Inheritance: MenuItem
        /// <summary>
        /// Erstelle einen neuen TextInputDialog.
        /// </summary>
        public TextInputDialog(IScreen screen, DisplayLayer drawOrder, string title, string text, string inputText)
            : base(screen, drawOrder, title)
            textItem = new TextItem (screen, drawOrder, String.Empty);

            Cancel = (time) => {
                Close (time);
            Submit = (time) => {
                Close (time);

            Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (screen, 0.5f, 0.3f);
            // Der Titel-Text ist mittig ausgerichtet
            AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            menu = new Menu (Screen, Index + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            menu.Bounds = ContentBounds;
            menu.Bounds.Padding = new ScreenPoint (screen, 0.010f, 0.019f);
            menu.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            menu.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            //die Texteingabe
            textInput = new InputItem (Screen, Index + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, text, inputText);
            menu.Add (textInput);
            menu.Add (textItem);
            textInput.IsEnabled = true;
            textInput.IsInputEnabled = true;
            textInput.NameWidth = 0.35f;
            textInput.ValueWidth = 0.65f;

            ValidKeys.AddRange (new Keys[] { Keys.Enter, Keys.Escape });
 public ConfirmDialog(IScreen screen, DisplayLayer drawOrder, string title, string text)
     : this(screen, drawOrder, title)
     // Die Textanzeige
     foreach (string line in text.Split('\n'))
         TextItem displayText = new TextItem(Screen, Index + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, line);
     menu.RelativeItemHeight = Design.DataItemHeight;
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt ein neues CreativeLoadScreen-Objekt und initialisiert dieses mit einem Knot3Game-Objekt.
        /// </summary>
        public CreativeLoadScreen(GameCore game)
            : base(game)
            savegameMenu = new Menu (this, DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            savegameMenu.Bounds.Position = ScreenContentBounds.Position;
            savegameMenu.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.300f, ScreenContentBounds.Size.Relative.Y);
            savegameMenu.Bounds.Padding = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.010f, 0.010f);
            savegameMenu.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            savegameMenu.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            savegameMenu.ItemBackgroundColor = Design.ComboBoxItemBackgroundColorFunc;
            savegameMenu.ItemForegroundColor = Design.ComboBoxItemForegroundColorFunc;
            savegameMenu.RelativeItemHeight = Design.DataItemHeight;

            lines.AddPoints (.000f, .050f, .030f, .970f, .620f, .895f, .740f, .970f, .760f, .895f, .880f, .970f, .970f, .050f, 1.000f);

            title = new TextItem (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, text: "Load Knot");
            title.Bounds.Position = ScreenTitleBounds.Position;
            title.Bounds.Size = ScreenTitleBounds.Size;
            title.ForegroundColorFunc = (s) => Color.White;

            infoTitle = new TextItem (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, text: "Knot Info:");
            infoTitle.Bounds.Position = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.45f, 0.62f);
            infoTitle.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.900f, 0.050f);
            infoTitle.ForegroundColorFunc = (s) => Color.White;

            knotInfo = new Menu (this, DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            knotInfo.Bounds.Position = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.47f, 0.70f);
            knotInfo.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.300f, 0.500f);
            knotInfo.Bounds.Padding = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.010f, 0.010f);
            knotInfo.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            knotInfo.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            // Erstelle einen Parser für das Dateiformat
            KnotFileIO fileFormat = new KnotFileIO ();
            // Erstelle einen Spielstand-Loader
            loader = new SavegameLoader<Knot, KnotMetaData> (fileFormat, "index-knots");

            // Preview
            Bounds previewBounds = new Bounds (this, 0.45f, 0.1f, 0.48f, 0.5f);
            previewWorld = new World (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.GameWorld,
                bounds: previewBounds
            previewRenderer = new KnotRenderer (screen: this, position: Vector3.Zero);
            previewWorld.Add (previewRenderer);
            previewBorder = new Border (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.GameWorld,
                bounds: previewBounds,
                lineWidth: 2,
                padding: 0
            previewInput = new KnotInputHandler (screen: this, world: previewWorld);
            previewMouseHandler = new ModelMouseHandler (screen: this, world: previewWorld);

            backButton = new Button (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Back",
                onClick: (time) => NextScreen = Game.Screens.Where ((s) => !(s is CreativeLoadScreen)).ElementAt (0)
            backButton.AddKey (Keys.Escape);
            backButton.SetCoordinates (left: 0.770f, top: 0.910f, right: 0.870f, bottom: 0.960f);
            backButton.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            startButton = new Button (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Load",
                onClick: (time) => NextScreen = new CreativeModeScreen (game: Game, knot: loader.FileFormat.Load (previewKnotMetaData.Filename))
            startButton.IsVisible = false;
            startButton.AddKey (Keys.Enter);
            startButton.SetCoordinates (left: 0.630f, top: 0.910f, right: 0.730f, bottom: 0.960f);
            startButton.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt eine neue Instanz eines ChallengeCreateScreen-Objekts und initialisiert diese mit einem Knot3Game-Objekt game.
        /// </summary>
        public ChallengeCreateScreen(GameCore game)
            : base(game)
            startKnotMenu = new Menu (this, DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            startKnotMenu.Bounds = ScreenContentBounds.FromLeft (0.47f).FromTop (0.98f);
            startKnotMenu.ItemBackgroundColor = Design.ComboBoxItemBackgroundColorFunc;
            startKnotMenu.ItemForegroundColor = Design.ComboBoxItemForegroundColorFunc;
            startKnotMenu.RelativeItemHeight = Design.DataItemHeight;

            targetKnotMenu = new Menu (this, DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            targetKnotMenu.Bounds = ScreenContentBounds.FromRight (0.47f).FromTop (0.98f);
            targetKnotMenu.ItemBackgroundColor = Design.ComboBoxItemBackgroundColorFunc;
            targetKnotMenu.ItemForegroundColor = Design.ComboBoxItemForegroundColorFunc;
            targetKnotMenu.RelativeItemHeight = Design.DataItemHeight;

            challengeName = new InputItem (this, DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, "Name:", String.Empty);
            challengeName.Bounds.Position = ScreenContentBounds.Position + ScreenContentBounds.Size.OnlyY + new ScreenPoint (this, 0f, 0.050f);
            challengeName.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.375f, 0.040f);
            challengeName.OnValueChanged += () => TryConstructChallenge ();
            challengeName.NameWidth = 0.2f;
            challengeName.ValueWidth = 0.8f;

            createButton = new Button (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Create!",
                onClick: OnCreateChallenge
            createButton.Bounds.Position = ScreenContentBounds.Position + ScreenContentBounds.FromLeft (0.50f).Size + new ScreenPoint (this, 0f, 0.050f);
            createButton.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.125f, 0.050f);

            createButtonBorder = new Border (this, DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, createButton, 4, 4);
            createButton.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            startKnotMenu.Bounds.Padding = targetKnotMenu.Bounds.Padding = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.010f, 0.010f);
            startKnotMenu.ItemAlignX = targetKnotMenu.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            startKnotMenu.ItemAlignY = targetKnotMenu.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            lines.AddPoints (.000f, .050f, .030f, .970f, .760f, .895f, .880f, .970f, .970f, .050f, 1.000f);

            title = new TextItem (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, text: "Create Challenge");
            title.Bounds.Position = ScreenTitleBounds.Position;
            title.Bounds.Size = ScreenTitleBounds.Size;
            title.ForegroundColorFunc = (s) => Color.White;

            // Erstelle einen Parser für das Dateiformat
            KnotFileIO fileFormat = new KnotFileIO ();
            // Erstelle einen Spielstand-Loader
            loader = new SavegameLoader<Knot, KnotMetaData> (fileFormat, "index-knots");

            backButton = new Button (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Back",
                onClick: (time) => NextScreen = Game.Screens.Where ((s) => !(s is ChallengeCreateScreen)).ElementAt (0)
            backButton.AddKey (Keys.Escape);
            backButton.SetCoordinates (left: 0.770f, top: 0.910f, right: 0.870f, bottom: 0.960f);

            backButton.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt eine neue Instanz eines ChallengeModeScreen-Objekts und initialisiert diese mit einem Knot3Game-Objekt, einem Spielerknoten playerKnot und dem Knoten challengeKnot, den der Spieler nachbauen soll.
        /// </summary>
        public ChallengeModeScreen(GameCore game, Challenge challenge)
            : base(game)
            // world
            PlayerWorld = new World (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.GameWorld, bounds: Bounds.FromRight (percent: 0.5f));
            ChallengeWorld = new World (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.GameWorld, bounds: Bounds.FromLeft (percent: 0.5f));
            ChallengeWorld.Camera = PlayerWorld.Camera;
            PlayerWorld.OnRedraw += () => ChallengeWorld.Redraw = true;
            ChallengeWorld.OnRedraw += () => PlayerWorld.Redraw = true;
            // input
            playerKnotInput = new KnotInputHandler (screen: this, world: PlayerWorld);
            challengeKnotInput = new KnotInputHandler (screen: this, world: ChallengeWorld);
            // overlay
            overlay = new Overlay (screen: this, world: PlayerWorld);
            // pointer
            pointer = new MousePointer (screen: this);
            // model mouse handler
            playerModelMouseHandler = new ModelMouseHandler (screen: this, world: PlayerWorld);
            challengeModelMouseHandler = new ModelMouseHandler (screen: this, world: ChallengeWorld);

            // knot renderer
            PlayerKnotRenderer = new KnotRenderer (screen: this, position: Vector3.Zero);
            PlayerWorld.Add (PlayerKnotRenderer);
            ChallengeKnotRenderer = new KnotRenderer (screen: this, position: Vector3.Zero);
            ChallengeWorld.Add (ChallengeKnotRenderer);

            // debug displays
            debugBoundings = new DebugBoundings (screen: this, position: Vector3.Zero);

            // edge movements
            PlayerEdgeMovement = new EdgeMovement (screen: this, world: PlayerWorld, knotRenderer: PlayerKnotRenderer, position: Vector3.Zero);
            PlayerEdgeMovement.KnotMoved = OnKnotMoved;

            // assign the specified challenge
            Challenge = challenge;
            // assign the specified player knot
            PlayerKnot = challenge.Start.Clone () as Knot;
            // assign the specified target knot
            ChallengeKnotRenderer.RenderKnot (challenge.Target);
            // assign the specified start knot
            PlayerKnotRenderer.RenderKnot (PlayerKnot);

            SkyCube playerSkyCube = new SkyCube (screen: this, position: Vector3.Zero, distance: 10000);
            PlayerWorld.Add (playerSkyCube);
            SkyCube challengeSkyCube = new SkyCube (screen: this, position: Vector3.Zero, distance: 10000);
            ChallengeWorld.Add (challengeSkyCube);

            // Die Spielzeit-Anzeige
            playTimeDisplay = new TextItem (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, text: String.Empty);
            playTimeDisplay.Bounds.Position = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.800f, 0.01f);
            playTimeDisplay.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (this, 0.15f, 0.04f);
            playTimeDisplay.BackgroundColorFunc = (s) => Design.WidgetBackground;
            playTimeDisplay.ForegroundColorFunc = (s) => Design.WidgetForeground;
            playTimeDisplay.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            playTimeBorder = new Border (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                                         widget: playTimeDisplay, lineWidth: 2, padding: 0);
            undoButton = new Button (screen: this,
                                     drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                                     name: "Undo",
                                     onClick: (time) => OnUndo ());
            undoButton.SetCoordinates (left: 0.55f, top: 0.900f, right: 0.65f, bottom: 0.95f);

            undoButtonBorder = new Border (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                                           widget: undoButton, lineWidth: 2, padding: 0);
            undoButton.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            undoButton.IsVisible = false;

            // Redo-Button
            redoButton = new Button (
                screen: this,
                drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Redo",
                onClick: (time) => OnRedo ()
            redoButton.SetCoordinates (left: 0.70f, top: 0.900f, right: 0.80f, bottom: 0.95f);

            redoButtonBorder = new Border (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.ScreenUI + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                                           widget: redoButton, lineWidth: 2, padding: 0);
            redoButton.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            redoButton.IsVisible = false;

            // die Linien
            lines = new Lines (screen: this, drawOrder: DisplayLayer.Dialog, lineWidth: 2);
            lines.AddPoints (0.500f, 0.000f, 0.500f, 1.000f);

            // Status
            state = ChallengeModeState.Start;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public HighscoreDialog(IScreen screen, DisplayLayer drawOrder, Challenge challenge)
            : base(screen, drawOrder, "Highscores")
            // Der Titel-Text ist mittig ausgerichtet
            AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (screen, 0.60f, 0.5f);

            // Erstelle das Highscore-Menü
            highscoreList = new Menu (Screen, Index + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            highscoreList.Bounds = ContentBounds;
            highscoreList.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            highscoreList.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            if (challenge.Highscore != null) {
                //sotiert die Highscoreliste wird nach der Zeit sotiert
                int highscoreCounter = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> entry in challenge.Highscore.OrderBy (key => key.Value)) {
                    TimeSpan playTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (entry.Value);
                    string formattedPlayTime = (playTime.Hours * 60 + playTime.Minutes).ToString ("D2") + "m " + playTime.Seconds.ToString ("D2") + "s";

                    TextItem firstScore = new TextItem (screen, drawOrder, formattedPlayTime + "    " + entry.Key);
                    highscoreList.Add (firstScore);
                    if (highscoreCounter > 8) {

            buttons = new Container (screen, Index + DisplayLayer.Menu);
            buttons.ItemBackgroundColor =(s) => Design.DialogBackground;
            buttons.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            // Button zum Neustarten der Challenge
            Action<GameTime> restartAction = (time) => {
                Close (time);
                Screen.NextScreen = new ChallengeModeScreen (Screen.Game, challenge);
            MenuEntry restartButton = new MenuEntry (
                screen: Screen,
                drawOrder: Index + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Restart challenge",
                onClick: restartAction
            restartButton.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (screen, ContentBounds.Size.Relative.X / 2, 0.05f);
            restartButton.Bounds.Position = ContentBounds.Position + ContentBounds.Size.OnlyY
                                            - restartButton.Bounds.Size.OnlyY;
            buttons.Add (restartButton);

            // Button für die Rückkehr zum StartScreen
            Action<GameTime> returnAction = (time) => {
                Close (time);
                Screen.NextScreen = new StartScreen (Screen.Game);
            MenuEntry returnButton = new MenuEntry (
                screen: Screen,
                drawOrder: Index + DisplayLayer.MenuItem,
                name: "Return to menu",
                onClick: returnAction
            returnButton.Bounds.Size = new ScreenPoint (screen, ContentBounds.Size.Relative.X / 2, 0.05f);
            returnButton.Bounds.Position = ContentBounds.Position + ContentBounds.Size.OnlyY
                                           - returnButton.Bounds.Size.OnlyY + ContentBounds.Size.OnlyX / 2;
            buttons.Add (returnButton);
 public ConfirmDialog(IScreen screen, DisplayLayer drawOrder, string title, string text)
     : this(screen, drawOrder, title)
     // Die Textanzeige
     foreach (string line in text.Split ('\n')) {
         TextItem displayText = new TextItem (Screen, Index + DisplayLayer.MenuItem, line);
         menu.Add (displayText);
     menu.RelativeItemHeight = Design.DataItemHeight;