        private void BlocksPage()
            if (c_Contract == null)


            int y = 0;

            AddHtml(0, y        += 10, Width, 20, HTML.White + "<CENTER>Create the Area", false, false);
            AddBackground(40, y += 20, Width - 80, 3, 0x13BE);

            y += 10;

            if (!General.HasOtherContract(c_Contract.ParentHouse, c_Contract))
                AddHtml(60, y, 90, 25, HTML.White + "Entire House", false, false);
                AddButton(30, y, c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 0xD3 : 0xD2, c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 0xD3 : 0xD2, "Entire House", new TimerCallback(EntireHouse));

            if (!c_Contract.EntireHouse)
                AddHtml(170, y, 70, 20, HTML.White + "Add Area", false, false);
                AddButton(240, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Add Area", new TimerCallback(AddBlock));

                AddHtml(170, y += 20, 70, 20, HTML.White + "Clear All", false, false);
                AddButton(240, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Clear All", new TimerCallback(ClearBlocks));

            string helptext = String.Format("   Welcome to the rental contract setup menu!  To begin, you must " +
                                            "first create the area which you wish to sell.  As seen above, there are two ways to do this: " +
                                            "rent the entire house, or parts of it.  As you create the area, a simple preview will show you exactly " +
                                            "what area you've selected so far.  You can make all sorts of odd shapes by using multiple areas!");

            AddBackground(40, y += 25, Width - 80, 3, 0x13BE);

            y += 10;

            AddHtml(10, y, Width - 20, Height - y - 50, HTML.White + helptext, false, true);

            if (c_Contract.EntireHouse || c_Contract.Blocks.Count != 0)
                AddHtml(Width - 60, Height - 30, 60, 20, HTML.White + "Next", false, false);
                AddButton(Width - 30, Height - 30, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Next", new TimerStateCallback(ChangePage), (int)c_Page + (c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 4 : 1));
        private void BlocksPage(int width, ref int y)
            if (c_Contract == null)


            AddHtml(0, y += 10, width, "<CENTER>Create the Area");
            AddImage(width / 2 - 100, y + 2, 0x39);
            AddImage(width / 2 + 70, y + 2, 0x3B);

            y += 25;

            if (!General.HasOtherContract(c_Contract.ParentHouse, c_Contract))
                AddHtml(60, y, 90, "Entire House");
                AddButton(30, y, c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 0xD3 : 0xD2, "Entire House", EntireHouse);

            if (!c_Contract.EntireHouse)
                AddHtml(170, y, 70, "Add Area");
                AddButton(240, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Add Area", AddBlock);

                AddHtml(170, y += 20, 70, "Clear All");
                AddButton(240, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Clear All", ClearBlocks);

            var helptext =
                    "   Welcome to the rental contract setup menu!  To begin, you must " +
                    "first create the area which you wish to sell.  As seen above, there are two ways to do this: " +
                    "rent the entire house, or parts of it.  As you create the area, a simple preview will show you exactly " +
                    "what area you've selected so far.  You can make all sorts of odd shapes by using multiple areas!");

            AddHtml(10, y += 35, width - 20, 170, helptext, false, false);

            y += 170;

            if (c_Contract.EntireHouse || c_Contract.Blocks.Count != 0)
                AddHtml(width - 60, y += 20, 60, "Next");
                AddButton(width - 30, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Next", ChangePage, (int)c_Page + (c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 4 : 1));
        private void BlocksPage(int width, ref int y)
            if (c_Contract == null)


            AddHtml(0, y += 10, width, "<CENTER>Creer la zone");
            AddImage(width / 2 - 100, y + 2, 0x39);
            AddImage(width / 2 + 70, y + 2, 0x3B);

            y += 25;

            if (!General.HasOtherContract(c_Contract.ParentHouse, c_Contract))
                AddHtml(60, y, 90, "Maison entiere");
                AddButton(30, y, c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 0xD3 : 0xD2, "Maison entiere", new GumpCallback(EntireHouse));

            if (!c_Contract.EntireHouse)
                AddHtml(170, y, 70, "Ajouter zone");
                AddButton(240, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Ajouter zone", new GumpCallback(AddBlock));

                AddHtml(170, y += 20, 70, "Clear All");
                AddButton(240, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Clear All", new GumpCallback(ClearBlocks));

            string helptext = String.Format("Bienvenue sur le menu de configuration contrat de location! Pour commencer, vous devez" +
                                            " d'abord créer la zone que vous souhaitez vendre. Comme on le voit ci-dessus, il ya deux façons de le faire:" +
                                            "louer toute la maison, ou de parties de celle-ci. Lorsque vous créez la zone, un aperçu simple va vous montrer exactement" +
                                            "quelle zone vous avez sélectionné . Vous pouvez faire toutes sortes de formes bizarres en utilisant de multiples zones!");

            AddHtml(10, y += 35, width - 20, 170, helptext, false, false);

            y += 170;

            if (c_Contract.EntireHouse || c_Contract.Blocks.Count != 0)
                AddHtml(width - 60, y += 20, 60, "Next");
                AddButton(width - 30, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, "Next", new GumpStateCallback(ChangePage), (int)c_Page + (c_Contract.EntireHouse ? 4 : 1));