文件: KIconButton.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public void SetIconType(KIconLoader.Group group, KIconLoader.Context context)
     interceptor.Invoke("setIconType$$", "setIconType(KIconLoader::Group, KIconLoader::Context)", typeof(void), typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group, typeof(KIconLoader.Context), context);
文件: KIconButton.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Constructs a KIconButton using a specific KIconLoader.
 /// <param> name="loader" The icon loader to use.
 /// </param><param> name="parent" The parent widget.
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Constructs a KIconButton using a specific KIconLoader.</short>
 public KIconButton(KIconLoader loader, QWidget parent)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KIconButton##", "KIconButton(KIconLoader*, QWidget*)", typeof(void), typeof(KIconLoader), loader, typeof(QWidget), parent);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public string MoviePath(string name, KIconLoader.Group group)
     return (string) interceptor.Invoke("moviePath$$", "moviePath(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group) const", typeof(string), typeof(string), name, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Queries all available icons for a specific context.
 /// <param> name="group_or_size" The icon preferred group or size. If available
 ///  at this group or size, those icons will be returned, in other case,
 ///  icons of undefined size will be returned. Positive numbers are groups,
 ///  negative numbers are negated sizes. See KIconLoader.Group and
 ///  KIconLoader.StdSizes
 /// </param><param> name="context" The icon context.
 /// </param></remarks>        <return> A List<string> containing the icon names
 ///  available for that context
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    Queries all available icons for a specific context.</short>
 public List<string> QueryIconsByContext(int group_or_size, KIconLoader.Context context)
     return (List<string>) interceptor.Invoke("queryIconsByContext$$", "queryIconsByContext(int, KIconLoader::Context) const", typeof(List<string>), typeof(int), group_or_size, typeof(KIconLoader.Context), context);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Loads an animated icon.
 /// <param> name="name" The name of the icon.
 /// </param><param> name="group" The icon group. See loadIcon().
 /// </param><param> name="size" Override the default size for <code>group.</code>
 ///              See KIconLoader.StdSizes.
 /// </param><param> name="parent" The parent object of the returned QMovie.
 /// </param></remarks>        <return> A QMovie object. Can be null if not found or not valid.
 ///          Ownership is passed to the caller.
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    Loads an animated icon.</short>
 public QMovie LoadMovie(string name, KIconLoader.Group group, int size, QObject parent)
     return (QMovie) interceptor.Invoke("loadMovie$$$#", "loadMovie(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group, int, QObject*) const", typeof(QMovie), typeof(string), name, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group, typeof(int), size, typeof(QObject), parent);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public QMovie LoadMovie(string name, KIconLoader.Group group)
     return (QMovie) interceptor.Invoke("loadMovie$$", "loadMovie(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group) const", typeof(QMovie), typeof(string), name, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public QPixmap LoadMimeTypeIcon(string iconName, KIconLoader.Group group, int size, int state, List<string> overlays)
     return (QPixmap) interceptor.Invoke("loadMimeTypeIcon$$$$?", "loadMimeTypeIcon(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group, int, int, const QStringList&) const", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(string), iconName, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group, typeof(int), size, typeof(int), state, typeof(List<string>), overlays);
文件: KIO.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public static QPixmap PixmapForUrl(KUrl _url, long _mode, KIconLoader.Group _group)
     return (QPixmap) staticInterceptor.Invoke("pixmapForUrl#$$", "pixmapForUrl(const KUrl&, mode_t, KIconLoader::Group)", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(KUrl), _url, typeof(long), _mode, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), _group);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public QPixmap LoadIcon(string name, KIconLoader.Group group, int size, int state, List<string> overlays, StringBuilder path_store)
     return (QPixmap) interceptor.Invoke("loadIcon$$$$?$", "loadIcon(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group, int, int, const QStringList&, QString*) const", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(string), name, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group, typeof(int), size, typeof(int), state, typeof(List<string>), overlays, typeof(StringBuilder), path_store);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public QPixmap LoadIcon(string name, KIconLoader.Group group, int size)
     return (QPixmap) interceptor.Invoke("loadIcon$$$", "loadIcon(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group, int) const", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(string), name, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group, typeof(int), size);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public List<string> LoadAnimated(string name, KIconLoader.Group group)
     return (List<string>) interceptor.Invoke("loadAnimated$$", "loadAnimated(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group) const", typeof(List<string>), typeof(string), name, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///      </remarks>        <short>   </short>
 public bool HasContext(KIconLoader.Context context)
     return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("hasContext$", "hasContext(KIconLoader::Context) const", typeof(bool), typeof(KIconLoader.Context), context);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns the current size of the group.
 /// <param> name="group" the group to check.
 /// </param></remarks>        <return> the current size for an icon group.
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    Returns the current size of the group.</short>
 public int CurrentSize(KIconLoader.Group group)
     return (int) interceptor.Invoke("currentSize$", "currentSize(KIconLoader::Group) const", typeof(int), typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group);
文件: KIcon.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Constructor which takes a kde style icon name, and optionally
 ///  a custom icon loader.
 ///  \param iconName The name of the kde icon to load
 ///  \param iconLoader The icon loader to use in loading this icon, or
 ///                    null to use the default global icon loader.
 /// <param> name="overlays" A list of overlays to apply to this icon. They are
 ///                  loaded from the emblems icons and up to four (one per
 ///                  corner) is currently supported
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Constructor which takes a kde style icon name, and optionally  a custom icon loader.</short>
 public KIcon(string iconName, KIconLoader iconLoader, List<string> overlays)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KIcon$#?", "KIcon(const QString&, KIconLoader*, const QStringList&)", typeof(void), typeof(string), iconName, typeof(KIconLoader), iconLoader, typeof(List<string>), overlays);
文件: KIconLoader.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 public QPixmap LoadMimeTypeIcon(string iconName, KIconLoader.Group group)
     return (QPixmap) interceptor.Invoke("loadMimeTypeIcon$$", "loadMimeTypeIcon(const QString&, KIconLoader::Group) const", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(string), iconName, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), group);
文件: KIcon.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  \overload
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    \overload      </short>
 public KIcon(string iconName, KIconLoader iconLoader)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KIcon$#", "KIcon(const QString&, KIconLoader*)", typeof(void), typeof(string), iconName, typeof(KIconLoader), iconLoader);
文件: KIO.cs 项目: KDE/kimono
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Convenience method to find the pixmap for a URL.
 ///  Call this one when you don't know the mimetype.
 /// <param> name="_url" URL for the file.
 /// </param><param> name="_mode" the mode of the file. The mode may modify the icon
 ///               with overlays that show special properties of the
 ///               icon. Use 0 for default
 /// </param><param> name="_group" The icon group where the icon is going to be used.
 /// </param><param> name="_force_size" Override globally configured icon size.
 ///         Use 0 for the default size
 /// </param><param> name="_state" The icon state, one of: KIconLoader.DefaultState,
 ///  KIconLoader.ActiveState or KIconLoader.DisabledState.
 /// </param><param> name="_path" Output parameter to get the full path. Seldom needed.
 ///               Ignored if 0
 /// </param></remarks>        <return> the pixmap of the URL, can be a default icon if not found
 ///    </return>
 ///         <short>    Convenience method to find the pixmap for a URL.</short>
 public static QPixmap PixmapForUrl(KUrl _url, long _mode, KIconLoader.Group _group, int _force_size, int _state, StringBuilder _path)
     return (QPixmap) staticInterceptor.Invoke("pixmapForUrl#$$$$$", "pixmapForUrl(const KUrl&, mode_t, KIconLoader::Group, int, int, QString*)", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(KUrl), _url, typeof(long), _mode, typeof(KIconLoader.Group), _group, typeof(int), _force_size, typeof(int), _state, typeof(StringBuilder), _path);