protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["ActiveLeftNav"] = "Security"; string uName = ""; int uID = 0; if (Session["Username"] != null) { uName = Session["Username"].ToString(); } if (Session["UserID"] != null) { uID = (Session["UserID"].ToString().ToInt32()); } Classes.cUser Demography = new Classes.cUser(uName, "Password"); Classes.cPlayer PLDemography = new Classes.cPlayer(uID, uName); lblUsername.Text = uName; lblFirstName.Text = Demography.FirstName; if (Demography.MiddleName.Length > 0) { lblMI.Text = Demography.MiddleName.Substring(0, 1); } lblLastName.Text = Demography.LastName; lblNickName.Text = Demography.NickName; }
protected void SignUpForSelectedRole(int RoleToSignUp, int UserID, int CampaignID, int StatusID) { int CampaignPlayerID = 0; string Username = ""; if (Session["Username"] == null) { Username = ""; } else { Username = Session["Username"].ToString(); } Classes.cUserCampaign CampaignPlayer = new Classes.cUserCampaign(); CampaignPlayer.Load(UserID, CampaignID); CampaignPlayerID = CampaignPlayer.CampaignPlayerID; // if this comes back empty (-1) make one if (CampaignPlayerID == -1) { CreatePlayerInCampaign(UserID, CampaignID); CampaignPlayer.Load(UserID, CampaignID); CampaignPlayerID = CampaignPlayer.CampaignPlayerID; } int RoleAlignment = 2; if (RoleToSignUp == 8) { RoleAlignment = 1; } Classes.cPlayerRole PlayerRole = new Classes.cPlayerRole(); PlayerRole.CampaignPlayerRoleID = -1; PlayerRole.CampaignPlayerID = CampaignPlayerID; PlayerRole.RoleID = RoleToSignUp; PlayerRole.RoleAlignmentID = RoleAlignment; PlayerRole.Save(UserID); if (Username != "") { Classes.cUser LastLogged = new Classes.cUser(Username, "Password"); string LastCampaign = LastLogged.LastLoggedInCampaign.ToString(); if (LastCampaign == null || LastCampaign == "0") { LastLogged.LastLoggedInCampaign = CampaignID; LastLogged.Save(); Session["CampaignID"] = CampaignID; } } }
protected void ddlCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { MethodBase lmth = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); string lsRoutineName = lmth.DeclaringType + "." + lmth.Name; if (ddlCampaigns.SelectedValue == "-1") { Response.Redirect("~/Campaigns/JoinACampaign.aspx"); } // Classes.LogWriter oLogWriter = new Classes.LogWriter(); // If the campaign ID has changed... if (CampaignID.ToString() != ddlCampaigns.SelectedValue) { // oLogWriter.AddLogMessage("Starting to change campaign from " + CampaignID.ToString() + " to " + ddlCampaigns.SelectedValue, "Master.ddlCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged", "", Session.SessionID); int iCampaignID; if (int.TryParse(ddlCampaigns.SelectedValue, out iCampaignID)) { Session["CampaignID"] = iCampaignID; Session["CampaignName"] = ddlCampaigns.SelectedItem.Text; // oLogWriter.AddLogMessage("New campaign will be " + iCampaignID.ToString(), "Master.ddlCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged", "", Session.SessionID); if (iCampaignID > 0) { // Since the campaign has changed, need to save the last campaign to the database. Classes.cUser UserInfo = new Classes.cUser(UserName, "NOPASSWORD", Session.SessionID); Classes.cUtilities utilities = new Classes.cUtilities(); SortedList sParams = new SortedList(); sParams.Add("@intUserId", UserID); DataTable dtCharList = Classes.cUtilities.LoadDataTable("uspGetCharacterIDsByUserID", sParams, "LARPortal", UserName, lsRoutineName + ".GetCharList"); DataView dvCampChar = new DataView(dtCharList, "CampaignID = " + iCampaignID.ToString(), "CharacterAKA", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); if (dvCampChar.Count > 0) { int iTemp; if (int.TryParse(dvCampChar[0]["CharacterID"].ToString(), out iTemp)) { UserInfo.LastLoggedInCharacter = iTemp; UserInfo.LastLoggedInMyCharOrCamp = "M"; } } else { UserInfo.LastLoggedInCharacter = -1; } UserInfo.LastLoggedInCampaign = iCampaignID; UserInfo.Save(); Classes.cCampaignBase Campaign = new Classes.cCampaignBase(iCampaignID, UserName, UserID); //oLogWriter.AddLogMessage("UserInfo was saved." + UserInfo.LastLoggedInCampaign.ToString(), "Master.ddlCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged", "", Session.SessionID); //Classes.cUser NewUserInfo = new Classes.cUser(UserName, "NOPASSWORD", Session.SessionID); //oLogWriter.AddLogMessage("CampaignID after update was " + NewUserInfo.LastLoggedInCampaign.ToString(), "Master.ddlCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged", "", Session.SessionID); // Now that we have saved the campaign ID to the database, clear the session variables so it will force a reload. Session.Remove("CampaignID"); Session.Remove("CampaignName"); Session.Remove("CampaignList"); Session.Remove("RoleString"); LoadData(); if (CampaignChanged != null) { CampaignChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } // oLogWriter.AddLogMessage("Done with adding." + CampaignID.ToString(), "Master.ddlCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged", "", Session.SessionID); } } }
protected void SendApprovalEmail(int CampaignID, int UserID, int Role, string RequestEmail) { string strFromUser = "******"; string strFromDomain = ""; string strFrom = strFromUser + "@" + strFromDomain; string strTo = RequestEmail; //string strSMTPPassword = "******"; string strSubject = ""; string strBody = ""; string CampaignName = ""; string Username = ""; if (Session["Username"] != null) { Username = Session["Username"].ToString(); } string PlayerFirstName = ""; // Needs defining - Look up based on UserID string PlayerLastName = ""; // Needs defining string PlayerEmailAddress = ""; // Needs defining Classes.cCampaignBase Campaign = new Classes.cCampaignBase(CampaignID, "Username", UserID); CampaignName = Campaign.CampaignName; Classes.cUser UserInfo = new Classes.cUser(Username, "Password"); PlayerFirstName = UserInfo.FirstName; PlayerLastName = UserInfo.LastName; PlayerEmailAddress = Session["MemberEmailAddress"].ToString(); switch (Role) { case 6: strSubject = "Request to be a Permanent NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be a permanent NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 7: strSubject = "Request to be an Event NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be an Evnet NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 8: strSubject = "Request to PC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to PC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 10: strSubject = "Request to NPC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; default: break; } Classes.cEmailMessageService NotifyStaff = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { NotifyStaff.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, strTo, "", "", "PointsEmail", Username); } catch (Exception) { //lblEmailFailed.Text = "There was an issue. Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance."; } //MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(strFrom, strTo); //SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 80); //client.EnableSsl = false; //client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; //client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(strFrom, strSMTPPassword); //client.Timeout = 10000; //NotifyStaff.SendMail() //mail.Subject = strSubject; //mail.Body = strBody; //mail.IsBodyHtml = true; //if (strSubject != "") //{ // try // { // client.Send(mail); // } // catch (Exception) // { // } //} }
protected void SendApprovalEmail(int CampaignID, int UserID, int Role, string RequestEmail) { string strFromUser = "******"; string strFromDomain = ""; string strFrom = strFromUser + "@" + strFromDomain; string strTo = RequestEmail; //string strSMTPPassword = "******"; string strSubject = ""; string strBody = ""; string CampaignName = ""; string PlayerFirstName = ""; // Needs defining - Look up based on UserID string PlayerLastName = ""; // Needs defining string PlayerEmailAddress = ""; // Needs defining Classes.cCampaignBase Campaign = new Classes.cCampaignBase(CampaignID, "Username", UserID); CampaignName = Campaign.CampaignName; Classes.cUser UserInfo = new Classes.cUser(hidUsername.Value, "Password", Session.SessionID); PlayerFirstName = UserInfo.FirstName; PlayerLastName = UserInfo.LastName; PlayerEmailAddress = hidMemberEmailAddress.Value; switch (Role) { case 6: strSubject = "Request to be a Permanent NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be a permanent NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 7: strSubject = "Request to be an Event NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be an Evnet NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 8: strSubject = "Request to PC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to PC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 10: strSubject = "Request to NPC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; default: break; } Classes.cEmailMessageService NotifyStaff = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { NotifyStaff.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, strTo, "", "", "PointsEmail", hidUsername.Value); } catch (Exception) { //lblEmailFailed.Text = "There was an issue. Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance."; } }
protected void btnSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["AttemptedPassword"] == null) { txtPasswordNew.Text = ""; } else { txtPasswordNew.Text = Session["AttemptedPassword"].ToString(); txtPasswordNew.Attributes.Add("value", txtPasswordNew.Text); } if (Session["AttemptedPasswordRetype"] == null) { txtPasswordNewRetype.Text = ""; } else { txtPasswordNewRetype.Text = Session["AttemptedPasswordRetype"].ToString(); txtPasswordNewRetype.Attributes.Add("value", txtPasswordNewRetype.Text); } if (Page.IsValid) { lblSignUpErrors.Text = ""; // 1 - No duplicate usernames allowed Classes.cLogin Login = new Classes.cLogin(); Login.CheckForExistingUsername(txtNewUsername.Text); if (Login.MemberID != 0) // UserID is taken { lblSignUpErrors.Text = "This username is already in use. Please select a different one."; } // 2 - Password must meet parameter standards int ValidPassword; Classes.cLogin PasswordValidate = new Classes.cLogin(); PasswordValidate.ValidateNewPassword(txtPasswordNew.Text); ValidPassword = PasswordValidate.PasswordValidation; if (ValidPassword == 0) { if (lblSignUpErrors.Text != "") { lblSignUpErrors.Text = lblSignUpErrors.Text + "<p></p>" + PasswordValidate.PasswordFailMessage + "."; } else { lblSignUpErrors.Text = PasswordValidate.PasswordFailMessage + "."; } } // 3 - Both passwords must be the same if (txtPasswordNew.Text != txtPasswordNewRetype.Text) //set an error message { if (lblSignUpErrors.Text != "") { lblSignUpErrors.Text = lblSignUpErrors.Text + "<p></p>Passwords don't match. Please re-enter."; } else { lblSignUpErrors.Text = "Passwords don't match. Please re-enter."; } txtPasswordNew.Text = ""; txtPasswordNewRetype.Text = ""; } // 4 - New request - If the email address is already on file, warn them and suggest they go to the Forgot Username / Password section Classes.cLogin ExistingEmailAddress = new Classes.cLogin(); ExistingEmailAddress.GetUsernameByEmail(txtEmail.Text); if (ExistingEmailAddress.Username != "") { if (lblSignUpErrors.Text != "") { lblSignUpErrors.Text = lblSignUpErrors.Text + "<p></p>This email address is already associated with an account. If you've forgotten your username or password, please use the link above."; } else { lblSignUpErrors.Text = "This email address is already associated with an account. If you've forgotten your username or password, please use the link above."; } } // If there were errors, display them and return to form if (lblSignUpErrors.Text != "") { lblSignUpErrors.Visible = true; txtNewUsername.Focus(); } else { // Everything is ok. Create the record. If successful, go to the member demographics screen. Classes.cUser NewUser = new Classes.cUser(txtNewUsername.Text, txtPasswordNew.Text); NewUser.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; NewUser.LastName = txtLastName.Text; NewUser.LoginPassword = txtPasswordNew.Text; NewUser.LoginEmail = txtEmail.Text; NewUser.LoginName = txtNewUsername.Text; NewUser.Save(); Classes.cLogin Activation = new Classes.cLogin(); Activation.Load(txtNewUsername.Text, txtPasswordNew.Text); string ActivationKey = ""; ActivationKey = Activation.SecurityResetCode; GenerateWelcomeEmail(txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtNewUsername.Text, txtEmail.Text, ActivationKey); Response.Write("<script>"); Response.Write("'NewUserLoginDirections.aspx','_blank')"); Response.Write("</script>"); // TODO-Rick-0e Account for versioning of 'terms of use' and keeping track of date/time and which version user agreed to } } else { // TODO-Rick-3 On create user if something totally unexpected is wrong put up a message } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblErrorQuestions.Text = string.Empty; lblErrorQuestion2.Text = string.Empty; lblErrorQuestion3.Text = string.Empty; lblPasswordReqs.Text = "<span class=" + "\"" + "glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" + "\"" + "></span>"; lblPasswordReqs.ToolTip = "LARP Portal login passwords must be at least 7 characters long and contain at least " + "1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercse letter, 1 number and 1 special character"; if (Session["Username"] == null) { btnSave.Visible = false; return; } Session["ActiveLeftNav"] = "Security"; uName = ""; uID = 0; if (Session["Username"] != null) { uName = Session["Username"].ToString(); } if (Session["UserID"] != null) { uID = (Session["UserID"].ToString().ToInt32()); } //This method is not loading my email so nothing works Demography = new Classes.cUser(uName, "Password"); PLDemography = new Classes.cPlayer(uID, uName); UserLoggedIn = new Classes.cLogin(); //this needs to be done in order to show security questions as per ForgotPassword existing logic UserLoggedIn.ValidateUserForPasswordReset(uName, Demography.PrimaryEmailAddress.EmailAddress, Demography.LastName); if (IsPostBack == false) { txtUsername.Text = uName; txtFirstName.Text = Demography.FirstName; if (Demography.MiddleName.Length > 0) { txtMI.Text = Demography.MiddleName.Substring(0, 1); } txtLastName.Text = Demography.LastName; txtNickName.Text = Demography.NickName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Demography.PrimaryEmailAddress.EmailAddress)) { lblError.Text = "Primary email must be setup first"; return; } txtSecurityAnswer1.Text = UserLoggedIn.SecurityAnswer1; txtSecurityAnswer2.Text = UserLoggedIn.SecurityAnswer2; txtSecurityAnswer3.Text = UserLoggedIn.SecurityAnswer3; txtSecurityQuestion1.Text = UserLoggedIn.SecurityQuestion1; txtSecurityQuestion2.Text = UserLoggedIn.SecurityQuestion2; txtSecurityQuestion3.Text = UserLoggedIn.SecurityQuestion3; } }
protected void ddlUserCampaigns_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedValue == "-1") { Response.Redirect("~/PublicCampaigns.aspx"); } int intUserID; string SelectedText; string SelectedValue; SelectedText = ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Text.ToString(); SelectedValue = ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); if (Session["UserID"] == null) { intUserID = -1; // In theory we can't actually get here so we should just go back to login Response.Redirect("~/index.aspx"); } else { intUserID = Session["UserID"].ToString().ToInt32(); } Classes.cUser User = new Classes.cUser(Session["Username"].ToString(), "PasswordNotNeeded"); User.UserID = intUserID; User.LastLoggedInCampaign = ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Value.ToInt32(); Session["CampaignID"] = ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Value.ToInt32(); Session["CampaignName"] = ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Text.ToString(); User.SetCharacterForCampaignUser(intUserID, ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Value.ToInt32()); Session["SelectedCharacter"] = User.LastLoggedInCharacter; User.LastLoggedInMyCharOrCamp = "M"; // 5/27/2017-RPierce - If switching campaign list, assume switching to my characters on character tab User.Save(); // 5/27/2018 - RPierce - Remove Campaign Character session variables if (Session["CharacterCampaignCharID"] != null) { Session.Remove("CharacterCampaignCharID"); } if (Session["CharacterSelectCampaign"] != null) { Session.Remove("CharacterSelectCampaign"); } if (Session["CharacterSelectGroup"] != null) { Session.Remove("CharacterSelectGroup"); } if (Session["CharacterSelectID"] != null) { Session.Remove("CharacterSelectID"); } if (Session["CampaignsToEdit"] != null) { Session.Remove("CampaignsToEdit"); } if (Session["MyCharacters"] != null) { Session.Remove("MyCharacters"); } // Go get all roles for that campaign and load them into a session variable Classes.cPlayerRoles Roles = new Classes.cPlayerRoles(); Roles.Load(intUserID, 0, ddlUserCampaigns.SelectedItem.Value.ToInt32(), DateTime.Today); Session["PlayerRoleString"] = Roles.PlayerRoleString; Classes.cURLPermission permissions = new Classes.cURLPermission(); bool PagePermission = true; string DefaultUnauthorizedURL = ""; permissions.GetURLPermissions(Request.RawUrl, intUserID, Roles.PlayerRoleString); PagePermission = permissions._PagePermission; DefaultUnauthorizedURL = permissions._DefaultUnauthorizedURL; string ReportCheck = Request.RawUrl.Substring(0, 8); if (PagePermission == true) { if (ReportCheck == "/Reports") { Response.Redirect("/Reports/ReportsList.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } else { Response.Redirect(DefaultUnauthorizedURL); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Session["ActiveLeftNav"] = "CampaignInfoSetup"; if (Session["CampaignName"] != null) { lblTopCampaignName.Text = Session["CampaignName"].ToString(); } else { lblTopCampaignName.Text = ""; } } int CampaignID; string UserName; int UserID; if (Session["Username"] != null) { UserName = Session["Username"].ToString(); } else { UserName = ""; Response.Redirect("~/index.aspx"); } if (Session["CampaignID"] == null) { Classes.cUser User = new Classes.cUser(UserName, "PasswordNotNeeded"); CampaignID = User.LastLoggedInCampaign; } else { int.TryParse(Session["CampaignID"].ToString(), out CampaignID); } if (Session["UserID"] != null) { int.TryParse(Session["UserID"].ToString(), out UserID); } //UserID = ((int)Session["UserID"]); else { UserID = 0; } Classes.cCampaignBase CampaignBase = new Classes.cCampaignBase(CampaignID, UserName, UserID); txtCampaignName.Text = CampaignBase.CampaignName; DateTime?dtStartDate = CampaignBase.StartDate; txtStarted.Text = string.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", dtStartDate); DateTime?dtExpEndDate = CampaignBase.ProjectedEndDate; txtExpectedEnd.Text = string.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", dtExpEndDate); txtNumEvents.Text = CampaignBase.ActualNumberOfEvents.ToString(); txtGameSystem.Text = CampaignBase.GameSystemName; txtGenres.Text = CampaignBase.GenreList; txtStyle.Text = CampaignBase.StyleDescription; txtTechLevel.Text = CampaignBase.TechLevelName; txtSize.Text = CampaignBase.CampaignSizeRange; txtAvgNumEvents.Text = CampaignBase.ProjectedNumberOfEvents.ToString(); string c1 = CampaignBase.URL; //CampaignGMURL string c2 = ""; string c4 = ""; string c6 = ""; string c8 = ""; string c10 = ""; string c12 = ""; string c14 = ""; string c16 = ""; string c18 = ""; if (CampaignBase.ShowCampaignInfoEmail == true) { c2 = CampaignBase.InfoRequestEmail; //CampgaignGMEmail } string c3 = CampaignBase.CharacterGeneratorURL; //CharacterURL if (CampaignBase.ShowCharacterNotificationEmail == true) { c4 = CampaignBase.CharacterNotificationEMail; //CharacterEmail } string c5 = CampaignBase.CharacterHistoryURL; //CharHistoryURl if (CampaignBase.ShowCharacterHistoryEmail == true) { c6 = CampaignBase.CharacterHistoryNotificationEmail; //CharHistoryEmail } string c7 = CampaignBase.InfoSkillURL; //InfoSkillsURL if (CampaignBase.ShowInfoSkillEmail == true) { c8 = CampaignBase.InfoSkillEMail; //InfoSkillsEmail } string c9 = CampaignBase.ProductionSkillURL; //ProdSkillsURL if (CampaignBase.ShowProductionSkillEmail == true) { c10 = CampaignBase.ProductionSkillEMail; //ProdSkillsEmail } string c11 = CampaignBase.PELSubmissionURL; //PELURL if (CampaignBase.ShowPELNotificationEmail == true) { c12 = CampaignBase.PELNotificationEMail; //PELEmail } string c13 = ""; if (CampaignBase.ShowCPNotificationEmail == true) { c14 = CampaignBase.CPNotificationEmail; } string c15 = CampaignBase.JoinURL; if (CampaignBase.ShowJoinRequestEmail == true) { c16 = CampaignBase.JoinRequestEmail; } string c17 = CampaignBase.RegistrationURL; if (CampaignBase.ShowRegistrationNotificationEmail == true) { c18 = CampaignBase.RegistrationNotificationEmail; } // Registration Notification Email BuildContacts(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18); CampaignDescription.Text = CampaignBase.WebPageDescription.Replace("\n", "<br>"); txtMembershipFee.Text = CampaignBase.MembershipFee.ToString(); txtFrequency.Text = CampaignBase.MembershipFeeFrequency; txtMinimumAge.Text = CampaignBase.MinimumAge.ToString(); txtSupervisedAge.Text = CampaignBase.MinimumAgeWithSupervision.ToString(); txtWaiver1.Text = "Waiver source TBD"; //TODO-Rick-2 Find the two (or more) waivers - may have to allow for even more txtWaiver2.Text = "Waiver source 2 TBD"; txtConsent.Text = "Consent TBD"; //TODO-Rick-3 Find out where the consent is stored (what is consent anyway?) }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { Session["ActiveLeftNav"] = "CampaignInfoSetup"; lblTopCampaignName.Text = Session["CampaignName"].ToString(); lblWIP.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; lblWIP.Text = " (WIP)"; } catch { Response.Redirect("ContactUs.aspx", true); } } int CampaignID; string UserName; int UserID; if (Session["Username"] != null) { UserName = Session["Username"].ToString(); } else { UserName = ""; //If we have a null Username here should we assume all is FUBAR and redirect to login? Response.Redirect("~/index.aspx"); } if (Session["CampaignID"] == null) { Classes.cUser User = new Classes.cUser(UserName, "PasswordNotNeeded"); CampaignID = User.LastLoggedInCampaign; } else { int.TryParse(Session["CampaignID"].ToString(), out CampaignID); } if (Session["UserID"] != null) { UserID = ((int)Session["UserID"]); } else { UserID = 0; } Classes.cCampaignBase CampaignBase = new Classes.cCampaignBase(CampaignID, UserName, UserID); txtCampaignName.Text = CampaignBase.CampaignName; DateTime?dtStartDate = CampaignBase.StartDate; txtStarted.Text = string.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", dtStartDate); DateTime?dtExpEndDate = CampaignBase.ProjectedEndDate; txtExpectedEnd.Text = string.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", dtExpEndDate); txtNumEvents.Text = CampaignBase.ActualNumberOfEvents.ToString(); txtGameSystem.Text = CampaignBase.GameSystemName; txtGenre1.Text = "Genre1 TBD"; txtGenre2.Text = "Genre2 TBD"; txtStyle.Text = CampaignBase.StyleDescription; txtTechLevel.Text = CampaignBase.TechLevelName; txtSize.Text = CampaignBase.MarketingCampaignSize.ToString(); txtAvgNumEvents.Text = CampaignBase.ProjectedNumberOfEvents.ToString(); // TODO-Jack-Define contacts variables and pass them through programatically to build contacts section string c1 = CampaignBase.URL; //CampaignGMURL string c2 = CampaignBase.InfoRequestEmail; //CampgaignGMEmail string c3 = CampaignBase.CharacterGeneratorURL; //CharacterURL string c4 = CampaignBase.CharacterNotificationEMail; //CharacterEmail string c5 = CampaignBase.CharacterHistoryURL; //CharHistoryURl string c6 = CampaignBase.CharacterHistoryNotificationEmail; //CharHistoryEmail string c7 = CampaignBase.InfoSkillURL; //InfoSkillsURL string c8 = CampaignBase.InfoSkillEMail; //InfoSkillsEmail string c9 = CampaignBase.ProductionSkillURL; //ProdSkillsURL string c10 = CampaignBase.ProductionSkillEMail; //ProdSkillsEmail string c11 = CampaignBase.PELSubmissionURL; //PELURL string c12 = CampaignBase.PELNotificationEMail; //PELEmail BuildContacts(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12); //CampaignHeader.Text = "Description Header (Source TBD?)"; CampaignDescription.Text = CampaignBase.WebPageDescription; txtMembershipFee.Text = CampaignBase.MembershipFee.ToString(); txtFrequency.Text = CampaignBase.MembershipFeeFrequency; txtMinimumAge.Text = CampaignBase.MinimumAge.ToString(); txtSupervisedAge.Text = CampaignBase.MinimumAgeWithSupervision.ToString(); txtWaiver1.Text = "Waiver source TBD"; //TODO-Rick-2 Find the two (or more) waivers - may have to allow for even more txtWaiver2.Text = "Waiver source 2 TBD"; txtConsent.Text = "Consent TBD"; //TODO-Rick-2 Find out where the consent is stored (what is consent anyway?) }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; Session["DefaultPlayerProfilePath"] = "img/player/"; Session["ActiveLeftNav"] = "Demographics"; string uName = ""; int uID = 0; if (Session["Username"] != null) { uName = Session["Username"].ToString(); } if (Session["UserID"] != null) { uID = (Session["UserID"].ToString().ToInt32()); } Demography = new Classes.cUser(uName, "Password"); PLDemography = new Classes.cPlayer(uID, uName); string fn = Demography.FirstName; string mi = ""; if (Demography.MiddleName.Length > 0) { mi = Demography.MiddleName.Substring(0, 1); } string ln = Demography.LastName; string gen = PLDemography.GenderStandared.ToUpper(); string othergen = PLDemography.GenderOther; DateTime dob = PLDemography.DateOfBirth; string strdob = dob.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); string nick = Demography.NickName; string pen = PLDemography.AuthorName; string forum = Demography.ForumUserName; string pict = PLDemography.UserPhoto; if (pict == "") { imgPlayerImage.ImageUrl = ""; } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(pict))) { imgPlayerImage.ImageUrl = "img/player/" + pict; } else { imgPlayerImage.ImageUrl = pict; } } string emergencynm = PLDemography.EmergencyContactName; string emergencyContactPhone = string.Empty; if (PLDemography.EmergencyContactPhone != null) { emergencyContactPhone = PLDemography.EmergencyContactPhone; Int32 iPhone; if (Int32.TryParse(emergencyContactPhone.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("-", ""), out iPhone)) { emergencyContactPhone = iPhone.ToString("(###)###-####"); } } //Classes.cPhone EmergencyPhone = new Classes.cPhone(); //string emergencyph = EmergencyPhone.PhoneNumber; // = PLDemography.EmergencyContactPhone; // Need to define the list for Addresses // Need to define the list for Phone Numbers // Need to define the list for Email Addresses txtGenderOther.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { txtFirstName.Text = fn; txtMI.Text = mi; txtLastName.Text = ln; if (gen.Length > 0 && "MFO".Contains(gen)) { ddlGender.SelectedValue = gen; } txtGenderOther.Text = othergen; txtDOB.Text = strdob; txtEmergencyName.Text = emergencynm; txtEmergencyPhone.Text = emergencyContactPhone; txtUsername.Text = uName; txtNickname.Text = nick; txtPenname.Text = pen; txtForumname.Text = forum; if (Session["dem_Img_Url"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Session["dem_Img_Url"].ToString())) { imgPlayerImage.ImageUrl = Session["dem_Img_Url"].ToString(); } List <cAddress> _addresses = new List <cAddress>(); if (Demography.UserAddresses != null) { _addresses = Demography.UserAddresses.ToList(); } _addresses.Add(new cAddress()); //always add an empty one in case they need to insert a new one Session["dem_Addresses"] = _addresses; List <cPhone> _phones = new List <cPhone>(); if (Demography.UserPhones != null) { _phones = Demography.UserPhones.ToList(); } _phones.Add(new cPhone()); Session["dem_Phones"] = _phones; List <cEMail> _emails = new List <cEMail>(); if (Demography.UserEmails != null) { _emails = Demography.UserEmails.ToList(); } _emails.Add(new cEMail()); Session["dem_Emails"] = _emails; BindAllGrids(); } }