
        public static void AddResorbedN(ICohort cohort, double deadLeafRootsBiomass, ActiveSite site)//, int month)
            // Resorbed N:  We are assuming that any leaves dropped as a function of normal
            // growth and maintenance (e.g., fall senescence) will involve resorption of leaf N.
            double resorbedN = AvailableN.CalculateResorbedN(site, cohort.Species, deadLeafRootsBiomass); //, month);
            //double resorbedN = AvailableN.CalculateResorbedN(site, cohort.Species, cohort.LeafBiomass); //, month);
            double previouslyResorbedN = GetResorbedNallocation(cohort, site);

            AvailableN.SetResorbedNallocation(cohort, resorbedN + previouslyResorbedN, site);

        public static void AdjustAvailableN(ICohort cohort, ActiveSite site, double[] actualANPP)
            // Because Growth used some Nitrogen, it must be subtracted from the appropriate pools, either resorbed or mineral.

            double totalNdemand  = AvailableN.CalculateCohortNDemand(cohort.Species, site, cohort, actualANPP);
            double adjNdemand    = totalNdemand;
            double resorbedNused = 0.0;
            //double mineralNused = 0.0;

            // Use resorbed N first and only if it is spring time unless you are evergreen.
            double leafLongevity = SpeciesData.LeafLongevity[cohort.Species];

            if ((leafLongevity <= 1.0 && Main.Month > 2 && Main.Month < 6) || leafLongevity > 1.0)
                double resorbedNallocation = Math.Max(0.0, AvailableN.GetResorbedNallocation(cohort, site));

                resorbedNused = resorbedNallocation - Math.Max(0.0, resorbedNallocation - totalNdemand);

                AvailableN.SetResorbedNallocation(cohort, Math.Max(0.0, resorbedNallocation - totalNdemand), site);

                adjNdemand = Math.Max(0.0, totalNdemand - resorbedNallocation);

            // Reduce available N after taking into account that some N may have been provided
            // via resorption (above).
            double Nuptake = 0.0;

            if (SiteVars.MineralN[site] >= adjNdemand)
                SiteVars.MineralN[site] -= adjNdemand;
                //mineralNused = adjNdemand;
                Nuptake = adjNdemand;

                adjNdemand = SiteVars.MineralN[site];
                //mineralNused = SiteVars.MineralN[site];
                SiteVars.MineralN[site] = 0.0;
                Nuptake = SiteVars.MineralN[site];

            SiteVars.TotalNuptake[site] += Nuptake;

            if (OtherData.CalibrateMode && PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime > 0)
                //Outputs.CalibrateLog.Write("{0:0.00}, {1:0.00}, {2:0.00}, {3:0.00},", deltaWood, deltaLeaf, totalMortality[0], totalMortality[1]);
                Outputs.CalibrateLog.Write("{0:0.00},{1:0.00},{2:0.00},", resorbedNused, Nuptake, totalNdemand);