private void PrintWay(List<Location> loc, Color color, RadarForm form) { if (loc != null) { PointF[] points; Point tempP; Location ld; if (loc.Count != 0) { points = new PointF[loc.Count + 1]; int i = 0; foreach (Location lo in loc) { form.PrintCircle(color, form.OffsetY(lo.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(lo.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X), ""); tempP = new Point(form.OffsetY(lo.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(lo.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X)); points[i] = tempP; i++; } ld = loc[0]; tempP = new Point(form.OffsetY(ld.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(ld.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X)); points[i] = tempP; form.ScreenDc.DrawLines(new Pen(_colorWaypoints), points); } } }
public void Click(RadarForm form, MouseEventArgs e) { Point cursorPosition = form.PointToClient(Cursor.Position); var cursorRect = new Rectangle(cursorPosition.X, cursorPosition.Y, 5, 5); try { foreach (PGameObject node in ObjectManager.GetGameObject) { if (FindNode.IsHerb(node) || FindNode.IsMine(node)) { float x = form.OffsetX(node.Location.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X); float y = form.OffsetY(node.Location.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y); var objRect = new Rectangle((int) y, (int) x, 5, 5); if (Rectangle.Intersect(objRect, cursorRect) != Rectangle.Empty) { if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(node)) { FlyingBlackList.Unblacklist(node); } else { Logging.Write("Added the node to the permanent blacklist"); FlyingBlackList.AddBadNode(node); } } } } } catch { } }
public void Draw(RadarForm form) { foreach (PGameObject selectNode in ObjectManager.GetGameObject) { if (FindNode.IsHerb(selectNode) || FindNode.IsMine(selectNode)) { if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(selectNode)) { form.PrintCircle(_colorBadNodes, form.OffsetY(selectNode.Location.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(selectNode.Location.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X), selectNode.Name); } else { form.PrintCircle(_colorObjects, form.OffsetY(selectNode.Location.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(selectNode.Location.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X), selectNode.Name); } } } }