public NewLoanToKeyWindow(KeyRegister keyRegister, int keyDbId) : base(keyRegister, "Add new loan for " + keyRegister.getKeyById(keyDbId).Identifier) { keyIdEntry.Text = keyRegister.getKeyById(keyDbId).Identifier; keyIdEntry.Sensitive = false; keyIdLabel.Text = "Key identifier (locked)"; somethingChanged = false; }
/// <summary> /// Opening edit key window. /// </summary> protected void editKeyClicked(object o, EventArgs e) { Key key; // If getKeyById throws KeyIdNotFoundException nothing is selected. try { key = keyRegister.getKeyById(keyView.SelectedDbId); } catch (KeyRegister.KeyIdNotFoundException) { return; } Window editKeyWindow = new EditKeyWindow(keyRegister, "Edit key", key); editKeyWindow.Destroyed += editKeyWindowDestroyed; }
/// <summary> /// Gets information about key with specified dbId. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbId">DbId of the key to get.</param> private void getKeyDetails(int dbId) { try { Key key = keyRegister.getKeyById(dbId); Console.Write(key.ToString()); } catch (KeyRegister.KeyIdNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public EditLoanWindow(KeyRegister keyRegister, int loanDbId) : base(keyRegister, "Edit loan " + loanDbId) { Loan loan = keyRegister.getLoanById(loanDbId); this.loanDbId = loanDbId; string keyIdentifier = keyRegister.getKeyById(loan.KeyId).Identifier; keyIdEntry.Text = keyIdentifier; this.Title = "Edit loan for key " + keyIdentifier; keyIdEntry.Sensitive = false; keyIdEntry.TooltipText = "Key identifier cannot be changed. " + "Issue new loan for new key if you want to transfer loan"; keyIdLabel.Text = "Key identifier (locked)"; // Setting calendars. dateStartCal.Year = loan.parseStartDate() [0]; dateStartCal.Month = loan.parseStartDate() [1] - 1; dateStartCal.Day = loan.parseStartDate() [2]; if (loan.DateEnd != null) { noDueDate.Active = false; dateDueCal.Year = loan.parseDueDate() [0]; dateDueCal.Month = loan.parseDueDate() [1] - 1; dateDueCal.Day = loan.parseDueDate() [2]; } else { dateDueCal.Date = dateStartCal.Date; noDueDate.Active = true; } // Setting button text. actionButton.Label = "Edit loan"; // Setting loaner loanerEntry.Text = loan.LoanedTo; // Setting addInfo additionalEntry.Text = loan.AdditionalInformation; somethingChanged = false; }
public KeyDetailsWindow(KeyRegister keyRegister, int keyDbId) : base(keyRegister, "Details of key " + keyRegister.getKeyById(keyDbId).Identifier) { key = keyRegister.getKeyByIdentifier(keyRegister.getKeyById(keyDbId).Identifier); idEntry.Text = key.Identifier; idEntry.Sensitive = false; nameEntry.Text = key.Name; nameEntry.Sensitive = false; descriptionEntry.Text = key.Description; descriptionEntry.Sensitive = false; idLabel.Text = "Identifier:"; nameLabel.Text = "Name:"; // Destroying button and its label becouse they are not needed here. actionButton.Destroy(); buttonInstructionLabel.Destroy(); // Displaying missing information. Label missingInfoLabel = new Label(null); if (key.IsMissing) { missingInfoLabel.Markup = "Key is marked as missing. It cannot be loaned."; } else { missingInfoLabel.Markup = "Key is not marked as missing."; } container.Put(missingInfoLabel, 10, 10 + groupSpacing * 3); // Displaying loan information. Label loanInfoLabel = new Label(null); loanInfoLabel.Markup = "<b>Loan information:</b>"; container.Put(loanInfoLabel, 10, 10 + groupSpacing * 4 - 40); Label loanInfoDescLabel = new Label(); Loan loan = keyRegister.getActiveLoanByKeyId(key.DbId); // If loan object references to null, there is no loan for this key. if (loan != null) { if (loan.LoanedTo.Length > 0) { loanInfoDescLabel.Text = "Currently loaned to '" + loan.LoanedTo + "'."; } else { loanInfoDescLabel.Text = "Key is currently loaned. No loaner specified."; } loanInfoDescLabel.Text += "\n"; if (loan.DateEnd.Length > 0) { loanInfoDescLabel.Text += "Loan due at " + loan.DateEnd + "."; } else { loanInfoDescLabel.Text += "No due date specified."; } } else { loanInfoDescLabel.Text = "Key is not currently loaned."; } container.Put(loanInfoDescLabel, 10, 10 + groupSpacing * 4 - 20); somethingChanged = false; ShowAll(); }