private IEnumerator LoadSceneAsync(SceneProperties _scene) { previousScene = currentScene; currentScene = _scene; LoadingScreenProperties _loadingScreen = null; // if this scene have loading screen if (_scene.isLoadingScreen) { // if is anything in loading screens array if (loadingScreens.Count > 0) { // if scane loading screen indeks is in this array if (_scene.loadingScreenIndex < loadingScreens.Count) { _loadingScreen = loadingScreens[_scene.loadingScreenIndex]; } else // if not then set first loading screen { _loadingScreen = loadingScreens[0]; } } // if this scene is first in game dont fade out from previouse if (previousScene.scene != null) { // if nextscene has loading screen fadeOut from scene FadeOut(_loadingScreen); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_loadingScreen.fadeOutDuration)); } } // load scene asynch AsyncOperation ao = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(_scene.buildIndex, _scene.loadSceneMode); // while loading while (!ao.isDone) { float progress = Mathf.Clamp01(ao.progress / 0.9f); //Debug.Log("Loading progress: " + (progress * 100) + "%"); // if is loading screen then push there progress e.g for progress bars if (_scene.isLoadingScreen) { _loadingScreen.OnLoading(progress); } yield return(null); } // if scene is loaded and has loading screen then FadeIn to scene if (_scene.isLoadingScreen) { FadeIn(_loadingScreen); } // close opened ui when loaded new scene if (_scene.closeAllUIScreenImmediately) { UIManager.Instance.CloseAllUIScreenImmediately(); } UIDebug.PrintDebug(UIDebug.DebugType.SCENE, transform, "UISceneManager", "LoadSceneAsync", "Scene loaded build index " + _scene.buildIndex + "."); // invoke event on loaded scene (open some new ui or something) _scene.OnSceneLoaded(); }
private void FadeOut(LoadingScreenProperties _loadingScreen) { if (_loadingScreen.canvasGroup) { UIDebug.PrintDebug(UIDebug.DebugType.SCENE, transform, "UISceneManager", "FadeOut", "Fade out loading screen " + + "."); StartCoroutine(_FadeOut(_loadingScreen)); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Cant fade out loading screen because is not selected"); } }
private IEnumerator _FadeOut(LoadingScreenProperties _loadingScreen) { if (_loadingScreen.fadeInDuration == 0) { _loadingScreen.canvasGroup.alpha = 1f; yield return(null); } else { _loadingScreen.OnLoading(0f); float lerpTime = 0f; while (lerpTime < _loadingScreen.fadeInDuration) { _loadingScreen.canvasGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, (lerpTime / _loadingScreen.fadeInDuration)); lerpTime += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } _loadingScreen.canvasGroup.alpha = 1f; } }