/// <summary>
        /// Samples the current velocity and adds it to a rolling average.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnHold(InteractionBehaviour intObj,
                           ReadonlyList <InteractionController> controllers)
            _velocityQueue.Enqueue(new VelocitySample(intObj.rigidbody.position,

            while (true)
                VelocitySample oldestVelocity = _velocityQueue.Peek();

                // Dequeue conservatively if the oldest velocity is more than 4 frames later
                // than the start of the window.
                if (oldestVelocity.time + (Time.fixedDeltaTime * 4) < Time.fixedTime
                    - _windowLength
                    - _windowDelay)
        /** Moves the object by applying  forces and torque. */
        public override void MoveTo(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, PhysicsMoveInfo info, Vector3 solvedPosition, Quaternion solvedRotation)
            if (info.shouldTeleport)
                _obj.warper.Teleport(solvedPosition, solvedRotation);
                Vector3 targetVelocity        = PhysicsUtility.ToLinearVelocity(_obj.warper.RigidbodyPosition, solvedPosition, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                Vector3 targetAngularVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToAngularVelocity(_obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation, solvedRotation, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

                float targetSpeedSqrd = targetVelocity.sqrMagnitude;
                if (targetSpeedSqrd > _maxVelocitySqrd)
                    float targetPercent = (_maxVelocity * _obj.Manager.SimulationScale) / Mathf.Sqrt(targetSpeedSqrd);
                    targetVelocity        *= targetPercent;
                    targetAngularVelocity *= targetPercent;

                float   followStrength        = _strengthByDistance.Evaluate(info.remainingDistanceLastFrame / _obj.Manager.SimulationScale);
                Vector3 lerpedVelocity        = Vector3.Lerp(_obj.rigidbody.velocity, targetVelocity, followStrength);
                Vector3 lerpedAngularVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(_obj.rigidbody.angularVelocity, targetAngularVelocity, followStrength);

                Vector3 centerOfMassOffset = _obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation * _obj.rigidbody.centerOfMass;
                _obj.rigidbody.velocity        = lerpedVelocity + Vector3.Cross(lerpedAngularVelocity, centerOfMassOffset);
                _obj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = lerpedAngularVelocity;
        public override void GetHoldingPose(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, out Vector3 newPosition, out Quaternion newRotation)
            points.Clear(); refPoints.Clear();
            Vector3    bodyPosition = _obj.warper.RigidbodyPosition;
            Quaternion bodyRotation = _obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation;
            Matrix4x4  it           = Matrix4x4.TRS(bodyPosition, bodyRotation, Vector3.one);

            handCentroid = Vector3.zero; objectCentroid = Vector3.zero; boneCount = 0f;
            for (int h = 0; h < hands.Count; h++)
                Hand hand = hands[h];

                var collection = _handIdToPoints[hand.Id];

                for (int f = 0; f < NUM_FINGERS; f++)
                    Finger            finger     = hand.Fingers[f];
                    Finger.FingerType fingerType = finger.Type;

                    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_BONES; j++)
                        Bone.BoneType boneType = (Bone.BoneType)j;
                        Bone          bone     = finger.Bone(boneType);

                        Vector3 localPos = collection.GetLocalPosition(fingerType, boneType);
                        Vector3 bonePos  = bone.NextJoint.ToVector3();

                        //Do the solve such that the objects positions are matched to the new bone positions
                        Vector3 point1 = (it.MultiplyPoint3x4(localPos) - bodyPosition);
                        Vector3 point2 = (bonePos - bodyPosition);

                        switch (_solveMethod)
                        case SolveMethod.SixDegreeSolve:
                            //Set the relevant points in each array
                            points.Add(point1); refPoints.Add(point2);

                        case SolveMethod.PivotAroundOrigin:
                            //Calculate the Centroids of the object and hand(s) points
                            objectCentroid += point1;
                            handCentroid   += point2;
                            boneCount      += 1f;

            Matrix4x4 KabschTransform = performSolve(bodyPosition);

            newPosition = bodyPosition + KabschTransform.GetVector3();
            newRotation = KabschTransform.GetQuaternion() * bodyRotation;
 /** Moves the object kinematically. */
 public override void MoveTo(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, PhysicsMoveInfo info, Vector3 solvedPosition, Quaternion solvedRotation)
     if (info.shouldTeleport)
         _obj.warper.Teleport(solvedPosition, solvedRotation);
        public override void GetHoldingPose(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, out Vector3 newPosition, out Quaternion newRotation)
            KabschC.Reset(ref _kabsch);

            Vector3    bodyPosition = _obj.warper.RigidbodyPosition;
            Quaternion bodyRotation = _obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation;
            Matrix4x4  it           = Matrix4x4.TRS(bodyPosition, bodyRotation, Vector3.one);

            for (int h = 0; h < hands.Count; h++)
                Hand hand = hands[h];

                var collection = _handIdToPoints[hand.Id];

                for (int f = 0; f < NUM_FINGERS; f++)
                    Finger            finger     = hand.Fingers[f];
                    Finger.FingerType fingerType = finger.Type;

                    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_BONES; j++)
                        Bone.BoneType boneType = (Bone.BoneType)j;
                        Bone          bone     = finger.Bone(boneType);

                        Vector3 localPos = collection.GetLocalPosition(fingerType, boneType);
                        Vector3 bonePos  = bone.NextJoint.ToVector3();

                        //Do the solve such that the objects positions are matched to the new bone positions
                        LEAP_VECTOR point1 = (it.MultiplyPoint3x4(localPos) - bodyPosition).ToCVector();
                        LEAP_VECTOR point2 = (bonePos - bodyPosition).ToCVector();

                        KabschC.AddPoint(ref _kabsch, ref point1, ref point2, 1.0f);


            LEAP_VECTOR     leapTranslation;
            LEAP_QUATERNION leapRotation;

            KabschC.GetTranslation(ref _kabsch, out leapTranslation);
            KabschC.GetRotation(ref _kabsch, out leapRotation);

            newPosition = bodyPosition + leapTranslation.ToVector3();
            newRotation = leapRotation.ToQuaternion() * bodyRotation;
        protected override void OnHandsHoldPhysics(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands)

            PhysicsMoveInfo info = new PhysicsMoveInfo();

            info.remainingDistanceLastFrame = Vector3.Distance(_warper.RigidbodyPosition, _solvedPosition);
            info.shouldTeleport             = _notifiedOfTeleport;

            _controllers.HoldingPoseController.GetHoldingPose(hands, out _solvedPosition, out _solvedRotation);

            _controllers.MoveToController.MoveTo(hands, info, _solvedPosition, _solvedRotation);

            if (_controllers.ThrowingController != null)
        /** Samples the current velocity and adds it to the rolling average. */
        public override void OnHold(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands)
            _velocityQueue.Enqueue(new VelocitySample(_obj.warper.RigidbodyPosition, _obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation, Time.fixedTime));

            while (true)
                VelocitySample oldest = _velocityQueue.Peek();

                //Dequeue conservatively if the oldest is more than 4 frames later than the start of the window
                if (oldest.time + Time.fixedDeltaTime * 4 < Time.fixedTime - _windowLength - _windowDelay)
        protected override void OnHandsHoldGraphics(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands)

            if (_material.WarpingEnabled)
                Vector3    deltaPosition = Quaternion.Inverse(_solvedRotation) * (_warper.RigidbodyPosition - _solvedPosition);
                Quaternion deltaRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(_solvedRotation) * _warper.RigidbodyRotation;

                Vector3    newPosition;
                Quaternion newRotation;
                _controllers.HoldingPoseController.GetHoldingPose(hands, out newPosition, out newRotation);

                Vector3    graphicalPosition = newPosition + newRotation * deltaPosition;
                Quaternion graphicalRotation = newRotation * deltaRotation;

                _warper.WarpPercent = _material.WarpCurve.Evaluate(deltaPosition.magnitude / _manager.SimulationScale);
                _warper.SetGraphicalPosition(graphicalPosition, graphicalRotation);
 /** Does nothing in this implementation. */
 public override void OnHold(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands)
 /// <summary>
 /// Called every LateUpdate that a Hand continues to grasp this object.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnHandsHoldGraphics(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands)
 public override sealed void NotifyHandsHoldGraphics(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands)
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by InteractionManager every frame that a Hand continues to grasp this object.  This callback
 /// is invoked both in LateUpdate.
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void NotifyHandsHoldGraphics(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands);
  * Calculate the best holding pose given the current state of the hands and
  * interactable object.
  * @param hands the list of hands with the current tracking data.
  * @param position A Vector3 object to be filled with the disred object position.
  * @param rotation A Quaternion object to be filled with the desired rotation.
  * @since 4.1.4
 public abstract void GetHoldingPose(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation);
  * Called every physics frame while an interactable object is being held.
  * @param hands a list of the hands holding the object. Note that currently, only one
  * hand will ever be holding an object simultaneously.
  * @since 4.1.4
 public abstract void OnHold(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands);
  * Move the interactable object to or towards the Interaction Engine's desired position.
  * If info.shouldTeleport is true, this function must move the object using a teleport-style
  * movement, ie.e by changing the transform.position and transform.rotation, or the
  * RigidBody.position and RigidBody.rotation properties directly. InteractionBehaviour.NotifyTeleport() does
  * not be called in MoveTo().
  * If info.shouldTeleport is false, this function must move the object using linear and angular
  * forces and velocities.
  * @param hands the list of Leap.Hand objects involved in the interaction.
  * @param info hints about the move.
  * @param solvedPosition the target position calculated by the Interaction Engine.
  * @param solvedRotation the target rotation calculated by the Interaction Engine.
  * @since 4.1.4
 public abstract void MoveTo(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, PhysicsMoveInfo info, Vector3 solvedPosition, Quaternion solvedRotation);