private IEnumerator enableGroup(string groupName) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); ModelGroup group = null; for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { //Debug.Log (ModelPool [i].GroupName); if (ModelPool[i].GroupName == groupName) { group = ModelPool[i]; for (int hp = 0; hp < activeHandReps.Count; hp++) { HandProxy handRep = activeHandReps[hp]; IHandModel model = group.TryGetModel(handRep.RepChirality, handRep.RepType); if (model != null) { handRep.AddModel(model); modelToHandRepMapping.Add(model, handRep); } } group.IsEnabled = true; } } if (group == null) { Debug.LogWarning("A group matching that name does not exisit in the modelPool"); } }
protected virtual void OnValidate() { if (_handModel == null) { _handModel = GetComponentInParent <IHandModel>(); } }
/** * DisableGroup finds and removes the ModelGroup's IHandModels from their HandRepresentations, returns them to their ModelGroup and sets the groups IsEnabled to false. * @param groupName Takes a string that matches the ModelGroup's groupName serialized in the Inspector */ public void DisableGroup(string groupName) { ModelGroup group = null; for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { if (ModelPool[i].GroupName == groupName) { group = ModelPool[i]; for (int m = 0; m < group.modelsCheckedOut.Count; m++) { IHandModel model = group.modelsCheckedOut[m]; HandRepresentation handRep; if (modelToHandRepMapping.TryGetValue(model, out handRep)) { handRep.RemoveModel(model); group.ReturnToGroup(model); m--; } } Assert.AreEqual(0, group.modelsCheckedOut.Count, group.GroupName + "'s modelsCheckedOut List has not been cleared"); group.IsEnabled = false; } } if (group == null) { Debug.LogWarning("A group matching that name does not exisit in the modelPool"); } }
private IEnumerator disableGroup(string groupName) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); ModelGroup group = null; for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { if (ModelPool[i].GroupName == groupName) { group = ModelPool[i]; for (int m = 0; m < group.modelsCheckedOut.Count; m++) { IHandModel model = group.modelsCheckedOut[m]; HandProxy handRep; if (modelToHandRepMapping.TryGetValue(model, out handRep)) { handRep.RemoveModel(model); group.ReturnToGroup(model); m--; } } Assert.AreEqual(0, group.modelsCheckedOut.Count, group.GroupName + "'s modelsCheckedOut List has not been cleared"); group.IsEnabled = false; Debug.Log("disable " + ModelPool[i].GroupName); } } if (group == null) { Debug.LogWarning("A group matching that name does not exisit in the modelPool"); } }
/*Looks for suitable IHandModel is the ModelGroup's modelList, if found, it is added to modelsCheckedOut. * If not, one can be cloned*/ public IHandModel TryGetModel(Chirality chirality, ModelType modelType) { for (int i = 0; i < modelList.Count; i++) { if (modelList[i].HandModelType == modelType && modelList[i].Handedness == chirality) { IHandModel model = modelList[i]; modelList.RemoveAt(i); modelsCheckedOut.Add(model); return(model); } } if (CanDuplicate) { for (int i = 0; i < modelsCheckedOut.Count; i++) { if (modelsCheckedOut[i].HandModelType == modelType && modelsCheckedOut[i].Handedness == chirality) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = modelsCheckedOut[i]; IHandModel spawnedModel = GameObject.Instantiate(modelToSpawn); spawnedModel.transform.parent = _handPool.transform; _handPool.modelGroupMapping.Add(spawnedModel, this); modelsCheckedOut.Add(spawnedModel); return(spawnedModel); } } } return(null); }
/** * MakeHandRepresentation receives a Hand and combines that with an IHandModel to create a HandRepresentation * @param hand The Leap Hand data to be drive an IHandModel * @param modelType Filters for a type of hand model, for example, physics or graphics hands. */ public HandRepresentation MakeHandRepresentation(Hand hand, ModelType modelType) { Chirality handChirality = hand.IsRight ? Chirality.Right : Chirality.Left; HandRepresentation handRep = new HandRepresentation(this, hand, handChirality, modelType); for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { ModelGroup group = ModelPool[i]; if (group.IsEnabled) { IHandModel model = group.TryGetModel(handChirality, modelType); if (model != null) { handRep.AddModel(model); if (!modelToHandRepMapping.ContainsKey(model)) { = group; modelToHandRepMapping.Add(model, handRep); } } } } activeHandReps.Add(handRep); return(handRep); }
/** * MakeHandRepresentation receives a Hand and combines that with an IHandModel to create a HandRepresentation * @param hand The Leap Hand data to be drive an IHandModel * @param modelType Filters for a type of hand model, for example, physics or graphics hands. */ public override HandRepresentation MakeHandRepresentation(Hand hand, ModelType modelType) { HandRepresentation handRep = null; for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { IHandModel model = ModelPool[i]; bool isCorrectHandedness; Chirality handChirality = hand.IsRight ? Chirality.Right : Chirality.Left; isCorrectHandedness = model.Handedness == handChirality; if (!EnforceHandedness || model.Handedness == Chirality.Either) { isCorrectHandedness = true; } bool isCorrectModelType; isCorrectModelType = model.HandModelType == modelType; if (isCorrectModelType && isCorrectHandedness) { ModelPool.RemoveAt(i); handRep = new HandProxy(this, model, hand); break; } } return(handRep); }
void ValidateIHandModelPrefab(IHandModel iHandModel) { if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(iHandModel) == PrefabType.Prefab) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "This slot needs to have an instance of a prefab from your scene. Make your hand prefab a child of the LeapHanadContrller in your scene, then drag here", "OK"); } }
public void ReturnToPool(IHandModel model) { ModelGroup modelGroup; bool groupFound = modelGroupMapping.TryGetValue(model, out modelGroup); modelGroup.ReturnToGroup(model); Assert.IsTrue(groupFound); }
public void ReturnToPool(IHandModel model) { ModelGroup modelGroup; bool groupFound = modelGroupMapping.TryGetValue(model, out modelGroup); Assert.IsTrue(groupFound); //First see if there is another active representation that can use this model for (int i = 0; i < activeHandReps.Count; i++) { HandProxy rep = activeHandReps[i]; if (rep.RepChirality == model.Handedness && rep.RepType == model.HandModelType) { bool modelFromGroupFound = false; if (rep.handModels != null) { //And that represention does not contain a model from this model's modelGroup for (int j = 0; j < modelGroup.modelsCheckedOut.Count; j++) { IHandModel modelToCompare = modelGroup.modelsCheckedOut[j]; for (int k = 0; k < rep.handModels.Count; k++) { if (rep.handModels[k] == modelToCompare) { modelFromGroupFound = true; } } } } if (!modelFromGroupFound) { rep.AddModel(model); modelToHandRepMapping[model] = rep; return; } } } //Otherwise return to pool modelGroup.ReturnToGroup(model); }
void Awake() { watcherCoroutine = extendedFingerWatcher(); if(HandModel == null){ HandModel = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<IHandModel>(); } }
/** * EnableGroup finds suitable HandRepresentations and adds IHandModels from the ModelGroup, returns them to their ModelGroup and sets the groups IsEnabled to true. * @param groupName Takes a string that matches the ModelGroup's groupName serialized in the Inspector */ public void EnableGroup(string groupName) { ModelGroup group = null; for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { if (ModelPool[i].GroupName == groupName) { group = ModelPool[i]; for (int hp = 0; hp < activeHandReps.Count; hp++) { HandRepresentation handRep = activeHandReps[hp]; IHandModel model = group.TryGetModel(handRep.RepChirality, handRep.RepType); if (model != null) { handRep.AddModel(model); modelToHandRepMapping.Add(model, handRep); } } group.IsEnabled = true; } } if (group == null) { Debug.LogWarning("A group matching that name does not exisit in the modelPool"); } }
public override void AddModel(IHandModel model) { // Check is Remote or not if (model.isRemote != this.IsRemote_) { return; } if (handModels == null) { handModels = new List <IHandModel>(); // 有Bug???? } handModels.Add(model); if (model.GetLeapHand() == null) { model.SetLeapHand(MostRecentHand); model.InitHand(); model.BeginHand(); model.UpdateHand(); } else { model.SetLeapHand(MostRecentHand); model.BeginHand(); } }
public override void RemoveModel(IHandModel model) { if (handModels != null) { model.FinishHand(); handModels.Remove(model); } }
void Awake() { watcherCoroutine = extendedFingerWatcher(); if (HandModel == null) { HandModel = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <IHandModel>(); } }
private void Awake() { watcherCoroutine = fingerPointingWatcher(); if (HandModel == null) { HandModel = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <IHandModel>(); } }
public void ReturnToPool(IHandModel model) { ModelGroup modelGroup; bool groupFound = modelGroupMapping.TryGetValue(model, out modelGroup); modelGroup.ReturnToGroup(model); //Assert.IsTrue(groupFound); }
protected virtual void Awake(){ iHandModel = GetComponent<IHandModel>(); if (iHandModel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("HandTransitionBehavior components require an IHandModel component attached to the same GameObject"); return; } iHandModel.OnBegin += HandReset; iHandModel.OnFinish += HandFinish; }
private void Awake() { Debug.Log("Yolo"); Debug.Log(OnAngle); watcherCoroutine = palmWatcher(); if (HandModel == null) { HandModel = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <IHandModel>(); } }
protected virtual void Awake() { iHandModel = GetComponent <IHandModel>(); if (iHandModel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("HandTransitionBehavior components require an IHandModel component attached to the same GameObject"); return; } iHandModel.OnBegin += HandReset; iHandModel.OnFinish += HandFinish; }
public void AddNewGroup(string groupName, IHandModel leftModel, IHandModel rightModel) { ModelGroup newGroup = new ModelGroup(); newGroup.LeftModel = leftModel; newGroup.RightModel = rightModel; newGroup.GroupName = groupName; newGroup.CanDuplicate = false; newGroup.IsEnabled = true; ModelPool.Add(newGroup); }
protected virtual void Awake() { if (GetComponent<IHandModel>() != null && ControlsTransform == true) { Debug.LogWarning("Detector should not be control the IHandModel's transform. Either attach it to its own transform or set ControlsTransform to false."); } if (_handModel == null) { _handModel = GetComponentInParent<IHandModel>(); if (_handModel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("The HandModel field of Detector was unassigned and the detector has been disabled."); enabled = false; } } }
public HandProxy(HandPool parent, IHandModel handModel, Hand hand) : base(hand.Id) { this.parent = parent; this.handModel = handModel; // Check to see if the hand model has been initialized yet if (handModel.GetLeapHand() == null) { handModel.SetLeapHand(hand); handModel.InitHand(); } else { handModel.SetLeapHand(hand); } handModel.BeginHand(); }
/** Popuates the ModelPool with the contents of the ModelCollection */ void Start() { if (ModelsParent == null) { Debug.LogWarning("HandPool.ModelsParent needs to reference the parent transform of the hand models. This transform should be a child of the LMHeadMountedRig transform."); } for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { var collectionGroup = ModelPool[i]; collectionGroup._handPool = this; IHandModel leftModel; IHandModel rightModel; if (collectionGroup.IsLeftToBeSpawned) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = collectionGroup.LeftModel; GameObject spawnedGO = GameObject.Instantiate(modelToSpawn.gameObject); leftModel = spawnedGO.GetComponent <IHandModel>(); leftModel.transform.parent = ModelsParent; } else { leftModel = collectionGroup.LeftModel; } if (leftModel != null) { collectionGroup.modelList.Add(leftModel); modelGroupMapping.Add(leftModel, collectionGroup); } if (collectionGroup.IsRightToBeSpawned) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = collectionGroup.RightModel; GameObject spawnedGO = GameObject.Instantiate(modelToSpawn.gameObject); rightModel = spawnedGO.GetComponent <IHandModel>(); rightModel.transform.parent = ModelsParent; } else { rightModel = collectionGroup.RightModel; } if (rightModel != null) { collectionGroup.modelList.Add(rightModel); modelGroupMapping.Add(rightModel, collectionGroup); } } }
protected virtual void Awake() { if (GetComponent <IHandModel>() != null && ControlsTransform == true) { Debug.LogWarning("Detector should not be control the IHandModel's transform. Either attach it to its own transform or set ControlsTransform to false."); } if (_handModel == null) { _handModel = GetComponentInParent <IHandModel>(); if (_handModel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("The HandModel field of Detector was unassigned and the detector has been disabled."); enabled = false; } } }
private void FixModelPool() { HandPool handPool = factory as HandPool; for (int i = 0; i < handPool.ModelPool.Count; i++) { if (handPool.ModelPool[i].modelsCheckedOut.Count != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < handPool.ModelPool[i].modelsCheckedOut.Count; j++) { IHandModel model = handPool.ModelPool[i].modelsCheckedOut[j]; handPool.ModelPool[i].ReturnToGroup(model); } } } }
protected virtual void OnValidate() { if (_handModel == null) { _handModel = GetComponentInParent <IHandModel>(); } _activatePinchDist = Mathf.Max(0, _activatePinchDist); _deactivatePinchDist = Mathf.Max(0, _deactivatePinchDist); //Activate distance cannot be greater than deactivate distance if (_activatePinchDist > _deactivatePinchDist) { _deactivatePinchDist = _activatePinchDist; } }
private void InitializeModelGroup(ModelGroup collectionGroup) { // Prevent the ModelGroup be initialized by multiple times if (modelGroupMapping.ContainsValue(collectionGroup)) { return; } collectionGroup._handPool = this; IHandModel leftModel; IHandModel rightModel; if (collectionGroup.IsLeftToBeSpawned) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = collectionGroup.LeftModel; GameObject spawnedGO = Instantiate(modelToSpawn.gameObject); leftModel = spawnedGO.GetComponent <IHandModel>(); leftModel.transform.parent = modelsParent; } else { leftModel = collectionGroup.LeftModel; } if (leftModel != null) { collectionGroup.modelList.Add(leftModel); modelGroupMapping.Add(leftModel, collectionGroup); } if (collectionGroup.IsRightToBeSpawned) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = collectionGroup.RightModel; GameObject spawnedGO = Instantiate(modelToSpawn.gameObject); rightModel = spawnedGO.GetComponent <IHandModel>(); rightModel.transform.parent = modelsParent; } else { rightModel = collectionGroup.RightModel; } if (rightModel != null) { collectionGroup.modelList.Add(rightModel); modelGroupMapping.Add(rightModel, collectionGroup); } }
public override void AddModel(IHandModel model) { if (handModels == null) { handModels = new List<IHandModel>(); } handModels.Add(model); if (model.GetLeapHand() == null) { model.SetLeapHand(MostRecentHand); model.InitHand(); model.BeginHand(); model.UpdateHand(); } else { model.SetLeapHand(MostRecentHand); model.BeginHand(); } }
public override void AddModel(IHandModel model) { if (handModels == null) { handModels = new List <IHandModel>(); } handModels.Add(model); if (model.GetLeapHand() == null) { model.SetLeapHand(MostRecentHand); model.InitHand(); model.BeginHand(); model.UpdateHand(); } else { model.SetLeapHand(MostRecentHand); model.BeginHand(); } }
public void EnableGroup(string groupName) { for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { if (ModelPool[i].GroupName == groupName) { ModelGroup group = ModelPool[i]; for (int hp = 0; hp < activeHandReps.Count; hp++) { HandRepresentation handRep = activeHandReps[hp]; IHandModel model = group.TryGetModel(handRep.RepChirality, handRep.RepType); if (model != null) { handRep.AddModel(model); modelToHandRepMapping.Add(model, handRep); } } group.IsEnabled = true; } } }
/** * MakeHandRepresentation receives a Hand and combines that with an IHandModel to create a HandRepresentation * @param hand The Leap Hand data to be drive an IHandModel * @param modelType Filters for a type of hand model, for example, physics or graphics hands. */ public override HandRepresentation MakeHandRepresentation(Hand hand, ModelType modelType) { VRGIN.Core.VRLog.Info("Make hand representation: {0}", modelType); Chirality handChirality = hand.IsRight ? Chirality.Right : Chirality.Left; HandRepresentation handRep = new HandProxy(this, hand, handChirality, modelType); for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { VRGIN.Core.VRLog.Info("Try group {0}", i); ModelGroup group = ModelPool[i]; if (group.IsEnabled) { VRGIN.Core.VRLog.Info("Enabled!"); try { IHandModel model = group.TryGetModel(handChirality, modelType); if (model != null) { VRGIN.Core.VRLog.Info("Model found"); handRep.AddModel(model); modelToHandRepMapping.Add(model, handRep); } else { VRGIN.Core.VRLog.Info("Model is null"); } } catch (System.Exception e) { VRGIN.Core.VRLog.Error(e); } } } activeHandReps.Add(handRep); return(handRep); }
/** * MakeHandRepresentation receives a Hand and combines that with an IHandModel to create a HandProxy * @param hand The Leap Hand data to be drive an IHandModel * @param modelType Filters for a type of hand model, for example, physics or graphics hands. */ public override HandRepresentation MakeHandRepresentation(Hand hand, ModelType modelType, bool IsRemote) { Chirality handChirality = hand.IsRight ? Chirality.Right : Chirality.Left; HandProxy handRep = new HandProxy(this, hand, handChirality, modelType, IsRemote); for (int i = 0; i < ModelPool.Count; i++) { ModelGroup group = ModelPool[i]; if (group.IsEnabled && IsRemote == group.IsRemote) // Make Sure Remote for remote and unremote for unremote { IHandModel model = group.TryGetModel(handChirality, modelType); if (model != null) { handRep.AddModel(model); if (!modelToHandRepMapping.ContainsKey(model)) { modelToHandRepMapping.Add(model, handRep); } } } } activeHandReps.Add(handRep); return(handRep); }
/** Populates the ModelPool with the contents of the ModelCollection */ void Start() { foreach (ModelGroup collectionGroup in ModelPool) { collectionGroup._handPool = this; IHandModel leftModel; IHandModel rightModel; if (collectionGroup.IsLeftToBeSpawned) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = collectionGroup.LeftModel; GameObject spawnedGO = GameObject.Instantiate(modelToSpawn.gameObject); leftModel = spawnedGO.GetComponent <IHandModel>(); leftModel.transform.parent = transform; } else { leftModel = collectionGroup.LeftModel; } collectionGroup.modelList.Add(leftModel); modelGroupMapping.Add(leftModel, collectionGroup); if (collectionGroup.IsRightToBeSpawned) { IHandModel modelToSpawn = collectionGroup.RightModel; GameObject spawnedGO = GameObject.Instantiate(modelToSpawn.gameObject); rightModel = spawnedGO.GetComponent <IHandModel>(); rightModel.transform.parent = transform; } else { rightModel = collectionGroup.RightModel; } collectionGroup.modelList.Add(rightModel); modelGroupMapping.Add(rightModel, collectionGroup); } }
/** To be called if the HandRepresentation no longer has a Leap Hand. */ public override void Finish() { handModel.FinishHand(); parent.ModelPool.Add(handModel); handModel = null; }
protected virtual void OnValidate() { if (_handModel == null) { _handModel = GetComponentInParent<IHandModel>(); } _activatePinchDist = Mathf.Max(0, _activatePinchDist); _deactivatePinchDist = Mathf.Max(0, _deactivatePinchDist); //Activate distance cannot be greater than deactivate distance if (_activatePinchDist > _deactivatePinchDist) { _deactivatePinchDist = _activatePinchDist; } }
public void ReturnToGroup(IHandModel model) { modelsCheckedOut.Remove(model); modelList.Add(model); this._handPool.modelToHandRepMapping.Remove(model); }
public abstract void AddModel(IHandModel model);
public abstract void RemoveModel(IHandModel model);
private void Awake() { watcherCoroutine = palmWatcher(); if(HandModel == null){ HandModel = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<IHandModel>(); } }