public bool Validate(out string errorMsg) { AirlaunchTechLevel lvl = AirlaunchTechLevel.GetCurrentLevel(); if (lvl == null) { errorMsg = "No valid airlaunch configuration found"; return(false); } double minKscDist = 0; if (KscAzimuth >= 360 || KscAzimuth < 0) { errorMsg = "Invalid KSC azimuth"; return(false); } if (LaunchAzimuth >= 360 || LaunchAzimuth < 0) { errorMsg = "Invalid KSC azimuth"; return(false); } if (Altitude > lvl.MaxAltitude || Altitude < lvl.MinAltitude) { errorMsg = $"Altitude needs to be between {lvl.MinAltitude} and {lvl.MaxAltitude} m"; return(false); } if (Velocity > lvl.MaxVelocity || Velocity < lvl.MinVelocity) { errorMsg = $"Velocity needs to be between {lvl.MinVelocity} and {lvl.MaxVelocity} m/s"; return(false); } if (KscDistance > lvl.MaxKscDistance || KscDistance < minKscDist) { errorMsg = $"Distance from Space Center needs to be between {minKscDist / 1000:0.#} and {lvl.MaxKscDistance / 1000:0.#} km"; return(false); } errorMsg = null; return(true); }
public bool Validate(out string errorMsg) { AirlaunchTechLevel lvl = Utilities.IsSimulationActive ? AirlaunchTechLevel.GetHighestLevelIncludingUnderResearch() : AirlaunchTechLevel.GetCurrentLevel(); if (lvl == null) { errorMsg = "No valid airlaunch configuration found"; return(false); } double minKscDist = 0; if (KscAzimuth >= 360 || KscAzimuth < 0) { errorMsg = "Invalid KSC azimuth"; } else if (LaunchAzimuth >= 360 || LaunchAzimuth < 0) { errorMsg = "Invalid Launch azimuth"; } else if (Altitude > lvl.MaxAltitude || Altitude < lvl.MinAltitude) { errorMsg = $"Altitude needs to be between {lvl.MinAltitude} and {lvl.MaxAltitude} m"; } else if (Velocity > lvl.MaxVelocity || Velocity < lvl.MinVelocity) { errorMsg = $"Velocity needs to be between {lvl.MinVelocity} and {lvl.MaxVelocity} m/s"; } else if (KscDistance > lvl.MaxKscDistance || KscDistance < minKscDist) { errorMsg = $"Distance from Space Center needs to be between {minKscDist / 1000:0.#} and {lvl.MaxKscDistance / 1000:0.#} km"; } else { errorMsg = null; } return(errorMsg == null); }
public static void DrawAirlaunchWindow(int windowID) { if (_airlaunchParams == null) { _airlaunchParams = new AirlaunchParams(); var lvl = AirlaunchTechLevel.GetCurrentLevel(); if (lvl != null) { _sKscDistance = (lvl.MaxKscDistance / 1000).ToString(); _sAltitude = lvl.MaxAltitude.ToString(); _sVelocity = lvl.MaxVelocity.ToString(); } } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Distance from Space Center: ", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); _sKscDistance = GUILayout.TextField(_sKscDistance, GUILayout.MaxWidth(70f)); GUILayout.Label("km", GUILayout.Width(25f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Azimuth from Space Center: ", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); _sKscAzimuth = GUILayout.TextField(_sKscAzimuth, GUILayout.MaxWidth(70f)); GUILayout.Label("°", GUILayout.Width(25f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Launch azimuth: ", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); _sAzimuth = GUILayout.TextField(_sAzimuth, GUILayout.MaxWidth(70f)); GUILayout.Label("°", GUILayout.Width(25f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Altitude from SL: ", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); _sAltitude = GUILayout.TextField(_sAltitude, GUILayout.MaxWidth(70f)); GUILayout.Label("m", GUILayout.Width(25f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Velocity: ", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); _sVelocity = GUILayout.TextField(_sVelocity, GUILayout.MaxWidth(70f)); GUILayout.Label("m/s", GUILayout.Width(25f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (_errorMsg != null) { if (_orangeText == null) { _orangeText = new GUIStyle(; _orangeText.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.Orange; } GUILayout.Label(_errorMsg, _orangeText); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Launch")) { HandleLaunch(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { _centralWindowPosition.width = 150; _centralWindowPosition.x = (Screen.width - 150) / 2; GUIStates.ShowAirlaunch = false; GUIStates.ShowBuildList = true; _errorMsg = null; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && !Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) { GUI.DragWindow(); } ClampWindow(ref _airlaunchWindowPosition, strict: true); }