static void Main(string[] args) { News newsObj = new News("Russia Today", 70, "Новости о России сегодня", "Россия"); FeatureFilm ffObj = new FeatureFilm("Interstellar", 250, "Фильм про космос и черные дыры", 16, "26.10.2014", "Matthew MacConaughey"); Cartoon cartObj = new Cartoon("The Incredibles", 116, "Фильм про суперсемейку", 5, "5.11.2004", "Mr. Incredible"); Cartoon cartObj2 = new Cartoon("Shrek 2", 105, "Фильм про огра", 5, "19.5.2004", "Shrek"); newsObj.TurnOn(); newsObj.VolumeUp(); Console.WriteLine(newsObj.ToString()); TVProgram prog = new Cartoon("Смешарики", 40, "Фильм про существ круглого цвета", 2, "2.12.2012", "Крош И Ёжик"); Console.WriteLine(prog.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(prog is TVProgram ? "Объект prog есть класс TVProgram" : "Объект prog не есть класс TVProgram"); Console.WriteLine(newsObj is Film ? "Объект newsObj есть класс Film" : "Объект newsObj не есть класс Film"); var cartProg = prog as Cartoon; if (cartProg != null) { Console.WriteLine(cartProg.ToString()); } ffObj.Direct(); ffObj.ShowAd(); cartObj.ShowAd(); cartObj.ShowAd(); Printer prt = new Printer(); TVProgram[] array = new TVProgram[] { cartObj, newsObj, ffObj }; foreach (var el in array) { prt.IAmPrinting(el); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Лабораторная 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); Logger logger = new Logger(); Console.WriteLine(cartObj.relDate.GetDate()); ProgramGuide pg = new ProgramGuide(); pg.AddProgram(cartObj); pg.AddProgram(ffObj); pg.AddProgram(cartObj2); pg.ShowProgramGuide(); ProgramGuideControler.FindSameYear(pg, 2004); ProgramGuideControler.ProgramGuideDuration(pg); ProgramGuideControler.ProgramGuideAdAmount(pg); Console.WriteLine(); //Чтение текстового файла string path = @"D:\BSTU stuff\3 семестр 2 курс\ООП\C_Sharp\Лаб. 6\lab6.txt"; List <FeatureFilm> newCollection = ProgramGuideControler.ReadFile(path); foreach (var el in newCollection) { Console.WriteLine(el.ToString() + "\n|\nV"); } //Чтение json файла string path2 = @"D:\BSTU stuff\3 семестр 2 курс\ООП\C_Sharp\Лаб. 6\lab6json.txt"; try { newCollection = ProgramGuideControler.ReadJson(path2); foreach (var el in newCollection) { Console.WriteLine(el.ToString() + "\n|\nV"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); logger.AddLog(e); } ///////////////////////////////Лаб. 7//////////////////////// int[] arrayExc = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Console.WriteLine("Введите элемент массива, к которому хотите получить доступ"); int index; try { if (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out index)) { throw new WrongInputException("Введен не целое число!"); } try { if (index >= arrayExc.Length && index <= 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Введен неверный индекс!"); } Console.WriteLine(arrayExc[index]); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.AddLog(ex); } } catch (WrongInputException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); logger.AddLog(e); } Console.WriteLine("Введите делимое и делитель, чтобы произвести деление"); int firstInt = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); int secondInt = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); try { if (secondInt == 0) { throw new DivideByZeroException("Делитель не должен быть равен 0!"); } Console.WriteLine(firstInt / secondInt); } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.AddLog(ex); } Console.WriteLine(logger.ToString()); string path3 = @"D:\BSTU stuff\3 семестр 2 курс\ООП\C_Sharp\Лаб. 6\log.txt"; logger.ToFile(path3); Debug.Assert(false, "Конец программы"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); Console.CursorVisible = false; Equipment[] equipments = new Equipment[4]; equipments[0] = new Bar(); equipments[1] = new BasketballBall(); equipments[2] = new Bench(); equipments[3] = new Mat(); Table barTable = new Table(equipments[0]); barTable.GetTableDataFrom(equipments[0]); barTable.GetTableDataFrom(new Bar()); barTable.GetTableDataFrom(new Bar()); Console.WriteLine(barTable); Table basketballTable = new Table(equipments[1]); basketballTable.GetTableDataFrom(equipments[1]); basketballTable.GetTableDataFrom(new BasketballBall()); basketballTable.GetTableDataFrom(new BasketballBall()); basketballTable.ToString().WriteFromPosition((Console.WindowWidth / 2, 0)); Table benchTable = new Table(equipments[2]); benchTable.GetTableDataFrom(equipments[2]); benchTable.GetTableDataFrom(new Bench()); benchTable.GetTableDataFrom(new Bench()); benchTable.ToString().WriteFromPosition((Console.WindowWidth / 2, Console.WindowHeight / 2)); Table matTable = new Table(equipments[3]); matTable.GetTableDataFrom(equipments[3]); matTable.GetTableDataFrom(new Mat()); matTable.GetTableDataFrom(new Mat()); matTable.ToString().WriteFromPosition((0, Console.WindowHeight / 2)); equipments[0].DoSomething(); equipments[1].DoSomething(); equipments[2].DoSomething(); equipments[3].DoSomething(); "Press any button to continue...".ToLog(); Console.ReadKey(); IBall ball = equipments[1] as BasketballBall; ball.DoKick(); Printer printer = new Printer(); foreach (var equipment in equipments) { printer.IAmPrinting(equipment); } "Press any button to continue...".ToLog(); Console.ReadKey(); (equipments[1] as BasketballBall).DoSomething(); (equipments[1] as IBall).DoSomething(); Console.ReadKey(); }