bool usingSerial = false; //change this flag if you don't want to use the arduino control hub (useful for testing) //initialization called in mainwindow.xaml.cs public KinectBehavior_PortHandler(KinectBehavior_FileHandler fh) { //constructor fileHandler = fh; //can set this value to autoenable ports for specific environments or users (useful for developing on one computer and implementing on another) string environmentUserName = ""; if(Environment.UserName == environmentUserName) { usingSerial = true; } //checks to see if the comport exists, if it does then create the comport if (usingSerial && SerialPort.GetPortNames().Any(x => string.Compare(x, ComPortString, true) == 0)) { serialPort1.PortName = ComPortString; serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600; serialPort1.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler); serialPort1.Open(); serialPort1.ReadTimeout = 20; } else { Console.WriteLine("no comPort"); } }
bool usingSerial = false; //change this flag if you don't want to use the arduino control hub (useful for testing) //initialization called in mainwindow.xaml.cs public KinectBehavior_PortHandler(KinectBehavior_FileHandler fh) //constructor { fileHandler = fh; //can set this value to autoenable ports for specific environments or users (useful for developing on one computer and implementing on another) string environmentUserName = ""; if (Environment.UserName == environmentUserName) { usingSerial = true; } //checks to see if the comport exists, if it does then create the comport if (usingSerial && SerialPort.GetPortNames().Any(x => string.Compare(x, ComPortString, true) == 0)) { serialPort1.PortName = ComPortString; serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600; serialPort1.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler); serialPort1.Open(); serialPort1.ReadTimeout = 20; } else { Console.WriteLine("no comPort"); } }
string recipient = ""; //who are you sending the email to (can be same as sender) public KinectBehavior_EmailHandler(KinectBehavior_FileHandler fh) { fileHandler = fh; }