        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the closing tag matchs this tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if they match.</returns>
        public bool Pairs(htmlTags Closetags)
            bool theyMatch = false;
            /// Remove '/' character.
            string t = Closetags.tag;

            Char[] cut     = t.ToCharArray();
            string removed = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < cut.Length; i++)
                if (cut[i] != '/')
                    removed = removed + cut[i];
            if (this.tag == removed)
                theyMatch = true;
                theyMatch = false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a stack of htmlTags and determines which tags are opened and closed or single tag type.
        ///     The pseudo code for using a stack to analyise an html file.
        ///     Initialize boolean for if file is unbalanced to true.
        ///     For each tag in file...
        ///         if it is not a self closing tag...
        ///             if it is an opening tag than,
        ///                 Add the opening tag to the stack.
        ///             else if it is a closing tag...
        ///                 Initalize boolean for finding match set to false.
        ///                 LOOP threw stack
        ///                     Pop tag off top of stack,
        ///                     if popped tag does NOT match the closing tag than,
        ///                         html file is un balanced.  Set that flag to false.
        ///                     other wise if popped tag does match the closing tag than,
        ///                         End loop, and set flag for found match to true.
        ///                 When loop is done,
        ///                 Check flag for if match has NOT been found.
        ///                     html file is un balanced. Set that flag to false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestedFile">the raw input string given from the user.</param>
        private static void analyseHtmlfile(string requestedFile)
            /// Create Stack and read each line of the html file.
            /// For each line, find the matches for an open tag and add them to the stack of tags.
            /// Ignore tags that are self closing tags.
            Stack <htmlTags> Opentags = new Stack <htmlTags>();
            string           location = "HTMLfiles/" + requestedFile;
            string           line; int countOfOpenTags = 0;
            FileStream       file   = new System.IO.FileStream(location, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader     reader = new StreamReader(file);

            string anyTag    = @"</?[a-z]+[0-9]*[^>]*";         /// Match for any tag....
            Regex  regAnyTag = new Regex(anyTag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            string opentag    = @"<[a-z]+[0-9]*[^>]*";         /// Match for a open tag...
            Regex  regopentag = new Regex(opentag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            string closetag    = @"</?[a-z]+[0-9]*[^>]*";         /// Match for a open tag...
            Regex  regCloseTag = new Regex(closetag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            string nonContainerPattern = @"<((img)|(hr)|(br))[^>]*";   /// Match for self closing tags that we are ignoring.
            Regex  singleReg           = new Regex(nonContainerPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            bool balanced = true;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                MatchCollection matForAnyTag = regAnyTag.Matches(line);

                /// If there is a match for any kind of tag...
                if (matForAnyTag.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Match anytag in matForAnyTag)
                        ///If it isnt a self closing tag...
                        MatchCollection mForSelfClosing = singleReg.Matches(anytag.Value);
                        if (mForSelfClosing.Count == 0)
                            /// If this tag is an opening tag, else if match for closing tag.
                            MatchCollection matForOpenTag  = regopentag.Matches(anytag.Value);
                            MatchCollection matForCloseTag = regCloseTag.Matches(anytag.Value);
                            if (matForOpenTag.Count > 0)
                                /// Push open tag to stack.
                                htmlTags tg = new htmlTags(anytag.Value);
                            else if (matForCloseTag.Count > 0)
                                bool     matchFound       = false;
                                htmlTags currentClosedTag = new htmlTags(anytag.Value);
                                for (int i = 0; i < Opentags.Count; i++)
                                    htmlTags poppedTag = Opentags.Pop();
                                    /// If poppedTag is an opening tag that doesn't match current closed tag than file is corrupt.
                                    if (!poppedTag.Pairs(currentClosedTag))
                                        /// Currupt!!!
                                        balanced = false;
                                        /// If poppedTag is matches the closing tag than exit loop with a flag saying you found the pair.
                                        matchFound = true;
                                        i          = Opentags.Count + 3;/// Ends for loop.
                                /// If the stack gets emptied and there is still not a pair for the current closing tag than the html file is corrupt.
                                if (!matchFound)
                                    /// Corrupt!!
                                    balanced = false;
                        } //End of if selfclosing
                    }     /// End of for each match of tag.
            }             /// End of while loop for text file read.

            if (Opentags.Count > 0 || balanced == false)
                foreach (htmlTags tag in Opentags)
                    Console.WriteLine("TAG: " + tag.tag);
                }/// End of for each tag.
            Console.WriteLine("Balance is " + balanced);