public static void GetBuildings(Session session, string bodyID) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("get_buildings", session.cache.session_id, bodyID); if (session.Post(URL,req) == 0) { Response.Result result = session.response.result as Response.Result; IEnumerator b = result.buildings.GetEnumerator(); Infrastructure buildings = new Infrastructure(); = result.status.server.time; // save server time while (b.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair<string,Response.Result.Building> k = (KeyValuePair<string,Response.Result.Building>) b.Current; = k.Key; buildings.Add(k.Value); } string filename = String.Format("{0}.xml",; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Infrastructure)); Stream stream = new FileStream(filename,FileMode.Create); serializer.Serialize(stream,buildings); stream.Close(); } }
public static void GetBuildable(Session session, string bodyID, string x, string y, string tag) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("get_buildable", session.cache.session_id, bodyID,x,y,tag); session.Post(URL,req); }
public static void Abandon(Session session, string bodyID) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("abandon", session.cache.session_id, bodyID); session.Post(URL,req); }
public static void AssembleGlyphs(Session session, string buildingID, params string [] ids) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("assemble_glyphs", session.cache.session_id, buildingID); req.WriteStartArray (); foreach (string id in ids) req.WriteString(id); session.Post(URL,req); }
public static void Rename(Session session, string bodyID, string name) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("rename", session.cache.session_id, bodyID,name); session.Post(URL,req); }
public static void GetStatus(Session session, string bodyID) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("view", session.cache.session_id, bodyID); session.Post(URL,req); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Session session = new Session("Empire Server",""); //Session session = new Session("Empire Server",null); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzzz")); Console.WriteLine(session.cache.time); // 13 02 2012 14:55:58 +0000 DateTime date; DateTime.TryParseExact(session.cache.time, "dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal,out date); Console.WriteLine(date.ToString("dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzzz")); if (session.cache.empire_name == null) session.cache.empire_name = "name"; if (session.cache.password == null) session.cache.password = "******"; timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); // Setup timer with one second interval timer.Elapsed += TimerTick; timer.Start(); start = DateTime.Now; // If we already have an active session on server, don't bother with login if ((DateTime.Now-date).TotalHours > 2) session.Login(session.cache.empire_name, session.cache.password); Body.GetBuildings(session,session.cache.home_planet_id); session.Close(); session.Save(); }
public static void BuildHalls(Session session, string buildingID, int save) { int count,total=0; foreach (string [] glyph in HallRecipe) { count = Math.Min(Math.Min(((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[0]]).Count, ((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[1]]).Count), Math.Min(((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[2]]).Count, ((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[3]]).Count)); for (int i = count; i > save; i--) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("assemble_glyphs", session.cache.session_id, buildingID); req.WriteStartArray (); for (int j=0; j < glyph.Length; j++) req.WriteString(((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[j]]).Pop()); if (session.Post(URL,req) != 0) break; total++; } } Console.WriteLine("\n{0} hall(s) assembled!",total); IEnumerator pEnum = pType.GetEnumerator(); foreach (string [] recipe in HallRecipe) { Console.WriteLine(); foreach (string glyph in recipe) { pEnum.MoveNext(); Console.WriteLine("{0,3:D} {1}-{2}", ((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph]).Count, pEnum.Current.ToString(),glyph); } } }
public static void GetGlyphs(Session session, string buildingID) { JsonTextWriter req = session.Request("get_glyphs", session.cache.session_id, buildingID); //session.onData += ProcessResult; if (session.Post(URL,req) == 0) { //Next two lines perform same thing old ProcessResult did foreach (Result.Glyph glyph in session.response.result.glyphs) ((Stack<string>) (glyphs[glyph.type])).Push(; IEnumerator pEnum = pType.GetEnumerator(); foreach (string [] recipe in HallRecipe) { Console.WriteLine(); foreach (string glyph in recipe) { pEnum.MoveNext(); Console.WriteLine("{0,3:D} {1}-{2}", ((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph]).Count, pEnum.Current.ToString(),glyph); } } int count = 0; foreach (string [] glyph in HallRecipe) count += Math.Min(Math.Min(((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[0]]).Count, ((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[1]]).Count), Math.Min(((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[2]]).Count, ((Stack<string>) glyphs[glyph[3]]).Count)); Console.WriteLine("\nYou can build {0} hall(s)",count); } //session.onData -= ProcessResult; }