 public Badge(Account account)
     : base(account.HomePageUrl)
     image = new Image ();
     image.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
     image.Xalign = 0.0f;
     Image = image;
        void IExtensionService.Initialize ()
            account = LastfmCore.Account;

            if (account.UserName == null) {
                account.UserName = LastUserSchema.Get ();
                account.SessionKey = LastSessionKeySchema.Get ();
                account.ScrobbleUrl = LastScrobbleUrlSchema.Get ();

            if (LastfmCore.UserAgent == null) {
                LastfmCore.UserAgent = Banshee.Web.Browser.UserAgent;

            Browser.Open = Banshee.Web.Browser.Open;

            queue = new Queue ();
            LastfmCore.AudioscrobblerQueue = queue;
            connection = LastfmCore.Audioscrobbler;

            // Initialize with a reasonable value in case we miss the first StartOfStream event
            song_start_time = DateTime.Now;

            Network network = ServiceManager.Get<Network> ();
            connection.UpdateNetworkState (network.Connected);
            network.StateChanged += HandleNetworkStateChanged;

            // Update the Visit action menu item if we update our account info
            LastfmCore.Account.Updated += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
                actions["AudioscrobblerVisitAction"].Sensitive = String.IsNullOrEmpty (LastfmCore.Account.UserName);

            ServiceManager.PlayerEngine.ConnectEvent (OnPlayerEvent,
                PlayerEvent.StartOfStream |
                PlayerEvent.EndOfStream |
                PlayerEvent.Seek |

            if (DeviceEnabled) {
                SubscribeForDeviceEvents ();

            action_service = ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> ();
            InterfaceInitialize ();
        public AccountLoginForm(Account account)
            : base(1, 2, false)
            this.account = account;

            BorderWidth = 5;
            RowSpacing = 5;
            ColumnSpacing = 5;

            Label username_label = new Label (Catalog.GetString ("Username:"));
            username_label.Xalign = 1.0f;
            username_label.Show ();

            username_entry = new Entry ();
            username_entry.Show ();

            Attach (username_label, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);

            Attach (username_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);

            username_entry.Text = account.UserName ?? String.Empty;
        public LastfmSource()
            : base(lastfm, lastfm, 210, lastfm)
            account = LastfmCore.Account;

            // We don't automatically connect to Last.fm, but load the last Last.fm
            // account information
            if (account.UserName != null) {
                account.UserName = LastUserSchema.Get ();
                account.SessionKey = LastSessionKeySchema.Get ();
                account.Subscriber = LastIsSubscriberSchema.Get ();

            if (LastfmCore.UserAgent == null) {
                LastfmCore.UserAgent = Banshee.Web.Browser.UserAgent;

            Browser.Open = Banshee.Web.Browser.Open;

            connection = LastfmCore.Radio;
            Network network = ServiceManager.Get<Network> ();
            connection.UpdateNetworkState (network.Connected);
            network.StateChanged += HandleNetworkStateChanged;
            Connection.StateChanged += HandleConnectionStateChanged;
            UpdateUI ();

            Properties.SetString ("GtkActionPath", "/LastfmSourcePopup");
            Properties.SetString ("Icon.Name", "lastfm-audioscrobbler");
            Properties.Set<LastfmColumnController> ("TrackView.ColumnController", new LastfmColumnController ());

            // Initialize DataCore's UserAgent and CachePath
            DataCore.UserAgent = Banshee.Web.Browser.UserAgent;
            DataCore.CachePath = System.IO.Path.Combine (Hyena.Paths.ExtensionCacheRoot, "lastfm");

            // FIXME this is temporary until we split the GUI part from the non-GUI part
            Properties.Set<ISourceContents> ("Nereid.SourceContents", new LazyLoadSourceContents<LastfmSourceContents> ());
            Properties.Set<bool> ("Nereid.SourceContents.HeaderVisible", false);

            actions = new LastfmActions (this);
            preferences = new LastfmPreferences (this);

            ServiceManager.SourceManager.AddSource (this);

            if (FirstRunSchema.Get ()) {
                var streaming_addin = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddins ()
                    .Single (a => a.LocalId.Equals ("Banshee.LastfmStreaming"));
                if (streaming_addin != null) {
                    streaming_addin.Enabled = Account.Subscriber;
                FirstRunSchema.Set (false);
        public void Dispose()
            Connection.StateChanged -= HandleConnectionStateChanged;
            ServiceManager.Get<Network> ().StateChanged -= HandleNetworkStateChanged;
            Connection.Dispose ();
            preferences.Dispose ();
            actions.Dispose ();

            actions = null;
            connection = null;
            preferences = null;
            account = null;