public void DifferentAddresses()
            var a = new Address
                Id    = 1,
                Lines = new[] { "123 Fake ST", "Arlington, VA 22222" },
            var b = new Address
                Id    = 1,
                Lines = new[] { "321 Fake ST", "Arlington, VA 22222" },

            AssertAreNotEqual(a, b);
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedProperties = new[] { ReflectionUtils.Property <Address>(x => x.Lines) },

            var assertionException = Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(a, b));

            StringAssert.Contains("1 Difference", assertionException.ToString());
            StringAssert.Contains("123 Fake ST", assertionException.ToString());
            StringAssert.Contains("321 Fake ST", assertionException.ToString());
        public void DifferentCompanies()
            var a = CreateSampleCompany();
            var b = CreateSampleCompany();

            b.Employees.First().FullName = "Robert Plant";

            Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b);

            // Try a bunch of different ways to filter out the difference so that they are equal.
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedProperties = new[] { ReflectionUtils.Property <Company>(x => x.Employees) }
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedProperties = new[] { ReflectionUtils.Property <Employee>(x => x.FullName) }
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedProperties = new[] { ReflectionUtils.Property <Person>(x => x.FullName) }
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedPropertyNames = new[] { "FullName" }
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedPropertyPredicates = new Func <PropertyInfo, bool>[]
                    (propertyInfo) => propertyInfo.Name.Contains("Name"),
            AssertAreEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedNodePredicates = new Func <ObjectTreeNode, bool>[]
                    (node) =>
                    node.ParentNode != null && node.ParentNode.Value is Employee && ((Employee)node.ParentNode.Value).Id == 2 &&
                    node.EdgeFromParent != null && node.EdgeFromParent.Member.Name.Contains("Name")
            AssertAreNotEqual(a, b, new ObjectTreeNodeFilter
                ExcludedNodePredicates = new Func <ObjectTreeNode, bool>[]
                    (node) =>
                    node.ParentNode != null && node.ParentNode.Value is Employee && ((Employee)node.ParentNode.Value).Id == 1 &&
                    node.EdgeFromParent != null && node.EdgeFromParent.Member.Name.Contains("Name")

            var assertionException = Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(a, b));

            StringAssert.Contains("1 Difference", assertionException.ToString());
            StringAssert.Contains("Robert Paulson", assertionException.ToString());
            StringAssert.Contains("Robert Plant", assertionException.ToString());
        private void AssertAreNotEqual(object expected, object actual, IObjectTreeNodeFilter nodeFilter)
            ObjectTreeAssert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual, nodeFilter);
            Assert.That(actual, IsObjectTree.NotEqualTo(expected).WithFilter(nodeFilter));
            Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.ObjectTreeEqualTo(expected).WithFilter(nodeFilter));

            Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, nodeFilter));
            Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => Assert.That(actual, IsObjectTree.EqualTo(expected).WithFilter(nodeFilter)));
        private void AssertAreNotEqual(object expected, object actual)
            ObjectTreeAssert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.That(actual, IsObjectTree.NotEqualTo(expected));
            Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.ObjectTreeEqualTo(expected));

            Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual));
            Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => Assert.That(actual, IsObjectTree.EqualTo(expected)));
        public void AreEqualFail_DifferentLists()
            var expected          = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 };
            var actual            = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 };
            var expectedException = Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual));

            var expectedMessage = "  Expected: <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root < 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 >" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  But was:  <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root < 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 >" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  26 Differences:    < <<root>[0]: expected value 0 but was 1.>, <<root>[1]: expected value 1 but was 2.>, <<root>[2]: expected value 2 but was 3.>, <<root>[3]: expected value 3 but was 4.>, <<root>[4]: expected value 4 but was 5.>, <<root>[5]: expected value 5 but was 6.>, <<root>[6]: expected value 6 but was 7.>, <<root>[7]: expected value 7 but was 8.>, <<root>[8]: expected value 8 but was 9.>, <<root>[9]: expected value 9 but was 10.>, <<root>[10]: expected value 10 but was 11.>, <<root>[11]: expected value 11 but was 12.>, <<root>[12]: expected value 12 but was 13.>, <<root>[13]: expected value 13 but was 14.>, <<root>[14]: expected value 14 but was 15.>, <<root>[15]: expected value 15 but was 16.>, <<root>[16]: expected value 16 but was 17.>, <<root>[17]: expected value 17 but was 18.>, <<root>[18]: expected value 18 but was 19.>, <<root>[19]: expected value 19 but was 20.>... >";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, expectedException.Message);
        public void AreEqualFail_DifferentAnonymousObjects()
            var expected          = new { id = 1, message = "hello" };
            var actual            = new { id = 2, message = "world" };
            var expectedException = Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual));

            var expectedMessage = "  Expected: <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root <{ id = 1, message = hello }>" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  But was:  <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root <{ id = 2, message = world }>" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  2 Differences:    < <<root>.id: expected value 1 but was 2.>, <<root>.message: expected value \"hello\" but was \"world\".> >";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, expectedException.Message);
        public void AreEqualFail_DifferentStrings()
            var expected          = "hello";
            var actual            = "world";
            var expectedException = Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual));

            var expectedMessage = "  Expected: <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root \"hello\"" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  But was:  <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root \"world\"" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  1 Differences:    < <<root>: expected value \"hello\" but was \"world\".> >";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, expectedException.Message);
        public void AreEqualFail_DifferentCustomObjects()
            var expected = new Company {
                Id = 1, Name = "hello"
            var actual = new Company {
                Id = 2, Name = "world"
            var expectedException = Assert.Throws <AssertionException>(() => ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual));

            var expectedMessage = "  Expected: <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root <LatticeObjectTree.NUnit.ObjectTreeAssertTest+Company>" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  But was:  <LatticeObjectTree.ObjectTree> with root <LatticeObjectTree.NUnit.ObjectTreeAssertTest+Company>" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "  2 Differences:    < <<root>.Id: expected value 1 but was 2.>, <<root>.Name: expected value \"hello\" but was \"world\".> >";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, expectedException.Message);
        public void AreEqual_CompareObjectToItself()
            var obj = new object();

            ObjectTreeAssert.AreEqual(obj, obj);