        // Once ProcessNextModule has found an executable module
        public void ExecuteModule(Module previous, KeyValuePair <GameObject, Sentence> moduleSentancePair, ParameterBundle bundle, char symbol, bool baked)
            if (previous == null)
                return;                  // if object is destroyed externally

            if (moduleSentancePair.Key == null)

            ParameterBundle newBundle = new ParameterBundle(bundle);

            newBundle.SetOrPut("Sentence", moduleSentancePair.Value);

            GameObject moduleInstance = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(moduleSentancePair.Key);
            Module     module         = moduleInstance.GetComponent <Module>();

            module.previous = previous;
            moduleInstance.transform.SetParent(previous.transform, true);

            module.symbol = symbol;

            //Seeds are baked separately so their baked value must not be overwritten.
            //Is there a way to avoid this special case in module?
            if (module.GetType() != typeof(Seed))
                module.baked = baked;


            if (prefabIdentifier != null)
                module.prefabIdentifier = prefabIdentifier;
            if (baked)
        // Entry point when pre-baking LSystem.
        public override void Bake(ParameterBundle bundle)
            //Get parameters
            Quaternion         rotation;
            Sentence           sentence;
            CharGameObjectDict implementations;
            int     generation;
            RuleSet rules;

            // Check valid state for growing
            if (!GetCoreParameters(bundle, out sentence, out implementations, out rules) ||
                !GetPositionParameters(bundle, out generation, out rotation))

            // Setup Renderer
            if ((filter = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>()) == null)
                filter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            if ((branchRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()) == null)
                branchRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            branchRenderer.material = branchMaterial;

            //Match start position to previous position. As growth progresses position will be offset
            //While rotation stays the same
            transform.position = previous.transform.position;
            transform.rotation = rotation;

            // Try and pick up length and radius where last branch left off.
            float length, radius;

            if (bundle.Get("BranchLength", out length))
                startLength = length;
            if (bundle.Get("BranchRadius", out radius))
                startRadius = radius;
            if (bundle.Get("BranchFaceNum", out faces))
                startFaceNum = faces;

            int branchIndex = 0;

            bundle.Get("BakedBranchIndex", out branchIndex);

            GrowLoopCallback growLoopCallback;

            bundle.Get("GrowLoopCallback", out growLoopCallback);

            radius = startRadius;
            length = startLength;
            faces  = startFaceNum;

            // Since we don't want to continue drawing where it doesn't matter!
            // Note that future emergence is killed here.
            if (length < lengthCutoff || radius < radiusCutoff)

            // Update end object to final position and execute
            if (endObject != null)
                endObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(endObject, transform);
                Module mod = endObject.GetComponent <Module>();
                if (mod != null)
                    AssignPrevious(mod, this);
                    if (mod.GetType() != typeof(Seed))
                endObject.transform.rotation = rotation;

            //TODO: used to be the heading.. does this work?
            transform.position += transform.up * length;

            // Bake or reuse mesh.
            // Meshes are reused based on prefabIdentifier
            bool meshNeeded = false;
            List <MeshFilter> sharedFilters;

            if (bakedPrefabFilters.TryGetValue(prefabIdentifier, out sharedFilters))
                if (sharedFilters.Count > branchIndex)
                    filter.mesh = sharedFilters[branchIndex].sharedMesh;
                    meshNeeded = true;
                bakedPrefabFilters.Add(prefabIdentifier, new List <MeshFilter>());
                meshNeeded = true;

            if (meshNeeded)
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, previous.transform.position);
                bottomRadius = startRadius;
                UpdateBranch(Vector3.up * -distance, distance, bottomRadius * bottomRadiusMultiplier,
                             radius * radiusChangeCoefficient, Mathf.Max(2, (int)(faces)));

            if (endObject != null)
                endObject.transform.position = transform.position;
                endObject.transform.rotation = rotation;

            // Update parameters for next branch
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchLength", length * lengthChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchRadius", radius * radiusChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchFaceNum", faces * faceNumChangeCoefficient);

            bundle.SetOrPut("BakedBranchIndex", ++branchIndex);

            if (setStaticOnComplete)
                gameObject.isStatic = true;

            BakeNextModule(transform, sentence, implementations, rules, bundle);
        IEnumerator Grow(ParameterBundle bundle)
            //Get parameters
            Quaternion         rotation;
            Sentence           sentence;
            CharGameObjectDict implementations;
            int     generation;
            RuleSet rules;

            // Check valid state for growing
            if (!GetCoreParameters(bundle, out sentence, out implementations, out rules) ||
                !GetPositionParameters(bundle, out generation, out rotation))
                yield break;

            // Setup Renderer
            if ((filter = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>()) == null)
                filter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            if ((branchRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()) == null)
                branchRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            branchRenderer.material = branchMaterial;

            // Match start position to previous position. As growth progresses position will be offset
            // While rotation stays the same
            transform.position = previous.transform.position;
            transform.rotation = rotation;

            // Try and pick up length and radius where last branch left off.
            float length, radius, growSpeed;

            if (bundle.Get("BranchLength", out length))
                startLength = length;
            if (bundle.Get("BranchRadius", out radius))
                startRadius = radius;
            if (bundle.Get("BranchGrowSpeed", out growSpeed))
                startGrowSpeed = growSpeed;
            if (bundle.Get("BranchFaceNum", out faces))
                startFaceNum = faces;

            GrowLoopCallback growLoopCallback;

            bundle.Get("GrowLoopCallback", out growLoopCallback);

            radius    = startRadius;
            length    = startLength;
            growSpeed = startGrowSpeed;
            faces     = startFaceNum;

            // Since we don't want to continue drawing where it doesn't matter!
            // Note that future emergence is killed here.
            if (length < lengthCutoff || radius < radiusCutoff)
                yield break;

            if (endObject != null)
                endObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(endObject, transform);
                Module mod = endObject.GetComponent <Module>();
                if (mod != null)
                    AssignPrevious(mod, this);
                    if (mod.GetType() != typeof(Seed))
                endObject.transform.rotation = rotation;

            // Update mesh and extend transform towards final position
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, previous.transform.position);

            while (distance < length)
                float completionRatio = distance / length;
                transform.position += transform.up * Mathf.Min(/*heading.magnitude * */ Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Lerp(startGrowSpeed,
                                                                                                                    growSpeed * growSpeedChangeCoefficient, completionRatio), length);
                distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, previous.transform.position);

                bottomRadius = Mathf.Lerp(0, startRadius, completionRatio);
                UpdateBranch(Vector3.up * -distance, distance, bottomRadius * bottomRadiusMultiplier,
                             topRadius * topRadiusMultiplier, Mathf.Max(2, (int)(faces)));
                if (growLoopCallback != null)

                if (endObject != null)
                    endObject.transform.position = transform.position;
                    endObject.transform.rotation = rotation;

                yield return(null);
            bottomRadius = startRadius;

            // Update parameters for next branch
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchLength", length * lengthChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchRadius", radius * radiusChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchGrowSpeed", growSpeed * growSpeedChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("BranchFaceNum", faces * faceNumChangeCoefficient);

            // For coordination between branches
            growLoopCallback = NextBranchGrowLoopCallback;
            bundle.SetOrPut("GrowLoopCallback", growLoopCallback);

            if (setStaticOnComplete)
                gameObject.isStatic = true;

            EnqueueProcessNextModule(transform, sentence, implementations, rules, bundle);
        public void AnyExecute(ParameterBundle bundle)

            if (previous != null)
                transform.position = previous.transform.position;

            Sentence sentence = new Sentence(axiom);

            if (generateMode == GenMode.PreEdgeRewrite)
                //Pre calculate final sentence.
                for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                    sentence = rules.NextGeneration(sentence);
                rules.Fertile = false;
                bundle.SetOrPut("Iterations", 0);
            else // if(preGrow == GenMode.IterateNodeRewrite)
                rules.Fertile = true;
                bundle.SetOrPut("Iterations", iterations);

            bundle.SetOrPut("Generation", 0);
            bundle.SetOrPut("Sentence", sentence);
            bundle.SetOrPut("Implementations", implementations);
            bundle.SetOrPut("RuleSet", rules);

            if (!bundle.Exists("Position"))
                bundle.Put("Position", transform.position);

            if (!inheritRotation)
                bundle.SetOrPut("Rotation", transform.rotation);
            else if (!bundle.Exists("Rotation"))
                bundle.Put("Rotation", transform.rotation);

            // execute modules in the axiom
            if (!executed)
                executed = true;

                if (baked)
                    BakeNextModule(transform, sentence, implementations, rules, bundle);
                    EnqueueProcessNextModule(transform, sentence, implementations, rules, bundle);
        // Run the update loop to grow the mesh when not baked
        IEnumerator Grow(ParameterBundle bundle)
            //Get parameters
            Quaternion         rotation;
            Sentence           sentence;
            CharGameObjectDict implementations;
            int     generation;
            RuleSet rules;

            // Check valid state for growing
            if (!GetCoreParameters(bundle, out sentence, out implementations, out rules) ||
                !GetPositionParameters(bundle, out generation, out rotation))
                yield break;

            float medialSize, lateralSize, growTime;

            if (bundle.Get("LeafMedialSize", out medialSize))
                startMedialSize = medialSize;
            if (bundle.Get("LeafLateralSize", out lateralSize))
                startLateralSize = lateralSize;
            if (bundle.Get("LeafGrowTime", out growTime))
                startGrowTime = growTime;

            transform.position = previous.transform.position;
            transform.rotation = rotation;

            float time = 1f;

            if (animate)
                time = 0f;
            while (time < startGrowTime)
                time += Time.deltaTime;
                UpdateMesh(time / startGrowTime, offset);
                yield return(null);

            bundle.SetOrPut("LeafMedialSize", startMedialSize * medialSizeChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("LeafLateralSize", startLateralSize * lateralSizeChangeCoefficient);
            bundle.SetOrPut("LeafGrowTime", startGrowTime * growTimeChangeCoefficient);

            if (setStaticOnComplete)
                gameObject.isStatic = true;

            EnqueueProcessNextModule(transform, sentence, implementations, rules, bundle);

            if (continuousUpdate)
                while (true)
                    UpdateMesh(1f, offset);
                    yield return(null);