        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, EntitySprite player)
            if (heal)                                                                                                      // if they were healing it
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(player.POSRect.X, player.POSRect.Y - rectangle.Height), Color.Pink); //draws the pink sword of healing

                if (cooldown <= 0)                                                                                         // if the cooldown is < 0
                    heal = false;                                                                                          // sets heal to false
            switch (swinging)  // this is the switch to determine if they are swinging or not
            case Swinging.Not: //if their not it doesnt draw

            case Swinging.Is:    //if it is it draws the sword
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture, Position, null, Color.White, rotation, spriteOrigin, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        public bool swinged;                                                            //this is a bool to check if they swung named swinged
        public Weapon(Texture2D newTexture, Rectangle newRectangle, EntitySprite Owner) ////this creates the sword using just a texture and rectangle
            owner    = Owner;
            Position = new Vector2(newRectangle.X, newRectangle.Y);//it sets the position using the rectangles position

            texture      = newTexture;
            rectangle    = newRectangle;
            spriteOrigin = new Vector2(rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Height);// and the origin is the center of the width of thw sword but the bottom of the height, that wat it rotats from the handle, not the center
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, EntitySprite Player, int width, int height, Rectangle rectangle) // this is used for updateting the camera and takes in the playersprite so it cantrack the player
            centre = new Vector2(Player.Position.X, Player.Position.Y);                                        // this is the centre of the camera and will always be at the players position

            float left   = centre.X - rectangle.Width / 2;
            float top    = centre.Y - rectangle.Height * 2 / 3;
            float right  = centre.X + rectangle.Width / 2;
            float bottom = centre.Y + rectangle.Height / 3;

            if (left <= 0)
                centrer.X = rectangle.Width / 2;
            else if (right >= width)
                centrer.X = width - rectangle.Width / 2;
                centrer.X = centre.X;// it just follows the characters x
            if (top <= 0)
                centrer.Y = rectangle.Height * 2 / 3;
            else if (bottom >= height)
                centrer.Y = height - rectangle.Height / 3;
                centrer.Y = centre.Y;                                                                  // and y
            transform =                                                                                // this is the camera transformation matrix, i watched a 3 hour lecture and vaguely understand whats going on here
                        Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-centrer.X, -centrer.Y, 0)) *             //so it creates a matrix translation using the inverse of the center(because cameras take in light upsidedown or something like that) then it multiplies it by the next line
                        Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(0.75f, 0.75f, 0)) *                             //this creates a scale for the transormation. This scale is 0.75times the size of the actual game it then multiplies it by the next line
                        Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(view.Width / 2, view.Height * 2 / 3, 0)); //this creates the translation so it can follow the player but not in the top left but rather in the centre of the viewport
        public void update(MouseState mouse, Viewport view, EntitySprite player, BinaryWriter writer, MemoryStream writeStream, TcpClient client) //this is the update method
            if (mouse.X < view.Width / 2 && swinged == false)                                                                                     //if the mouse if on the left side of the screen it sets swung to left
                SWUNG = swung.left;
            else if (mouse.X >= view.Width / 2 && swinged == false)//if its on the right and they havent swung it sets it to right
                SWUNG = swung.right;
            if (mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && ((PlayerStats)player).mana >= 20 && cooldown <= 0) //if they rightclick and it isnt on cooldown and they have enough mana
                ((PlayerStats)player).mana   = -20;                                                            //it takes the mana
                ((PlayerStats)player).health = ((PlayerStats)player).intelligence;                             //and heals them
                cooldown             = 100;                                                                    //and puts the spell on CD
                heal                 = true;                                                                   //and makes the heal bool true
                writeStream.Position = 0;
                SendData(GetDataFromMemoryStream(writeStream), client);
            else if (cooldown > 0)                           // the the cooldown is greater than 0
                cooldown--;                                  //it reduces the cooldown
            switch (swinging)                                // the switch to see if their swinging
            case Swinging.Not:                               //if their not
                rotation = 0;                                // it removes the rotation from the sword

                if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) // when they left click
                    swinging = Swinging.Is;                  // it changes state to swinging

            case Swinging.Is:    //if they are swinging
                if (timer == 0)
                    writeStream.Position = 0;
                    if (mouse.X < view.Width / 2)
                    SendData(GetDataFromMemoryStream(writeStream), client);
                swing();                                                   //it swings
                timer++;                                                   // and adds to the time
                if (timer > interval - ((PlayerStats)player).aSpeed / .98) // if the timer has been running for longer than the interval - aspeed
                    timer    = 0;                                          //it sets the timer to 0
                    swinging = Swinging.Not;                               //and it sets swinging to not
                    swinged  = false;                                      //and swinged to false to reset all the stuff