like a typo from someone from the UO development team :P )
                                if ((type == FileType.GumpartLegacyMUL) && (idxEntries[j].m_Id == 9834))
                                    tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Identifier = HashLittle2(String.Format(hashFormat[1], idxEntries[j].m_Id));
                                    tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Identifier = HashLittle2(String.Format(hashFormat[0], idxEntries[j].m_Id));
                                tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Hash = HashAdler32(dataOut);

                                writer.Write(dataOut, 0, sizeOut);

                            long nextTable = writer.BaseStream.Position;

                            // Go back and fix table header
                            if (i < tableCount - 1)
                                writer.BaseStream.Seek(thisTable + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                writer.BaseStream.Seek(thisTable + 12, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                // No need to fix the next table address, it's the last

                            // Table entries
                            tableIdx = 0;

                            for (int j = idxStart; j < idxEnd; ++j, ++tableIdx)
                                writer.Write(0);                                         // header length
                                writer.Write(tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Size);             // compressed size
                                writer.Write(tableEntries[tableIdx].m_SizeDecompressed); // decompressed size
                                writer.Write(tableEntries[tableIdx].m_Compression);                   // compression method

                            // Fill remainder with empty entries
                            for ( ; tableIdx < tableSize; ++tableIdx)

                            writer.BaseStream.Seek(nextTable, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        // UOP -> MUL
        public void FromUOP(string inFile, string outFile, string outFileIdx, FileType type, int typeIndex)
            Dictionary <ulong, int> chunkIds  = new Dictionary <ulong, int>();
            Dictionary <ulong, int> chunkIds2 = new Dictionary <ulong, int>();

            int maxId;

            string[] formats = GetHashFormat(type, typeIndex, out maxId);

            for (int i = 0; i < maxId; ++i)
                chunkIds[HashLittle2(String.Format(formats[0], i))] = i;
            if (formats[1] != "")
                for (int i = 0; i < maxId; ++i)
                    chunkIds2[HashLittle2(String.Format(formats[1], i))] = i;

            bool[] used = new bool[maxId];

            using (BinaryReader reader = OpenInput(inFile))
                using (BinaryWriter writer = OpenOutput(outFile))
                    using (BinaryWriter writerIdx = OpenOutput(outFileIdx))
                        if (reader.ReadInt32() != 0x50594D)           // MYP
                            throw new ArgumentException("inFile is not a UOP file.");

                        Stream stream = reader.BaseStream;

                        int version = reader.ReadInt32();
                        reader.ReadInt32();         // format timestamp? 0xFD23EC43
                        long nextTable = reader.ReadInt64();

                        //List<string> toLog = new List<string>();

                            // Table header
                            stream.Seek(nextTable, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            int entries = reader.ReadInt32();
                            nextTable = reader.ReadInt64();

                            // Table entries
                            TableEntry[] offsets = new TableEntry[entries];

                            for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
                                 * Empty entries are read too, because they do not always indicate the
                                 * end of the table. (Example: Fel/Tram maps)
                                offsets[i].m_Offset           = reader.ReadInt64();
                                offsets[i].m_HeaderLength     = reader.ReadInt32();  // header length
                                offsets[i].m_Size             = reader.ReadInt32();  // compressed size
                                offsets[i].m_SizeDecompressed = reader.ReadInt32();  // decompressed size
                                offsets[i].m_Identifier       = reader.ReadUInt64(); // filename hash (HashLittle2)
                                offsets[i].m_Hash             = reader.ReadUInt32(); // data hash (Adler32)
                                offsets[i].m_Compression      = reader.ReadInt16();  // compression method (0 = none, 1 = zlib)

                            // Copy chunks
                            for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; ++i)
                                if (offsets[i].m_Offset == 0)
                                    continue;                     // skip empty entry
                                if ((type == FileType.MultiMUL) && (offsets[i].m_Identifier == 0x126D1E99DDEDEE0A))
                                    // MultiCollection.uop has the file "build/multicollection/housing.bin", which has to be handled separately
                                    using (BinaryWriter writerBin = OpenOutput("housing.bin"))
                                        stream.Seek(offsets[i].m_Offset + offsets[i].m_HeaderLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                        byte[] binData = reader.ReadBytes(offsets[i].m_Size);
                                        byte[] binDataToWrite;

                                        if (offsets[i].m_Compression == 1)
                                            byte[] binDataDecompressed = new byte[offsets[i].m_SizeDecompressed];
                                            Zlib.Decompress(binDataDecompressed, ref offsets[i].m_SizeDecompressed, binData, offsets[i].m_Size);
                                            binDataToWrite = binDataDecompressed;
                                            binDataToWrite = binData;

                                        writerBin.Write(binDataToWrite, 0, binDataToWrite.Length);

                                int chunkID = -1;
                                if (!chunkIds.TryGetValue(offsets[i].m_Identifier, out chunkID))
                                    int tmpChunkID = -1;
                                    if (!chunkIds2.TryGetValue(offsets[i].m_Identifier, out tmpChunkID))
                                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown identifier encountered ({0:X})", offsets[i].m_Identifier));
                                        chunkID = tmpChunkID;
                                        //toLog.Add(String.Format("[DevInfo] Hash {0} has format type 2! ChunkID: {1}", offsets[i].m_Identifier, chunkID));

                                stream.Seek(offsets[i].m_Offset + offsets[i].m_HeaderLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                byte[] chunkDataRaw = reader.ReadBytes(offsets[i].m_Size);

                                byte[] chunkData;
                                if (offsets[i].m_Compression == 1)
                                    byte[] chunkDataDecompressed = new byte[offsets[i].m_SizeDecompressed];
                                    Zlib.Decompress(chunkDataDecompressed, ref offsets[i].m_SizeDecompressed, chunkDataRaw, offsets[i].m_Size);
                                    chunkData = chunkDataDecompressed;
                                    chunkData = chunkDataRaw;

                                if (type == FileType.MapLegacyMUL)
                                    // Write this chunk on the right position (no IDX file to point to it)
                                    writer.Seek(chunkID * 0xC4000, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    int dataOffset = 0;

                                    #region Idx
                                    writerIdx.Seek(chunkID * 12, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    writerIdx.Write((uint)writer.BaseStream.Position);                       // Position

                                    switch (type)
                                    case FileType.GumpartLegacyMUL:
                                        // Width and height are prepended to the data
                                        int width  = (chunkData[0] | (chunkData[1] << 8) | (chunkData[2] << 16) | (chunkData[3] << 24));
                                        int height = (chunkData[4] | (chunkData[5] << 8) | (chunkData[6] << 16) | (chunkData[7] << 24));

                                        writerIdx.Write(chunkData.Length - 8);
                                        writerIdx.Write((width << 16) | height);
                                        dataOffset = 8;

                                    case FileType.SoundLegacyMUL:
                                        // Extra contains the ID of this sound file + 1
                                        writerIdx.Write(chunkID + 1);

                                        writerIdx.Write(chunkData.Length);                         // Size
                                        writerIdx.Write((int)0);                                   // Extra

                                    used[chunkID] = true;

                                    writer.Write(chunkData, dataOffset, chunkData.Length - dataOffset);

                            // Move to next table
                            if (nextTable != 0)
                                stream.Seek(nextTable, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        }while (nextTable != 0);

                        // Fix idx
                        // TODO: Only go until the last used entry? Does the client mind?
                        if (writerIdx != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < used.Length; ++i)
                                if (!used[i])
                                    writerIdx.Seek(i * 12, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                         * if (toLog.Count != 0)
                         * {
                         *  using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(@"uop2mul_log.txt"))
                         *  {
                         *      for (int i = 0; i < toLog.Count; ++i)
                         *          file.WriteLine(toLog[i]);
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * toLog.Clear();