        //This method is performing basic collision detection between two models
        //Whole model is surrounded by BoundingBox stored in model.Tag info
        public static bool GeneralDecorationCollisionCheck(GameObject unit, GameObject decoration)
            //Retrieving data about BoundingBox from model.Tag for first model
               ModelExtra animationData1 = unit.currentModel.Model.Tag as ModelExtra;
               BoundingSphere originalBox1 = animationData1.boundingSphere;
               BoundingSphere Box1 = XNAUtils.TransformBoundingSphere(originalBox1, unit.GetWorldMatrix());

               //Doing the same thing for second model
               ModelExtra animationData2 = decoration.currentModel.Model.Tag as ModelExtra;
               BoundingBox originalBox2 = animationData2.boundingBox;
               BoundingBox Box2 = XNAUtils.TransformBoundingBox(originalBox2, decoration.GetWorldMatrix());
               Building deco = (Building)decoration;
               deco.boundingBox = Box2;

               //Checking if global bounding Box(surronds whole model) intersects another Box
               bool collision = Box1.Intersects(Box2);
               return collision;
        //This method performs much more detailed collision check.
        //It checks if there is collision for each mesh of model
        public static bool DetailedDecorationCollisionCheck(GameObject unit, GameObject deco)
            Building decoration = (Building)deco;
               //first we check if there is general collision between two models
               //If method returns false we dont have to perform detailed check
               if (!GeneralDecorationCollisionCheck(unit, decoration))
               return false;

               //Here we are creating BoundingBox for each mesh for model1
               Matrix[] model1Transforms = new Matrix[unit.currentModel.Model.Bones.Count];
               BoundingSphere[] model1Boxs = new BoundingSphere[unit.currentModel.Model.Meshes.Count];

               for (int i = 0; i < unit.currentModel.Model.Meshes.Count; i++)
               ModelMesh mesh = unit.currentModel.Model.Meshes[i];
               BoundingSphere origSphere = mesh.BoundingSphere;
               Matrix trans = model1Transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * unit.GetWorldMatrix();
               BoundingSphere transBox = XNAUtils.TransformBoundingSphere(origSphere, trans);
               model1Boxs[i] = transBox;

               bool collision = false;

               //Check if any of created before Boxs intersects with another Box
               for (int i = 0; i < model1Boxs.Length; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < decoration.meshBoundingBoxes.Count; j++)
                   if (model1Boxs[i].Intersects(decoration.meshBoundingBoxes[j]))
                       return true;

               return collision;