public static void Initialize()
            Parameter<string> PressureHeadCalculationMethod = null;
            if (PlugIn.TryGetParameter(Names.PressureHeadCalculationMethod, out PressureHeadCalculationMethod))
                Parameter<string> p = PlugIn.GetParameter(Names.PressureHeadCalculationMethod);

                pressureheadtable = new PressureHeadSaxton_Rawls();
                string msg = "Missing presciption for calculating pressurehead, expected keyword " + Names.PressureHeadCalculationMethod + " in " + PlugIn.GetParameter(Names.PnETGenericParameters).Value + " or in " + PlugIn.GetParameter(Names.ExtensionName).Value;
                throw new System.Exception(msg);

            foreach (IEcoregionPnET eco in EcoregionPnET.Ecoregions) if (eco.Active)
                // takes PH (MPa)
                // Calculates water content (m3H2O/m3 SOIL)

                // Water content at field capacity (calculated as an output variable)
                //  −33 kPa (or −0.33 bar)
                // mH2O value =  kPa value x 0.101972
                eco.FieldCap = (float)pressureheadtable.CalculateWaterContent((ushort)3.37, eco.SoilType) * eco.RootingDepth;

                eco.WiltPnt = (float)pressureheadtable.CalculateWaterContent((ushort)153, eco.SoilType) * eco.RootingDepth;

                eco.Porosity = (float)pressureheadtable.Porosity(eco.RootingDepth, eco.SoilType);

                float f = eco.FieldCap - eco.WiltPnt;
                PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine(eco.Name + "\t" + eco.SoilType + "\t" + eco.WiltPnt + "\t" + eco.FieldCap + "\t" + f + "\t" + eco.Porosity );
        public static void Initialize()
            Parameter <string> PressureHeadCalculationMethod = null;

            if (PlugIn.TryGetParameter(Names.PressureHeadCalculationMethod, out PressureHeadCalculationMethod))
                Parameter <string> p = PlugIn.GetParameter(Names.PressureHeadCalculationMethod);

                pressureheadtable = new PressureHeadSaxton_Rawls();
                string msg = "Missing presciption for calculating pressurehead, expected keyword " + Names.PressureHeadCalculationMethod + " in " + PlugIn.GetParameter(Names.PnETGenericParameters).Value + " or in " + PlugIn.GetParameter(Names.ExtensionName).Value;
                throw new System.Exception(msg);

            foreach (IEcoregionPnET eco in EcoregionPnET.Ecoregions)
                if (eco.Active)
                    // Volumetric water content (mm/m) at field capacity
                    //  −33 kPa (or −0.33 bar)
                    // Convert kPA to mH2o (/9.804139432) = 3.37
                    eco.FieldCap = (float)pressureheadtable.CalculateWaterContent(33, eco.SoilType);

                    // Volumetric water content (mm/m) at wilting point
                    //  −1500 kPa (or −15 bar)
                    // Convert kPA to mH2o (/9.804139432) = 153.00
                    eco.WiltPnt = (float)pressureheadtable.CalculateWaterContent(1500, eco.SoilType);

                    // Volumetric water content (mm/m) at porosity
                    eco.Porosity = (float)pressureheadtable.Porosity(eco.SoilType);

                    float f = eco.FieldCap - eco.WiltPnt;
                    PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine(eco.Name + "\t" + eco.SoilType + "\t" + eco.WiltPnt + "\t" + eco.FieldCap + "\t" + f + "\t" + eco.Porosity);
        public static SortedList <float, float> CalculateMonthlySoilTemps(SortedList <float, float> depthTempDict, IEcoregionPnET Ecoregion, int daysOfWinter, float snowPack, IHydrology hydrology, float lastTempBelowSnow)
            //SortedList<float, float> depthTempDict = new SortedList<float, float>();  //for permafrost

            //float lambAir = 0.023f;
            //float lambIce = 2.29f;
            //float omega = (float)(2 * Math.PI / 12.0);

            float[] snowResults = CalculateSnowDepth(daysOfWinter, snowPack);
            float   sno_dep     = snowResults[0];
            float   Psno_kg_m3  = snowResults[1];

            if (Ecoregion.Variables.Tave >= 0)
                float fracAbove0 = Ecoregion.Variables.Tmax / (Ecoregion.Variables.Tmax - Ecoregion.Variables.Tmin);
                sno_dep = sno_dep * fracAbove0;
            // from CLM model -
            // Eq. 85 - Jordan (1991)
            //float lambda_Snow = (float)(lambAir + ((0.0000775 * Psno_kg_m3) + (0.000001105 * Math.Pow(Psno_kg_m3, 2))) * (lambIce - lambAir)) * 3.6F * 24F; //(kJ/m/d/K) includes unit conversion from W to kJ
            //float damping = (float)Math.Sqrt(omega / (2.0F * lambda_Snow));
            float damping  = CalculateSnowDamping(Psno_kg_m3);
            float DRz_snow = (float)Math.Exp(-1.0F * sno_dep * damping); // Damping ratio for snow - adapted from Kang et al. (2000) and Liang et al. (2014)

            // Permafrost calculations - from "Soil thawing worksheet.xlsx"
            //if (Ecoregion.Variables.Tave < minMonthlyAvgTemp)
            //    minMonthlyAvgTemp = Ecoregion.Variables.Tave;
            float porosity     = Ecoregion.Porosity / Ecoregion.RootingDepth;                                                                                                                                             //m3/m3
            float waterContent = hydrology.Water / Ecoregion.RootingDepth;                                                                                                                                                //m3/m3
            float ga           = 0.035F + 0.298F * (waterContent / porosity);
            float Fa           = ((2.0F / 3.0F) / (1.0F + ga * ((Constants.lambda_a / Constants.lambda_w) - 1.0F))) + ((1.0F / 3.0F) / (1.0F + (1.0F - 2.0F * ga) * ((Constants.lambda_a / Constants.lambda_w) - 1.0F))); // ratio of air temp gradient
            float Fs           = PressureHeadSaxton_Rawls.GetFs(Ecoregion.SoilType);
            float lambda_s     = PressureHeadSaxton_Rawls.GetLambda_s(Ecoregion.SoilType);
            float lambda_theta = (Fs * (1.0F - porosity) * lambda_s + Fa * (porosity - waterContent) * Constants.lambda_a + waterContent * Constants.lambda_w) / (Fs * (1.0F - porosity) + Fa * (porosity - waterContent) + waterContent); //soil thermal conductivity (kJ/m/d/K)
            float D            = lambda_theta / PressureHeadSaxton_Rawls.GetCTheta(Ecoregion.SoilType);                                                                                                                                    //m2/day
            float Dmonth       = D * Ecoregion.Variables.DaySpan;                                                                                                                                                                          // m2/month
            float ks           = Dmonth * 1000000F / (Ecoregion.Variables.DaySpan * (Constants.SecondsPerHour * 24));                                                                                                                      // mm2/s
            float d            = (float)Math.Pow(( / (2.0F * Dmonth)), (0.5));

            float maxDepth    = Ecoregion.RootingDepth + Ecoregion.LeakageFrostDepth;
            float freezeDepth = maxDepth;
            float testDepth   = 0;
            //if (lastTempBelowSnow == float.MaxValue)
            //    //int mCount = Math.Min(12, data.Count());
            //    //float tSum = 0;
            //    //foreach (int z in Enumerable.Range(0, mCount))
            //    //{
            //     //   tSum += data[z].Tave;
            //    //}
            //    //float annualTavg = tSum / mCount;
            //    float tempBelowSnow = Ecoregion.Variables.Tave;
            //    if (sno_dep > 0)
            //    {
            //        tempBelowSnow = annualTavg + (Ecoregion.Variables.Tave - annualTavg) * DRz_snow;
            //    }
            //    lastTempBelowSnow = tempBelowSnow;
            //    while (testDepth <= (maxDepth / 1000.0))
            //    {
            //        float DRz = (float)Math.Exp(-1.0F * testDepth * d); // adapted from Kang et al. (2000) and Liang et al. (2014)
            //        float zTemp = annualTavg + (tempBelowSnow - annualTavg) * DRz;
            //        depthTempDict[testDepth] = zTemp;
            //        if ((zTemp <= 0) && (testDepth < freezeDepth))
            //            freezeDepth = testDepth;
            //        testDepth += 0.25F;
            //    }
            float tempBelowSnow = Ecoregion.Variables.Tave;

            if (sno_dep > 0)
                tempBelowSnow = lastTempBelowSnow + (Ecoregion.Variables.Tave - lastTempBelowSnow) * DRz_snow;
            lastTempBelowSnow = tempBelowSnow;
            while (testDepth <= (maxDepth / 1000.0))
                float DRz   = (float)Math.Exp(-1.0F * testDepth * d);   // adapted from Kang et al. (2000) and Liang et al. (2014)
                float zTemp = depthTempDict[testDepth] + (tempBelowSnow - depthTempDict[testDepth]) * DRz;
                depthTempDict[testDepth] = zTemp;
                //if ((zTemp <= 0) && (testDepth < freezeDepth))
                //    freezeDepth = testDepth;
                if (testDepth == 0f)
                    testDepth = 0.10f;
                else if (testDepth == 0.10f)
                    testDepth = 0.25f;
                    testDepth += 0.25F;