private TypeMapping(TypeInfo aType) { //this._type = aType; this._classifier = aType.IsClass; // ((this._type.IsClass || this._type.IsInterface) || this._type.IsEnum) || this._type.IsValueType; this._name = aType.Code;//TypeInfoHelper.GetTypeName(aType); this._bComplete = false; this._bDelegate = false; this._bModule = false; if (aType.IsClass) { ////foreach (object obj2 in this._type.GetCustomAttributes(false)) ////{ //// if (obj2.GetType().FullName == "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StandardModuleAttribute") //// { //// this._bModule = true; //// break; //// } ////} } _tabType.Add(aType, this); if (_tabCheck.Contains(aType.Code)) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** there are several classifiers \"{0}\"", this._type.FullName }); } } else { _tabCheck.Add(aType.Code, this); } }
public static string GetTypeNamespace(TypeInfo aType) { if (aType.Namespace == null) { return ""; } return ""; ////return (aType.Namespace + "." + aType.Code); }
private void ProcessAType(ref TypeInfo ti, ref string sModifier, bool bIsValueType) { string word = NextTokenText(); ti.Name = ti.Code = word; word = NextTokenText(); string wordNext = GetTokenText(; if (word == ";" || word == "*" || ";" == wordNext || wordNext == "*") { ti.IsClass = false; return; } ti.IsClass = true; ObjectInfo objTemp = new ObjectInfo(), paramObj = new ObjectInfo(); List<ObjectInfo> paramList = new List<ObjectInfo>(); bool isTypeBody = false, isMethord = false; Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>(); stack.Push(0); while (stack.Count > 0) { switch(word) { case "operator": ReadMethordBody(word, null); objTemp.Clear(); break; case "volatile": objTemp.IsVolatile = true; break; case "static": objTemp.IsStatic = true; break; case "virtual": objTemp.IsVirtual = true; objTemp.Virtual = word; break; case "WINAPI": case "afx_msg": break; case "private": case "protected": case "public": sModifier = word; break; case "union": objTemp.Type = word; ReadMethordBody(word, null); break; case ":": if (!isTypeBody) { // 处理继承 ReadParentInfo(ti, word); } break; case "(": isMethord = true; paramList.Clear(); paramObj.Clear(); break; case ")": if (isMethord && != null && != null && ("=" == GetTokenText( && ("0" == GetTokenText( { objTemp.IsAbstract = true; ti.IsAbstract = true; tokenCurrent =; } if (isMethord && wordNext == ":") { // 构造函数后有参数初始化的 ReadMethordBody(word, objTemp.Implementation); if (isTypeBody) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramObj.Code)) { ObjectInfo param = new ObjectInfo(); param.Store(paramObj); paramList.Add(param); } paramObj.Clear(); // 方法或属性定义结束 ti.AddMethord(objTemp, paramList); objTemp.Clear(); isMethord = false; } } break; case "}": stack.Pop(); break; case "{": case ";": case ",": if (isTypeBody && isMethord) // && (word == "," || word == ";") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramObj.Code)) { ObjectInfo param = new ObjectInfo(); param.Store(paramObj); paramList.Add(param); } paramObj.Clear(); } if (isTypeBody && word != ",") // || word == ";" { // 方法或属性定义结束 if (isMethord) { // 跳过方法体 if (word == "{") { ReadMethordBody(word, objTemp.Implementation); } ti.AddMethord(objTemp, paramList); } else { ti.AddAttribute(objTemp); } objTemp.Clear(); isMethord = false; break; } // 类体定义,方法或属性 if (!isTypeBody && word == "{") { isTypeBody = true; } break; case "DECLARE_DYNCREATE": case "DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP": // 读取到行尾 word = ReadToLineEnd(); wordNext = GetTokenText(tokenCurrent); continue; default: if (word == "~" && GetTokenText( == ti.Code) { // 析构函数 objTemp.Modifier = sModifier; objTemp.Code = objTemp.Name = word + ti.Code; word = NextTokenText(); } else { if (isMethord) { if (word == "=") { // 忽略参数的默认值 wordNext = GetTokenText(; Stack sTemp = new Stack(); while ((wordNext != "," && wordNext != ")") || sTemp.Count > 0) { switch (wordNext) { case "(": sTemp.Push("("); break; case ")": if (sTemp.Count > 0) sTemp.Pop(); break; } word = NextTokenText(); paramObj.Default += word; if (tokenCurrent == null || == null) { break; } wordNext = GetTokenText(; } } else { // 一般应该为参数 ChangeObjectInfo(paramObj, word, sModifier); } } else { // 可能为构造函数或属性定义【指针】 ChangeObjectInfo(objTemp, word, sModifier); } } break; } if (tokenCurrent == null || == null) { break; } word = NextTokenText(); wordNext = GetTokenText(; } }
private void ReadParentInfo(TypeInfo ti, string currentWord) { string word = NextTokenText(); while (tokenCurrent != null && "{" != GetTokenText( { switch (word) { case "private": case "protected": case "public": word = NextTokenText(); break; default: break; } TypeInfo obj = new TypeInfo(); obj.Code = word; obj.Name = word; ti.Parents.Add(obj); word = GetTokenText(; if (word == ",") { word = NextTokenText(); word = NextTokenText(); } } }
private void AddClassifier(TypeInfo aType, bool bComplete) { bool bCreate = true; TypeMapping mapping = TypeMapping.Retrieve(aType, ref bCreate); if (bCreate || bComplete) { PdOOM.BasePackage package = null; Classifier classifier; if (bCreate) { bool flag2; PdOOM.NamedObject container = this.GetContainer(aType, out flag2); if (flag2) { package = (PdOOM.BasePackage)container; } else { package = NamespaceMapping.RetrieveFromChildName("").Package; } int kind = 0x18112063; // aType.IsInterface ? 0x18112064 : 0x18112063; classifier = (Classifier)container.CreateObject(kind, "", -1, true); mapping.Classifier = classifier; try { classifier.Name = classifier.Code = aType.Code; // TypeInfoHelper.GetTypeName(aType); } catch (COMException) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** exception while naming the type \"{0}\"", /*TypeInfoHelper.GetTypeFullName(aType)*/aType.Code }); } } classifier.Visibility = GetTypeVisibility(aType.Modifier); if (!bComplete) { return; } } else { classifier = mapping.Classifier; ////package = mapping.Classifier.Package; package = NamespaceMapping.RetrieveFromChildName("").Package; } mapping.Complete = true; classifier.Comment = aType.Comment; if (aType.IsClass && aType.IsAbstract) { classifier.Abstract = true; } if (aType.IsValueType) { classifier.Stereotype = "structure"; } if (aType.IsGenericType) { classifier.Stereotype = "template"; } // 处理继承或实现 foreach(TypeInfo ti in aType.Parents) { ti.IsClass = true; this.CreateGeneralization(classifier, ti, package); } InfluenceTable aInfTable = new InfluenceTable(); foreach (AttributeInfo ai in aType.Attributes) { if (package == null)//(!aAttrTable.Contains(info5)) { ai.ToString(); } else { this.CreateAttribute(aType, classifier, ai, package); } } foreach (MethordInfo mi in aType.Methords) { //if (!aAttrTable.Contains(info5)) { this.CreateMethod(aType, classifier, mi, package, null, aInfTable); } } } }
private PdOOM.NamedObject GetContainer(TypeInfo aType, out bool bPackage) { //////Type declaringType = aType.Code; //aType.DeclaringType; //////if (declaringType != null) //////{ //// bool bCreate = false; //// //this.ProcessType(aType, false); //// TypeMapping mapping = TypeMapping.Retrieve(aType, ref bCreate); //// bPackage = false; //// return mapping.Classifier; //////} NamespaceMapping mapping2 = NamespaceMapping.RetrieveFromChildName(TypeInfoHelper.GetTypeNamespace(aType)); bPackage = true; return mapping2.Package; }
private void CreateMethod(TypeInfo aType, Classifier aCls, MethordInfo aMethod, PdOOM.BasePackage aPckg, Operation anOper, InfluenceTable anInfTable) { Operation operation; if (anOper != null) { operation = anOper; } else { operation = (Operation)aCls.CreateObject(0x18112066, "", -1, true); } operation.Static = aMethod.IsStatic; operation.Visibility = GetTypeVisibility(aMethod.Modifier); operation.ReturnType = aMethod.Type; //operation.Final = aMethod.IsFinal; if (aMethod.IsGenericMethod) { operation.Generic = true; foreach (TypeParameter parameter in operation.TypeParameters) { parameter.delete(); } ////foreach (Type type in aMethod.GetGenericArguments()) ////{ //// TypeParameter parameter2 = (TypeParameter)operation.CreateObject(0x1811207d, "", -1, true); //// this.ProcessType(type, false); //// TypeMapping mapping = TypeMapping.Retrieve(type); //// parameter2.Name = parameter2.Code = mapping.Name; //// operation.TypeParameters.Add(parameter2); ////} } if (aMethod.IsVirtual) { operation.SetExtendedAttribute("C++.virtual", "true"); } if (aMethod.IsAbstract) { operation.Abstract = true; } try { operation.Code = aMethod.Code; operation.Name = aMethod.Name; } catch (COMException) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** exception while naming the operation \"{1}\" on the type \"{0}\"", aType.Code, aMethod.Name }); } } new CustomHandlerMethod(aMethod, operation).Convert(); // 添加参数 foreach (ObjectInfo type in aMethod.Parameters) { AddParameter(operation, type, aPckg); } // 防止有重载方法前面改名失败 if (aMethod.Parameters.Count > 0 && operation.Code != aMethod.Code) { try { operation.Code = aMethod.Code; operation.Name = aMethod.Name; } catch (COMException) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** exception while naming the operation \"{1}\" on the type \"{0}\"", aType.Code, aMethod.Name }); } } } }
private void CreateGeneralization(PdOOM.NamedObject obj, TypeInfo aParentType, PdOOM.BasePackage aPckg) { this.AddClassifier(aParentType, false); ////if (aParentType.IsGenericType && !aParentType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) ////{ //// aParentType = aParentType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); ////} bool bCreate = true; TypeMapping aType = TypeMapping.Retrieve(aParentType, ref bCreate); PdOOM.BaseObject objParent = ProperRef.Link(NamespaceMapping.Retrieve(aPckg), aType); Generalization generalization = (Generalization)aPckg.CreateObject(0x18112067, "", -1, true); generalization.ParentObject = objParent; generalization.ChildObject = obj; try { generalization.Name = generalization.Code = string.Format("gen_{0}_2_{1}", obj.Code, aParentType.Code); // TypeInfoHelper.GetTypeName(aType); } catch (COMException) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** exception while naming the Generalization \"{0}\"", generalization.Name }); } } }
private void CreateAttribute(TypeInfo ti, Classifier aCls, AttributeInfo aField, PdOOM.BasePackage aPckg) { CustomHandlerField field = new CustomHandlerField(aField, null); if (!field.ThroughProperty) { PdOOM.Attribute attribute = (PdOOM.Attribute)aCls.CreateObject(0x18112065, "", -1, true); if (aField.IsStatic) { attribute.Static = true; } try { attribute.Name = attribute.Code = aField.Name; } catch (COMException) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** exception while naming the attribute \"{1}\" on the type \"{0}\"", aField.Code, aField.Name }); } } attribute.Visibility = GetTypeVisibility(aField.Modifier); //attribute.Persistent = !aField.IsNotSerialized; attribute.Volatile = aField.IsVolatile; if (aField.IsPointer) { attribute.Multiplicity = "*"; } field.PdObj = attribute; field.Convert(); TypeInfo tiField = new TypeInfo(); ////System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex reg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"); ////System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = reg.Match(aField.Type.Replace("unsigned","")); tiField.Code = tiField.Name = aField.Type; tiField.IsClass = true; tiField.Comment = aCls.Comment; this.AddClassifier(tiField, false); bool bCreate = true; TypeMapping mapping = TypeMapping.Retrieve(tiField, ref bCreate); if (mapping.HasClassifier()) { PdOOM.NamedObject objClassB = (PdOOM.NamedObject)ProperRef.Link(NamespaceMapping.Retrieve(aPckg), mapping); PdOOM.NamedObject objClassA = (PdOOM.NamedObject)attribute.Parent; attribute.UseQualifiedDataType = false; attribute.DataTypeObject = objClassA; Association ass = (Association)aPckg.CreateObject((int)PdOOM_Classes.cls_Association, "", -1, true); ass.ClassA = objClassA; ass.ClassB = objClassB; try { ass.Name = ass.Code = string.Format("ass_{0}_2_{1}_{2}", objClassA.Code, objClassB.Code, attribute.Code); if (tiField.Code == aField.FullType) { ass.RoleBMultiplicity = "1..1"; ass.RoleAIndicator = aField.IsPointer ? "A" : "C"; } ass.RoleAMultiplicity = ""; ass.RoleBName = aField.Name; ass.RoleANavigability = false; ass.RoleBNavigability = false; } catch (COMException) { if (LZ.Reverse.Info._bDebug) { LZ.Reverse.Info.Write(new string[] { "*** exception while naming the attribute \"{1}\" on the type \"{0}\"", aField.Code, aField.Name }); } } } ////else { attribute.DataType = aField.FullType; // mapping.Name; } } }
private void AddParameter(Operation aMethod, ObjectInfo aParam, PdOOM.BasePackage aPckg) { Parameter aPrm = (Parameter)aMethod.CreateObject(0x1811206d, "", -1, true); string str = "I"; // aParam.IsOut ? "O" : "I"; ////Type parameterType = aParam.Type; ////if (parameterType.IsGenericType && !parameterType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) ////{ //// parameterType = parameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); ////} if (aParam.IsConst) { aPrm.SetExtendedAttribute("C++.const", "true"); } if (aParam.IsByRef) { aPrm.SetExtendedAttribute("C++.ref", "true"); } if (!aParam.IsConst && (aParam.IsByRef || aParam.IsPointer)) { str = "IO"; } if (aParam.IsArray) { aPrm.Array = true; } aPrm.SetExtendedAttribute("C++.init", aParam.Default); TypeInfo tiField = new TypeInfo(); tiField.Code = tiField.Name = aParam.Type; tiField.IsClass = true; tiField.Comment = ((PdOOM.NamedObject)aMethod.Parent).Comment; this.AddClassifier(tiField, false); bool bCreate = true; TypeMapping aType = TypeMapping.Retrieve(tiField, ref bCreate); if (aType.HasClassifier()) { PdOOM.BaseObject obj2 = ProperRef.Link(NamespaceMapping.Retrieve(aPckg), aType); aPrm.UseQualifiedDataType = false; aPrm.DataTypeObject = obj2; } aPrm.ParameterType = str; aPrm.DataType = aParam.FullType; aPrm.Name = aPrm.Code = aParam.Name; CustomHandlerParam param = new CustomHandlerParam(aParam, aPrm); param.Convert(); if (param.Params) { aPrm.SetExtendedAttribute("C++.params", "true"); } }
public void ProcessAFile(string aName, Encoding encode) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("reverse file: {0}", aName)); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(aName, encode); _lexer = new LZ.Lexer.CPP.Lexer(reader); LZ.Lexer.Token tokenFirst = null, token = null; int i = 0; do { i++; token = _lexer.NextToken(); if (token.kind == 0) break; if (tokenFirst == null) { tokenFirst = token; } //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}. {1}", i, GetTokenText(token))); } while (token.kind != 0); tokenCurrent = null; tokenCurrent = tokenFirst; string sModifier = "private"; // 0=private;1=protected;2=public; bool isInTypeDef = false, isParameter = false, isGenericType = false; while (tokenCurrent != null && != null) { string word = tokenCurrent.val; TypeInfo ti = null; switch (word) { case "template": isGenericType = true; ReadTemplate(); break; case "class": sModifier = "private"; ti = new TypeInfo(); ti.Comment = aName; ti.IsGenericType = isGenericType; ProcessAType(ref ti, ref sModifier, false); isGenericType = false; ////if (ti.IsClass) AddClassifier(ti, true); if (!this._work.Contains(ti)) { this._work.Push(ti); } break; case "struct": // 跳过在类型定义体中的struct关键字 if (isParameter) break; ti = new TypeInfo(); ti.Comment = aName; sModifier = "public"; ti.IsValueType = true; ti.IsGenericType = isGenericType; ProcessAType(ref ti, ref sModifier, true); isGenericType = false; if (ti.IsClass && !this._work.Contains(ti)) { this._work.Push(ti); } ////if (ti.IsClass) AddClassifier(ti, true); break; case "typedef": isInTypeDef = true; break; case ";": isInTypeDef = false; break; case "(": isParameter = true; break; case ")": isParameter = false; break; default: break; } if (tokenCurrent == null) break; tokenCurrent =; } // 关闭文件 reader.Close(); _lexer = null; }
public static TypeMapping Retrieve(TypeInfo aType, ref bool bCreate) { if (aType.IsGenericType && !aType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { //aType = aType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); } ////if (aType.IsGenericParameter) ////{ //// return DefineExtraType(aType, aType.Name); ////} TypeMapping mapping = (TypeMapping)_tabType[aType]; if (mapping != null) { bCreate = false; return mapping; } if (!bCreate) { bCreate = false; return null; } mapping = (TypeMapping)_tabCheck[aType.Code]; if (mapping != null) { _tabType[aType] = mapping; bCreate = false; return mapping; } mapping = new TypeMapping(aType); mapping._classifier = aType.IsClass; bCreate = true; return mapping; }
public static TypeMapping DefineExtraType(string aName) { TypeInfo aType = new TypeInfo(); aType.Code = aType.Name = aName; aType.Modifier = "public"; TypeMapping mapping = (TypeMapping)_tabType[aType]; if (mapping == null) { mapping = new TypeMapping(aType); if (aName != "") { mapping._name = aName; } mapping.Complete = true; } return mapping; }