public static void BindFormalTree(KObject formal, KObject vals, KEnvironment env, KObject ctxt = null) { if (ctxt == null) { ctxt = formal; } if (formal is KSymbol) { env.Bind(((KSymbol)formal).Value, vals); } else if (formal is KIgnore) { return; } else if (formal is KNil && vals is KNil) { return; } else if (formal is KPair && vals is KPair) { KPair f = formal as KPair; KPair v = vals as KPair; BindFormalTree(f.Car, v.Car, env, ctxt); BindFormalTree(f.Cdr, v.Cdr, env, ctxt); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't bind formal tree of " + ctxt.Write()); } }
public override string Print(bool quoteStrings) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("("); KPair cur = this; while (true) { sb.Append(cur.Car.Print(quoteStrings)); if (cur.Cdr is KNil) { sb.Append(")"); break; } else { if (cur.Cdr is KPair) { cur = (KPair)cur.Cdr; sb.Append(" "); } else { sb.Append(" . "); sb.Append(cur.Cdr.Print(quoteStrings)); sb.Append(")"); break; } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static int Length(KObject lst) { if (lst is KNil) { return(0); } int length = 0; if (lst is KPair) { KPair cur = lst as KPair; length++; while (true) { if (cur.Cdr is KNil) { return(length); } else if (cur.Cdr is KPair) { cur = cur.Cdr as KPair; length++; } else { return(-1); } } } else { return(-1); } }
public static void REPL() { init(); while (true) { Console.Write(">> "); KObject datum = readDatum(); if (datum == null) { continue; } if (datum is KPair) { KPair p = datum as KPair; if (p.Car is KSymbol && ((KSymbol)p.Car).Value.Equals("exit") && p.Cdr is KNil) { break; } } try { datum = Evaluator.Eval(datum, env); Console.WriteLine("\n" + datum.Write() + "\n"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Console.WriteLine("\nRuntimeException: " + e.Message); } /*catch (Exception e) * { * Console.WriteLine("Something went really wrong: " + e.Message); * }*/ } }
public static bool Numberp(KObject args, Func <KFraction, KFraction, bool> cmp) { int length = KPair.Length(args); if (length < 2) { throw new RuntimeException("at least two arguments"); } else { KFraction first = ToExact(Check((args as KPair).Car)); KObject head = (args as KPair).Cdr; while (head is KPair) { KFraction next = NumbersModule.ToExact(NumbersModule.Check((head as KPair).Car)); if (!cmp(first, next)) { return(false); } first = next; head = (head as KPair).Cdr; } return(true); } }
protected List <string> CheckFormalTree(KObject formaltree) { var lst = new List <string>(); if (formaltree is KNil || formaltree is KIgnore) { return(lst); } else if (formaltree is KSymbol) { lst.Add(((KSymbol)formaltree).Value); return(lst); } else if (formaltree is KPair) { KPair p = formaltree as KPair; lst.AddRange(CheckFormalTree(p.Car)); lst.AddRange(CheckFormalTree(p.Cdr)); return(lst); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid formal tree"); } }
private List <KGuard> assignGuards(KObject clauses) { List <KGuard> result = new List <KGuard>(); if (clauses is KPair) { KPair.Foreach(x => { int length = KPair.Length(x); if (length == 2) { KContinuation selector = First(x) as KContinuation; KApplicative interceptor = Second(x) as KApplicative; if (selector == null || interceptor == null) { throw new RuntimeException("guard-continuation: invalid clause, wrong types"); } result.Add(new KGuard { Selector = selector, Interceptor = interceptor }); } else { throw new RuntimeException("guard-continuation: invalid clause"); } }, clauses); } return(result); }
protected void CPara(KObject p, int len) { int actLen = KPair.Length(p); if (actLen != len) { throw new RuntimeException("mismatching number of ops, expected " + len + ", got " + actLen); } }
public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "copy-es-immutable"); if (res != null) { return(CPS.Error(res, cont)); } return(Return(KPair.CopyEs(First(args)), cont)); }
public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { CPara(args, 2); KPair p = args as KPair; Continuation <KObject> c = null; c = new Continuation <KObject>((x) => { return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval( new KPair(p.Car, new KPair(new KString(c.Context.ToString()), new KNil())), env, cont))); }, cont, "error-handler"); c.isHandler = true; return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval(Second(p), env, c))); }
public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { CPara(args, 0); = counter++; KApplicative e = new KApplicative(new PEncapE(id)); KApplicative p = new KApplicative(new PEncapP(id)); KApplicative d = new KApplicative(new PEncapD(id)); KPair p3 = new KPair(d, new KNil()); KPair p2 = new KPair(p, p3); KPair p1 = new KPair(e, p2); return(p1); }
public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { int length = KPair.Length(args); if (length == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("improper list"); } if (length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("at least one arg expected"); } else if (length == 1) { KObject a = NumbersModule.Check(First(args)); if (a is KFraction) { return(new KFraction((a as KFraction).Numerator * -1, (a as KFraction).Denominator)); } else { return(new KDouble((a as KDouble).Value * -1)); } } else { KObject dif = NumbersModule.Check(First(args)); KObject head = (args as KPair).Cdr; while (head is KPair) { KObject nextNumber = NumbersModule.Check(First(head)); if (dif is KFraction && nextNumber is KFraction) { dif = (dif as KFraction).Subtract(nextNumber as KFraction); } else { KDouble a = NumbersModule.ToInexact(dif); KDouble b = NumbersModule.ToInexact(nextNumber); dif = new KDouble(a.Value - b.Value); } head = (head as KPair).Cdr; } return(dif); } }
public static void Foreach(Action <KObject> f, KObject lst) { while (!(lst is KNil)) { if (lst is KPair) { KPair cur = lst as KPair; f(cur.Car); lst = cur.Cdr; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Improper list passed to foreach"); } } return; }
public static bool CompareEqual(KObject a, KObject b) { if (a.CompareTo(b)) { return(true); } else { if (a is KPair && b is KPair) { KPair ap = a as KPair; KPair bp = b as KPair; return(CompareEqual(ap.Car, bp.Car) && CompareEqual(ap.Cdr, bp.Cdr)); } } return(false); }
public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { var res = CheckParameter(args, 0, "make-encapsulation-type"); if (res != null) { return(CPS.Error(res, cont)); } = counter++; KApplicative e = new KApplicative(new PEncapE(id)); KApplicative p = new KApplicative(new PEncapP(id)); KApplicative d = new KApplicative(new PEncapD(id)); KPair p3 = new KPair(d, new KNil(), true); KPair p2 = new KPair(p, p3, true); KPair p1 = new KPair(e, p2, true); return(Return(p1, cont)); }
public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { KEnvironment envir = new KEnvironment(); try { KPair.Foreach(x => { if (!(x is KEnvironment)) { throw new RuntimeException("make-environment: not an environment"); } envir.AddParent((KEnvironment)x); }, args); } catch (Exception e) { return(CPS.Error(e.Message, cont)); } return(Return(envir, cont)); }
public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { int len = KPair.Length(args); if (len == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("parameter is not a list"); } else { bool result = true; KPair.Foreach(x => { if (!(x is KEncapsulation) || (x as KEncapsulation).Id != id) { result = false; } }, args); return(result); } }
public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { var res = CheckParameter(args, 2, "set-car!"); if (res != null) { return(CPS.Error(res, cont)); } KObject p = First(args), v = Second(args); if (p is KPair) { KPair pair = p as KPair; if (pair.Mutable) { pair.SetCar(v); return(Return(new KInert(), cont)); } } return(CPS.Error("set-car: pair not mutable", cont)); }
public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { int len = KPair.Length(args); if (len == -1) { return(CPS.Error("encapsulation?: parameter is not a list", cont)); } else { bool result = true; KPair.Foreach(x => { if (!(x is KEncapsulation) || (x as KEncapsulation).Id != id) { result = false; } }, args); return(ReturnBool(result, cont)); } }
public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { int length = KPair.Length(args); if (length == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("improper list"); } if (length == 0) { return(new KFraction(BigInteger.One, BigInteger.One)); } else { // we have a list of at least one elements // we must fold it to something useful KObject product = NumbersModule.Check(First(args)); KObject head = (args as KPair).Cdr; while (head is KPair) { KObject nextNumber = NumbersModule.Check(First(head)); if (product is KFraction && nextNumber is KFraction) { product = (product as KFraction).Multiply(nextNumber as KFraction); } else { KDouble a = NumbersModule.ToInexact(product); KDouble b = NumbersModule.ToInexact(nextNumber); product = new KDouble(a.Value * b.Value); } head = (head as KPair).Cdr; } return(product); } }
public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { int len = KPair.Length(args); if (len < 2 || len > 3) { return(CPS.Error("extend-continuation: argument mismatch", cont)); } KContinuation argC = First(args) as KContinuation; KApplicative argA = Second(args) as KApplicative; KEnvironment argE = len == 3 ? Third(args) as KEnvironment : new KEnvironment(); if (argC == null || argA == null || argE == null) { return(CPS.Error("extend-continuation: mismatching arguments", cont)); } var nc = new Continuation <KObject>((val, ctxt) => { return(CPS.Next(() => Evaluator.rceval(new KPair(argA.Combiner, val, true), argE, argC.Value), argC.Value)); }, argC.Value, argA); return(Return(new KContinuation(nc), cont)); }
public static RecursionResult <KObject> rceval(KObject datum, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont) { // useful for debugging //Console.WriteLine(datum.Display()); if (datum is KPair) { KPair p = datum as KPair; // this function get called when the operator is evaluated to f var childCont = new Continuation <KObject>((f) => { if (f is KOperative) { return(combineOp(f as KOperative, p.Cdr, env, cont)); } else if (f is KApplicative && (p.Cdr is KPair || p.Cdr is KNil)) { if (p.Cdr is KNil) { return(combineApp(f as KApplicative, p.Cdr, env, cont)); } KPair ops = p.Cdr as KPair; LinkedList <KObject> input = new LinkedList <KObject>(); KPair.Foreach(x => { input.AddLast(x); }, ops); LinkedList <KObject> pairs = new LinkedList <KObject>(); Func <KObject, RecursionResult <KObject> > recursion = null; bool firstRun = true; // this continuation is called with the next argument evaled to x. Place next value recursion = (x) => { if (CPS.getContext() is int && !firstRun) { // restore elements when reentering continuation int oldInputCount = (int)CPS.getContext() + 1; input = new LinkedList <KObject>(); KPair.Foreach(e => { input.AddLast(e); }, ops); int leaveOutputs = input.Count - oldInputCount; while (input.Count > oldInputCount) { input.RemoveFirst(); } while (pairs.Count >= leaveOutputs) { pairs.RemoveFirst(); } firstRun = true; } pairs.AddFirst(x); if (input.Count == 0) { // we are finished KObject output = new KNil(); foreach (var el in pairs) { output = new KPair(el, output); } firstRun = false; return(combineApp(f as KApplicative, output, env, cont)); } else { // do something with the next Head argument KObject next = input.First.Value; input.RemoveFirst(); var cc2 = new Continuation <KObject>(recursion, cont, input.Count); return(CPS.PassTo(() => rceval(next, env, cc2))); } }; KObject next2 = input.First.Value; input.RemoveFirst(); var cc = new Continuation <KObject>(recursion, cont, input.Count); return(CPS.PassTo(() => rceval(next2, env, cc))); } return(CPS.Error <KObject>("Unsuitable operation of " + f.Write(), cont)); }, cont, "eval op/app"); return(CPS.PassTo(() => rceval(p.Car, env, childCont))); } else if (datum is KSymbol) { KObject val = env.Lookup(((KSymbol)datum).Value); if (null == val) { return(CPS.Error <KObject>("Unbound variable " + ((KSymbol)datum).Value, cont)); } return(CPS.Return(val, cont)); } else { return(CPS.Return(datum, cont)); } }
private static object read(TokenStream s) { Token cur = s.Next(); if (null == cur) { return(null); } if ("clospa" == cur.Label) { return(')'); } if ("dot" == cur.Label) { return('.'); } if ("openpa" != cur.Label) { if (handlers.ContainsKey(cur.Label)) { return(handlers[cur.Label](cur)); } else if ("text" == cur.Label) { foreach (TextHandler f in textHandlers) { object ret = f.Handler(cur); if (ret as KObject != null) { return(ret); } } throw new ParseException("unhandled text"); } else { throw new ParseException("unknown token"); } } else { // list stuff List <object> content = new List <object>(); object v = read(s); bool dotted = false; while (true) { if ((v is char) && ((char)v) == '.') { v = read(s); if (((char)read(s)) != ')') { throw new ParseException("Illegal use of dot"); } if (v is KObject) { content.Add(v); } else { throw new ParseException("Illegal use of dot"); } dotted = true; break; } else if ((v is char) && ((char)v) == ')') { break; } else if (v is KObject) { content.Add(v); v = read(s); } else { throw new ParseException("Parse error"); } } int index = content.Count - 1; KPair tail; if (dotted) { tail = new KPair(content[index - 1] as KObject, content[index] as KObject); index -= 2; } else { tail = new KPair(content[index--] as KObject, new KNil()); } for (int i = index; i >= 0; i--) { tail = new KPair(content[i] as KObject, tail); } return(tail); } }