public Response Get(string taskType, string taskName = null, string template = null, string alias = null)

            // when exporting we dont need to know what was task type
            var name = taskName ?? taskType;

            var definition = new ExportTaskDefinition(name, template, alias);

            var response = new TaskResponse
                OutputFilePath = this.LISpMiner.Export(definition)

            return response;
        public string Export(ExportTaskDefinition definition)
            if (definition == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.TaskName))
                throw new ArgumentException("No LISpMiner instance or task defined.");

            var exporter = this.CreateExporter();

                var output = string.Format("{0}/results_{1}_{2:yyyyMMdd-Hmmss}.xml", GetDataFolder(), definition.TaskFileName, DateTime.Now);

                exporter.Output             = output;
                exporter.Template           = string.Format(@"{0}\Sewebar\Template\{1}", exporter.LMExecutablesPath, definition.Template);
                exporter.TaskName           = definition.TaskName;
                exporter.NoEscapeSeqUnicode = true;

                // try to export results

                if (!File.Exists(output))
                    throw new LISpMinerException("Results generation did not succeed. Task possibly does not exist but no appLog generated.");

                // clean up
                exporter.Output   = String.Empty;
                exporter.Template = String.Empty;
                exporter.TaskName = String.Empty;